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Everything posted by platy

  1. I agree, at first I was disappointed with how light their sound is but with time I have come to love it, especially after the album. Still, I keep wondering what zombie would sound like as a heavy band.
  2. Maybe this is their debut and a release will come once they complete their tour?
  3. platy

    This is the first time I've seen their name in like, 5 years or so. Good for them
  4. They look fucking amazing as an edgy dark visual kei band! Would anyone be able to report what the difference is between zombie and their alter ego in terms of music?
  5. platy

    I'm a huge fan of SuG pretty much since their debut. 'Virgin' is okay, and at first I hated SHUDDUP but now I'm in love with it. I really wish I could go to their budokan live, I'm proud of them for having come so far. Please write a live report for those of us who can't be there :'C I used to be a huge LM.C fan but in the past years I haven't been interested on their releases. I think Monroe walk put me off them. But I should probably try their new stuff anyway. Also, Welcome~
  6. that was emotional As far as idols go, it's alright. I totally support their concept.
  7. I love Yuki's voice, but I forgot to tick his name in the poll... Kazuki got my vote anyway!
  8. platy

    Oh yeah, add that to shit vk noobs always say 'western music is so shit compared to jmusic. The voice, the language, the instruments, it's just all way better ' or some variation
  9. platy

    I love juliadoll. Surprised someone mentioned them ~
  10. platy

    LOL Who the fuck said that?
  11. platy

    Their first two singles are weak Imo but everything after gets progressively better to the point where I don't skip any tracks in 'Frabjous Nacht'. Their visual concept on the other hand, is solid from the start and I love the attention to detail in regards to their background story. I also can't wait till they release an album Favourite PV, probably Frabjous Nacht. I've been watching some videos of them being interviewed and they're all so awkward lol I didn't know rynk did the whole 'silent' type vk trope. It's new seeing a vocalist doing that. But yeah I can't pick a favourite member yet because they're all so awkward
  12. platy

    What is there to bark about at 6:30am? Stupid fkin dog.
  13. platy

    The reason I get along with guys more does come down to them being simpler. Also they seem to be more interested in making an effort, compared to women. Whenever I try to talk to a girl (even if it's a girl in my class and I'm trying to talk about our studies) they always look weirdly at me, or just don't seem interested. It's often awkward too. Plus, finding a girl that has the same interests and compatible personality to me has always been a struggle, whereas finding men I can get along with/have stuff in common is a lot easier. I've only found girls that I can get along with once I came to university and even so, they're my best friends now, so I'm happy with that.
  14. WOah I now  have a yellow name and title. What does this mean??

    What are my cool new powers?

    1. saishuu


      exactly none



  15. platy

    Do you put any sauce on your vegetables/ soba or just normal seasoning?
  16. platy

    when cleaning every single corner of your room, including taking everything out of place and putting it back is ten times more relaxing than my usual routine.
  17. platy

    Bad taste detected.
  18. platy

    I marathoned 'The Santa Clarita Diet' over the weekend. It's a dark comedy that loves clichés and absurdity. The two main characters have enough charisma between them that it kept me interested. But I think mainly the contrast between the perfect American family and the absolutely disgusting things that happen in every episode is what makes this stand out. There's a lot of gore and scenes where people are eaten, they don't cut anything away here. It's all shown and it's super disgusting. I'm still trying to get some stuff out of my mind. ugh. I'm not one for American series where we follow rich white families around but this one was somehow endearing(?) I dunno, I'm still processing it.
  19. platy

    I go by 'bisexual' although I'm attracted to anybody regardless of gender, specially people who can mess with notions of gender (androgynous people, etc.) Although I find it way easier to relate with men rather than women. I rarely get along with other girls for whatever reason and only have a couple of close girl friends. Even so that doesn't stop me being attracted to females and lately I've been leaning towards women more, if I'm single again I don't think I'll be in relationship with men for a while. (tried to go on that tinder app for queer women 'Her' to see if could try to make more female friends or whatever. Huge fail, didn't find many people who could keep a conversation in the first place let alone people who had anything in common with me.)
  20. platy

    Where's the love for Symmetra though. I'd be her everything and anything for the rest of my life given the chance
  21. platy

    this guy needs to be erased. worse still, people who believe need to be eradicated.
  22. platy

    I haven't watched this yet, but tatami galaxy came to mind when you said 'cosmic horror'. It isn't a horror series as far as I'm aware but it's complex and trippy and deals with themes your average series only look at superficially (when they do). It's visually stunning and has a cult following. Metropolis (2001) is a stunningly beautiful movie. Visually it reminds me of Astroboy and Cyborg 009. It's pretty fucking depressing and deal with themes of AI, the ecosystem, identity and all those lovely themes people loved exploring in the early 2000's that usually hinted at humans destroying themselves. Also check out colorful (2010) you might be interested.
  23. platy

    Most Queens this season have a rough edge to their style...it doesn't seem as polished as previous seasons BUT it's no big deal. My favorites are Shea Coulle and Nina Bo'Nina. They are BEAUTIFUL in and out of drag omfg Nina's looks are gonna kill me, I know it. Which remindes me I also love Sasha Velour. I just have a soft spot for artsy Queens and I'm hoping, please, that this season they will get a chance instead of being shunned for their weirdness. We already now who's gonna go soon (if you watched untucked) she's already feeling out of it after the first episode, honestly her look and personality make me recoil. (I forgot her name lmao but it's the one from Milwaake sorry I can't spell that :c) Who Ru brought back I have no idea, at first I thought cocoa montresse, now I'm thinking shangela. I can't recall people from last season but it's probably one of them. I think this season will be more interesting than last one, but I don't understand what Ru means no one is going home. Did he mean just for the first episode? Ps: thank you Netflix for having S9! Thank you for saving me from the ilegal path of crusty stream videos. Thank you.
  24. platy

    lmao I appreciate your efforts
  25. platy

    I'm hyped as fuck for Justice League. Eye candy everywhere, a bit of humor. So sick of super hero movies, avengers makes me sleep. But I'm counting the months for this. What gives?
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