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Everything posted by platy

  1. Sure! if you can that would be great
  2. I would love if someone could translate this to English . Here's the kanji and the song. Thank you in advance. 遊びつかれた カナリアたち 静に眠る 繰り返される お話が 今 始まろうとしてる 風にたくした 命の音 聞こえてるかな? そらに笑えば はせるようで That's far away いつかの気まぐれな足跡が 僕らをいざなう さあ、いこう 運命の幕をあげる 奏でるファンシー 大きな木のパズル なぜか 今もまだ 見つからない最後のひとかけら うぶごえはラプンディ まだ知らない 世界中のえだ先で 僕らが見つけた 小さな色のない果実の味 奏でるファンシー 大きな木のパズル なぜか 今もまだ 見つからない最後のひとかけら 求めるアンサー作りかけのパズル まだ間に合うかな? 聞かせてマイトゥリー浮世の果てまでは あとどれくらいだろう? (Source)
  3. platy

  4. platy

    Best cheap-kei and culture-kei band.
  5. Add me on Animal Crossing Pocket Camp~


    1. plastic_rainbow


      adding you both! here's mine~
      7682 6529 905

    2. platy


      @plastic_rainbowyour decour is so nice! ~

    3. peffy


      i'm gonna add you guys. my name is peff, id 6679 4675 126

      I just started playing like 2 days ago..

    4. Show next comments  195 more
  6. Welcome to MH. I see you already found some other Canadian users If you have any trouble using the forum or any questions at all you can message one of the mods (blue color names). I hope to see you around. Btw we have a music trade off coming up very soon, it's a great way to find new bands and make friends so I hope you'll join ~
  7. platy

    @jiji94is Canadian. If I'm not mistaken that is...
  8. They should start a new health scheme for bandomen based on this PR move.
  9. platy

    I doubt mejibray are coming back from this hiatus. I get a strong vibe that some members are done with the project and to be honest, you can get the same feeling by listening to their discography and watching lives too. It would be cool if they went on to do their solo projects, especially MiA. He's the most likely to have an album with various epic collabs by the end of 2018 which comes with a pv of him playing the guitar on top of a tall building or something lol
  10. Keep the posts related to DEVIZE. If you miss a certain member go cry about it in the Toasted Waffles section.
  11. If you take the first letter of each word and put them together.
  12. Waiting for this "3rd killer" to blow me away with their music. Also dreading looking at the news one day and seeing a colourful kawaii Arlequin.
  13. That song was like eyedrops but for my ears.
  14. platy

    I'm in shock! lmao Welcome to MH @thegirlavoidingmariacross!
  15. It was a matter of time after he went missing. Wonder if they've located him??
  16. I don't think we have enough active members to reach 50 likes lol. Most people just lurk and download. From what I've observed from other topics, there's at most 30~ish users who actively participate in the community . Either way I vote yes
  17. platy

    I used to love these guys when they started, but they got too repetitive. Surprises me every time that they're still going because I only hear about them when they release a single. Are they still considered vk?
  18. platy

    I tried playing FFVII on my PSP and holy shit it's so ugly. I know the story is great, but it's hard to get over how badly it aged. I don't have a nostalgia boner for this game at all, but I know nostalgia fags have been begging and crying over a remake for more than a decade. Now that they're getting one I've already seen people writing huge threatening "letters" on Squeenix's social media, about how if they screw up this remake then "I'll personally set your building on fire." Final fantasy fans give me ulcers. I'm totally looking forward to it, I don't care if it's episodic or not. All I know is no matter how good or bad this remake is people are gonna complain and cry about it, because at the end of the day it's not going to be the *exact* same game as the Ps1 original. Also I laughed @ your relationship with LA Noir. I put myself in Cole's shoes whenever I play, like I legit feel like an investigator from the LAPD and my friends hate it. lol btw can't wait for episode Ignis, it looks like it'll be the best out of the three. Ep. Prompto was great and not just because I totally have feelings for him. If they're really working on an Ardyn DLC I will forgive SE for their mistakes.
  19. platy

    Damn... I was looking forward to more stuff from this band.
  20. platy

    Yessss! I'm waiting for the latest KH to be released and also will buy the remasters eventually. Persona 5 is way too fucking expensive and the price won't budge which annoys me because I really want to play it. Horizon is also on my list, I bought the artbook and the level of detail that went into each tribe and the creatures is awesome. Although I heard the story ends up being disappointing, it's worth playing for the level of detail alone. A lot of the games I'm looking forward to on PS4 still haven't been released, but yeah thanks for reminding me that the FF series is usually a Sony exclusive. I'm sure there'll be many remasters to look forward to lol. Also need to give XII a try again, I got stuck on a boss about six years ago and never went back. Oh yeah, I saw recently that they're remastering L.A Noir for the ps4 and I totally recommend it if you're a fan of Rockstar Games.
  21. platy

    I have been wanting to play Okami for ever. I already have the artbook and I'm super in love with it, I just never managed to get my hands on it. When I saw that it was coming to Steam my wallet jumped straight into my hands. I CAN'T WAIT! Also even though I bought a PS4 (solely to play FF XV), I'm kind of struggling to find uses for it lol. Like, all the games I want eventually come to pc and cheaper too. In the end it comes down to whom I'll be playing the game with. If it's with friends, I'll probably buy it on PS4 (so I can carry it to their house if necessary), if it's solo then PC. I don't know, it really feels like a spare part lol Regarding the new AC, I've never enjoyed the series and find the games painfully boring but Egypt as a setting has my attention. It makes me think why developers often insist on copy-paste futuristic settings or stick to European stuff when there's so much unexplored ground in terms of concepts e.g Egypt, caveman times (FarCry Primal), etc. I want to play it just to explore the world so I'll probably wait a while 'till it's about £10 on Steam or something.
  22. platy

    I mean... For whatever reason a portion of bangyas seem to have a fetish for 〜☆ MOE KYUN☆~ men, which includes looking feminine, doing cat poses, little girl poses, broken leg poses or anything that might trigger their inner KYA ♡ I suppose it might end up being appealing for anyone that is attracted to a strong MOE essence ー☆! ! Tbh it's all just a byproduct of Japan's satanic idol culture package.
  23. I was just getting into them. Hope the last album is one to remember.
  24. Chizuru's face kept me holding on but now he tries to look like a ten year old boy on his social media and I am NOT about that.
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