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  1. Like
    platy got a reaction from itsukoii in Piercings   
    I've had mine for 6 years and no teeth damage. Although wearing a normal labret can make my teeth sensitive so I always take it off to sleep,  but a ring doesn't.
    Although it's worth mentioning that a longer labret has the risk of you biting on it accidentaly and that can break your teeth (and it hurts biting on it), so I tend to wear a shorter one.
  2. Like
    platy reacted to suji in レア(Rare) new project "rem†non†rem" has formed   
    rem † non † rem will commence activities in October 2017.
    Vo&Gt.レア (rare) (SCISSORS, Mercuro, 地獄絵 (jigokue))
    Gt.&Vo.ハルヒ (haruhi) (ex-流美那寿 → しづむ → MOTHER EARTH → Ove → カルアロゼット (karua rosette) → ドレミ團 (doremidan) → dilettante lamp → haruhi unplugged solo → Escalera)
    Gt.オリ(ori) (カストリ(kastori), romelya, ex-FerrisWheel)
    Ba.ロイド (roid) (地獄絵 (jigokue))
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I started playing Danganronpa 2. I spent about 4 hours on the first trial... Either I'm slower and dumber than I thought, but I don't remember the trials being this long in the first game. Either way, it was challenging and I look forward to the rest of the game. This tropical island setting is awesome.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to efuru in Platy's Stuff   
    These are really good! The characters are really cute and I love the underwater references. The house is SO COOL. 
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from tetrahelixthrone in Hey Everyone!   
    Your list of favorite bands is pretty cool and then there's Lil Wayne just thrown in there haha. It's good  to have a broad taste
    Hope to see you around the forum.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to tetrahelixthrone in Hey Everyone!   
    My name is Mishya, and I'm new to this forum and VKei. I listened to a tiny bit in High School, but my boyfriend recently got me back into it. 
    About me: I am 20 years old, Male, University student. My major is Secondary English Education with a minor in Japanese and TESL. I am Aquarius dominant, INTJ, blood type A+. I grew up in Hawaii. I have a two cats I love a lot. I do a lot of art and poetry in my free time, and love to cook. 
    Bands/Artists I Like:
    - The GazettE (All time favorite, and currently my favorite band. I thought Dogma was a brilliant album)
    - Dir En Grey
    - Sukekiyo
    - VAMPS
    - L'arc~en~ciel
    - LUNA SEA
    - X Japan
    - SUG
    - Daoko
    - Miyavi
    - Gackt
    - In This Moment 
    - Bjork
    - Constanza Francavilla
    - Brooke Candy
    - Die Antwoord (specifically Yolandi)
    - The Smiths/Morrisey 
    - Depeche Mode
    - Purity Ring
    - Father John Misty
    - Four Tet
    - Florence + the Machine
    - Death Cab For Cutie
    - The Postal Service
    - The Cure
    - Bring Me The Horizon
    - Lil Wayne
    - Shakira
    - La Dispute
    I listen to many more bands, but these are the ones I've been listening to for the last year or so. It's nice to meet you all, and I hope we can be friends!
    Thank you for reading this!
  7. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in random thoughts thread   
    You seriously had the fucking audacity to come to me, the morning of our fiscal year end, and scold me because the entire week of work I just fucking lost sleep over, needs to be deleted and redone by the day after because "Open quotes, accounts, and shipments will not be carried over to the new year"?
    If I could punch you in the fucking face as hard as I wanted to right now, I would, you son of a bitch.
    You're lucky as fuck I didn't yell at you any fucking harder than I did.
    I hope you're as fucking good at coordinating shipment schedules as I am, you motherfuck, because I'm making sure you take the fall for this.
  8. Like
    platy reacted to suji in Bands and/or singers you love the look of but can't get into their music and vice versa   
    The Gallo. They look cool and Jojo is a blatant Gara stan, but his voice is just too much and drives me nuts,  but more like head-banging-against-the-wall nuts.
    Mejibray definitely stands out from everyone else, looks like a gang you could find at a Hot Topic or smth. But their music, specifically Tsuzuku's voice, is just whiny and bad. Tsuzuku sounds like his balls are being impaled by those huge piercings  he supposedly has on his dick (the pic on tanuki is fucking grotesque)
    Most screamo kei bands. I want to like them cuz they look so cool, but their music is so generic that I can't get into it.
    Versailles/Jupiter. Versailles was one of the first vk bands I ever got into. They definitely look gorgeous, and I specifically love Hizaki, but their concept is so cheesy and boring to me, that I stopped listening to their discography after Jubilee. When Jupiter formed, I was also quite hyped up about them - their first look was especially gorgeous. However, besides giving me an 80s glam metal vibe, I could never get into them either. 
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in MEJIBRAY   
    i miss them already.
    started fucking wit nanaki. it feels very bittersweet now especially wif the news and all 
  10. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    I know I JUST posted in here, but I REAAAALLY like how my artist friend's birthday drawing came out.....
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from returnal in BABOO   
    Still in dire need for their first album so I can decide for once and all if I hate this band a lot or just a little. 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to Jigsaw9 in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
  13. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in Show Yourself (again)   
    I know I post in this thread an annoying amount, but I wanted to show off my new hair.... and slippers.....

    Gotta fix me hat and suspenders.

  14. Like
    platy reacted to Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
  15. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    I got in a REALLY big drawing kick tonight. I actually completely lost track of time lol one minute the clock says 11 pm and then I glance away from the clock for a minute to draw some more... and the clock says 1 am!
    I did some stuff in the usual cutsey weird style.

    I also did a style I have not done in a bit.

    And then, I decided to give drawing without using any lines really a try again! I want to practice this a bit more tomorrow, because it's already 2 am my time lol

    Thank you!
  16. Like
    platy reacted to tetsu_sama69 in random thoughts thread   
    Despite the way I am and the things I do, I'm always really alone. 
    I don't have any friends who are into anything I really am besides video games outside of the internet.
    I don't know if that makes me really unique or just a massive bag of shit because honestly there's a lot of mistakes I've made and people I've intentionally or unintentionally hurt. 
    But really when it comes down to it, I just hope those people who used be "friends" are okay. 
    I've changed and grown so much in the past 5 years it's hard to say if I am even the same person.
    We all grow over time, that's life and all. 
    At the same time I'm content with where I am now. I just wish I hadn't done what I did to those people and maybe one day we'll at least get to say hello again but I doubt it.
    We've all climbed different mountains to get where we are now and it would be great to see some of those people from a while back at the top again but life is what it is.
    Maybe that's why I just ended up clinging so tightly to video games and music because it was the only constant thing keeping me going through all this shit to where I am now. Stable. Not being defeated by anxiety anymore. Having a good job. A home that's not going anywhere any time soon. 
    I just wish I had the close friends I used to. I would love to see if they are happy.
    Do they like the same things anymore?  Could we ever get along again?
    I don't know. I'd like to try to reach out I'm just unsure how.
  17. Like
    platy reacted to fitear1590 in random thoughts thread   
    Does anyone else share my irrational hatred of Boomerang selfies?

    I don't know why, but the looping back and forth just makes any face exponentially more annoying, lol
  18. Like
    platy reacted to suji in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    ikr, there was NO damn reason to put Shea in the bottom, other than some mishaps on the runway. Alexis' runway was basic af, and her girl looked HIDEOUS. Wtf is that old dusty bitch Michelle even talking about??? There's been way too many galactic looks and she says that's fashion, and Shea's isn't??? Get the fuck outta here.
  19. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from spockitty in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new single "マドモアゼル (Mademoiselle)" release   
    those instagram lips tho.
  20. Like
    platy reacted to suji in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
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    platy reacted to chris in MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus   
    i've been kind of avoiding reading too much of people speculating (only skimmed over the 6 pages here really).
    people online seem to be in one of two groups and it's just ugh stop.
    (those groups:
    - "hope they don't come back they've been shit since (insert year)"/"hope they come back with better songs because everything new is shit"
    i went to some recent lives and the niigata live was definitely depressing with all the people crying (although dropping to your knees and screaming and refusing to move is a bit fucking ridiculous, some people) but understandable since it was the first one with no encore and everyone was kind of shocked. the band definitely didn't seem happy there. fukuoka live after 5 days rest since sendai they looked in better spirits for sure.
    i think they'll keep up the no encore until the tour final but maybe for the final play an encore.
    hoping/expecting some big announcement at the tour final or at least at the fc tour final in july. until then i'm avoiding speculating too much on what i think they're doing.
  23. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in sukekiyo new music and video collection『ADORATIO』 scheduled for June 2017   
    1 s a d s e x u a l
    2 S A D S E X U A L
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in Platy's Stuff   
    One of my resolutions this year was to start posting my work online and I thought I'd start in MH since I feel more comfortable here, also I haven't drawn for fun in a long time so I hope that I will start drawing more if I force myself to post it somewhere...
    I'm almost done with my degree in 3D Games Art so I'll be posting some of my work for that here, since I don't have time to draw much else. It takes up most of my life so I can't wait to be done with it. 
    Disclaimers: I still suck at digital painting. I still suck at 3D modelling. But I'd love to get any kind of feedback on the stuff I post here!
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Petty hatred towards bands.   
    Don't get me started, I will rant about that idiot for days and this isn't the thread. 
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