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Posts posted by ShTon

  1. 7 hours ago, ArtFart said:

    I was playing the first Princess Maker today and was shooting to get the very best ending! Her intelligence was at like almost 400, her ellegance was nearing 600, her spirit was 200, her reputation was almost 500, and her morale was almost 800. But you know what happened? On like the last year... the game crashes and I didn't save.


    That sucks. I'd be really angry if that happened to me.

  2. 13 hours ago, ArtFart said:

    Whenever I play Princess Maker 2, I always try to get the worst possible endings... like prostitute....except she dies before the end of the game......


    Those ungrateful children. You try to raise them and then they die. : |

    Sometimes I try to get best endings, but I end up with painter or fortuneteller. Bad ones are more fun. xD

  3. +1 for Keiya.

    I voted for Kazuki, because I like him most from this pool and his voice really is emotional, but I also want to mention Chisa here. You look at him for the first time and expect to hear typical for vkei nasal vocals, but you hear something WAY different. xD


    Also Yoshiatsu. His voice was just made for DADAROMA's ballads.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    if he IS innocent, too bad for him.

    if he KNEW the girl's real age... then start thinking with your other head please.


    That's what I think about this situation. He might be a creepy pervert or that girl lied to him intentionally.


    Londboy sure has some pretty bad luck recently. Hope they can somehow work things out. >_>

  5. On 3.04.2017 at 1:33 PM, Willen said:

    BORN – オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ (2015)




    This is a nightmare fuel.


    As much as I think DIV CD covers were usually cool, CD cover for limited version of "Secret" is a mess. Too much stuff going on here and I don't know if this was supposed to be like that or designer got too carried away.





    But my biggest nightmare is that purple Jackman CD cover mentioned few posts earlier. It's so bad I don't even want to quote it so I don't have to look at it more than I should. xD This is some beginner level Photoshop skills and colors are just painfull.


    Also not a big fan of those covers with only a band/vocalist picture on them with no other efects. Too lazy.


  6. 23 minutes ago, seurong said:

    never listened to the chainsmokers but i thought for a loooong time they were an indie band until i actually went on their wiki page one day 


    All I've heard about them is how they blocked a fan on Twitter, for saying they only make music, so they can get to meet models.


    29 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    From what I've heard from others, all I've heard is worship, and it's on every station so every shop I go into, it's blaring in all of our ears. 

    I know it sounds selfish to complain about it, but goddamn is it everywhere, and I have to let out my distaste for it somewhere xD


    Some people worship really boring  music these days. xD

  7. To be honest, I had to check out what song is that. I mean, I probably heard it, but I instantly forgot it. Maybe it's the same for other people and that's how they can listen to it? Or maybe they are writing somewhere about their hate for that song just like you? xD


    I'm not a big fan of pop music in general. Sometimes there is a song I like but that's all.


    But repeating one line in a song so many times it breaks the math  really is irritating. ._.

  8. Yeah, just because stuff like that is used just as a shock value, this doesn't justify it for me. People just have to admit their faves did something wrong instead of protecting them, because they're just making fools out of themselves.


    On the other hand, there's also lot of people going "OMG NAZIS!!!" because of manji. Just educate yourselves before you attack/defend someone because of that. ._.

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