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Everything posted by Axius

  1. I still have some left pm me if you like
  2. Vo.緋絽 (hiro) (ex-Visage → gossip → 7Addict → ヴァリル (varyl)) Not to be confusted with -ゴシップ-gossip the most recent band just coming out of activities. The older band is this one under the same name but different band http://visualkei.wikia.com/wiki/Gossip More info is here
  3. Finally this is great news. Something about this bands style interests me then some of the other people who have done it in the past.
  4. Axius

    Hmm interesting line up just curious on the music because they have mostly the same members from black swan besides two. Based off the video it doesn't look like its gonna be all dark and horror like but at the same time its half and half. I guess its the video throwing me off.
  5. Axius

    I honestly believe these guys have songs in there discography that have the potential to be anime openings. Either way its sad to see these guys leave now. I hope they come back sometime which they might but i thought they would just go on haitus or something but disband >.<
  6. Axius

    Currently i cant decide maybe someone can help me do that with the 200 games list i got. So far: Overwatch AC Oddessy Lord of the rings: Shadow of war
  7. He sounds a little like Izumi (歪美) (Ex SchwarzKain)
  8. Axius

    Lol idk i could never get into these guys ill try it again maybe
  9. Oh? really? they sound similar i didnt know i was going based off the post
  10. Axius

    The unconsciousness of becoming consciousness or Unconscious of being conscious. Thats all i got
  11. Axius

    Well this is a problem >.< This band is amazing as hell and i cant see anyone ever leaving and this band will never be the same without the original line up to be honest. I agree that this situation is stupid you found a label only to have money not be distributed evenly. Then again maybe more time is spent on lower management the upper who knows at this point maybe hiro has something to do with it but eventually they will find out if lawyers are involved. I never understood how there only one band on there label which is themselves. Sounds really weird I dont know many bands that do this in the scene so yea idk. The point people need to have control dang it. If daichi and cazqui leaves in general the band is done. The only member i can see replacing one of the guitarist would be seiya ex deviloof and even then its hard to replace. Hopefully things work out.
  12. Im surprised no one mentioned he mentioned his improvement on his vocals. Batsu game as so bad >.< This is more like it
  13. Axius

    Going back to there roots a bit
  14. Axius

    Man it sucks what a sad story and to be honest they should have just switch record labels it would have sucked but hell maybe it could have been avoided but who knows the fact is they are most likely coming back hopefully play the same songs. Purple stone can brave through it i know it isnt dead becuase they will be able to continue making more music.
  15. Axius

    WHERE the fk was this band>>?????
  16. Axius

    That makes sense posion sounds like it can be a hard song to scream in general
  17. Axius

    Die/May has been through a lot of weired style changes they really need to scrap this band and start over the sample doesnt does that bad its just i get annoyes at the double voices. His screams are on point when they arent mixed with weird voice changers and sht.
  18. Axius

    Not exactly but close. Just hopefully he evolves to that stage maybe who knows.
  19. Axius

    His screams are pretty nice just the pv sucks and the look is cheap but hopefully in the future it will be something better.
  20. Axius

    Danm thats unfortunate i honestly believe this band was pretty good tbh
  21. Axius

    My ears are ringing ow >.<
  22. Lol i cant wait to see what these guys com up with next. There recent album was AMAZING.
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