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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Nossa, vai chegar lá no outono. Que inveja. Aproveite muito :') Eu vou pro Brasil no fim do mês. Alguém de Minas Gerais? Parece que só existe Paulista nesse mundo
  2. I am a little disappointed that a lot of the songs are their oshare stuff. SuG's heavier stuff is underrated.
  3. platy

    That sounds like an anime OP/ED from the 90s. Not the kind of thing I expected from Kamijo, but not bad.
  4. That medley is awesome, also I'll definitely be in tears by encore n.06. Wonder how much this will be...
  5. platy

    Actually a carbon copy of Tomo. BUT I wonder what they sound like
  6. platy

  7. platy

    I haven't listened to any of them. I saw the PV for whatever one of those came first and it put me off gazette for the full three albums until I heard that DOGMA was a thing, although I think I bought division at one point but it gathered dust until I gave it to a charity shop. The curse was passed on.
  8. platy

    A pigeon couple made a nest in my balcony so now we have a baby pigeon. - he's surprisingly quiet, I guess I was expecting a baby pigeon to be noisy as fuck like the baby seagulls around here. So thanks for that buddy, I appreciate it since you're right next to bedroom window. -He's 3-4 weeks old now and holy fuck, he's ugly. -I go from feeling sorry for him because his parents leave him alone most of the day, to feeling fucking repulsed when a parent comes down to feed him. Like, what the actual fuck. It's disgusting. Picture from a while ago. WHY DOES THIS BIRD HAVE A BADLY CUT BLONDE WIG FROM THE DOLLAR STORE Recent pic. Better but still ugly
  9. platy

    There's a limit, it gets better if you register but it's still not great. If you close the page, it'll restart so it's a pain the ass. My advice is wake up early as fuck and start the download then wait the necessary time until you can carry on again.
  10. platy

    I feel sorry for those hardcore fans here on MH.
  11. platy

    Welcome to MH! Most people here enjoy old school vk so you're not alone anymore, there are many topics to participate in discussion. I enjoy a couple of old school bands, but mostly I like bands from 2005+. Also it's awesome that you're into jfashion, I tried sweet lolita for a bit and messed around with jfashion before I decided that jeans and t-shirt are just too comfortable. I think ouji fashion is beautiful though, maybe one day you'll share an ootd on the 'show yourself' thread? If you need any help just contact one of the mods, they'll have a blue name like me. Hope to see you around~
  12. platy

    This band is amazing. They look so good in casual style... Please stay like this lol
  13. Welcome back! Hope to see you around the forum
  14. platy

    Yes and no. Mostly no. (but depends how you look at it and how successful you can make yourself)
  15. platy

    I never got into their music, but if they came to the UK I'd go just to support the scene. There's a few bands I never liked, but seeing them live changed my mind. So hopefully will be the same with morrigan if I can go.
  16. platy

    I liked the vocalist when he was in bagibogi (spelling?) but in this group he was very hit or miss. That cover they did of honnou was fucking good, if only they tried more stuff like that. I'm sure we'll still see the vocalist around in the scene, well I hope so, he's very entertaining.
  17. platy

    My views on Death Note (ctrl c +ctrl v'd) if you go into this movie without knowing the source material you will get a rushed experience, with bland characters, unclear motives, 80s ballads, badly played mind games and a really lame climax. It just feels very incomplete so I wouldn't recommend it. Fans of the source material will get an extremely shallow version of everything death note is. I won't blame it on the actors, but whoever thought bringing such a weak story devoid of any depth and development to the screens was a good idea. This would've worked better as a series and not a movie, perhaps then I would've given this a 7 if the characters were better presented and developed. But this is an insult to both fans and newcomers' intellects. Loopholes everywhere, forced romance...yikes. Not the worst thing I've seen, but it's definitely not fun to watch.
  18. I haven't listened to as much Plastic Tree as I'd like to, but my two favourite songs come from the same release ' Dona Dona'. ガガジ (Gagaji) The thing that always got to me with this song is the bass line. I also love how distant the vocals sound. It's like a feverish dream. 1999 - From the first second of this song I already get so much nostalgia. For some reason I really miss the early 2000's. Probably 'coz I was a kid at that time, but also because things seemed a lot simpler then. This song really gets to me in that regard, with that playful and naive guitar at the start and Ryuutaro's soft singing. Also in the lyrics I get a sense of confusion and maybe hopelessness that a lot of people felt at the turn of the century, with technology and science evolving rapidly and rumours of the end of world that was to come with the year 2000 floating around. (this isn't the best translation, but it will do ) Consent - First of all, I love the PV. I think it was the first time I had seen Plastic Tree in action. It gives me vibes from the 90's when music videos had really bad cgi. It's a really fun song and it makes me want to dance. Okay, I've decided I like Plastic Tree best when they have more of an electro sound. Planetarium - This song breaks my heart. It was one of the first songs that I came across from the band. I've only seen the live version from the link below and I come back to it every time because it's such a beautiful and perfect performance. I can't describe it, it just gives me goosebumps and a heavy heart.
  19. platy

    Welcome! Hope to see you around the forum. The scene may be smaller now but there's plenty to discuss.
  20. platy

    I wouldn't say it's mean, but just a fact. I've seen people say that they don't like japanese vk gigs because people act like it's a cult meeting , but I'd much rather that than having hundreds of cameras blocking my view and 7ft tall people jumping on my head and breaking the rules 'coz "they paid for it". Either way I hope GazettE will tour around more of Europe (not just France). Last time they came over was 2007 and I need to see them before they disband.
  21. platy

    Now that Mix will be gone soon, I guess I better give PLC a try! Their lives sound like a lot of fun too. I'll take the recommendations you already mentioned in the thread ~
  22. platy

    It definitely feels selfish. I thought it'd be easy for all of them, as musicians, to understand that some people just need more than one way to use their creative energy. Also seek and Aya have always had ties to PLC, way before MSI, so to ask them to give that up and become devoted to one band? There must be more to it that, of course, they won't reveal to the public. Maybe they were already feeling the pressure from something else, like Nika mentioning a retirement from music, which added up to the growing stress on the members. If both vocalists then start talking about leaving music, it's kind of impossible for MSI to carry on since that's their thing. If you find any more information (or rumours/gossip) I'd really appreciate if you could share since I don't know of anyone else within that fan circle.
  23. platy

    AGHHH That's two of my long time favorites in one week!!! I really liked what they were doing with Nika. In fact I'm very surprised MSI managed to even last a whole ten years. I feel super lucky I got to see them last year, it was one of my favourite lives I've been to. I thought I'd be able to see them at least once more but It seems like Miki wanted to quit after their discussion and that's what started the disbandment? If Miki had quit and they had to find someone else to sing alongside Nika, that would've been a very strange situation. I don't think they could find a replacement. It's a shame, but at least they had a long run. Thanks for the good times.
  24. Plastic tree has only just gone major?
  25. You're stuck in an Island with 


    Vocalist from GRIMOIRE 

    Vocalist from BABOO



    Who do you sacrifice to the island's gods first? 


    For some reason I find myself thinking about that scenario a lot lately. 

    1. platy


      FUCK that's who I missed!! 

      I meant to add the dude from yumeleep too. 

      I change my vote, I would tie him with Mashiro and throw both in the God Volcano. 

    2. Tokage


      there is no room for the baby man OR the yumesleep man in island world

    3. platy




      I'll probably be re-doing this poll again next month. 


      Disappointed at myself for forgetting the latest newcomer in the man-child VK scene. 

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