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Everything posted by platy

  1. They're shit in a sarcastic way, clearly they could be amazing if they wanted
  2. platy

    I love Milk but it was time to go, any longer and she would've had some kind of break down. Yeah that actor dude is hot but the real gem here is Chi Chi. In and out of drag this bitch is like my ideal bae and I can't get over that LOOK. 💦 I hope she can get over her insecurities because I know she's talented but she's a self saboteur. Also Kennedy gets my respect after her whole performance this ep. STOP doing one on ones. It's stupid, just get to it.
  3. he's struggling to perform well live, but they're an infant band there is hope yet. I'll probably still move to JP to become a full time mamireta stan
  4. platy

    I NEVER THOUGHT I'D BE EXCITED SEEING ARIEL lol seeing as the water world is my least favorite (mainly because of the hellish nightmare the controls were in the first game). Also so excited about Monsters, Inc. I think the movies they've picked will translate really well into a fun game.
  5. platy

    HOW GOOD DOES THIS LOOK? (and why the fuck is Marluxia back smh)
  6. platy

    Is it gonna be a soulless club track much like a single from a previous drag race contestant ? Would be interesting to hear kaya singing about yasss werk slay hunni
  7. I wish more bandomen would openly offer hugs for ¥5000
  8. ANY country, any artist and any genre. No restrictions. I've moved it to the global section to avoid confusion
  9. As you all know, every other month a trade-off is hosted here on the forum! However, many people enjoy creating more than one playlist or simply create some for fun in their spare time. Not sure where the share yours? Post them here (youtube playlist, spotify playlist, download link, etc.)so other users can enjoy them too. Feel free to post your thoughts on them. A few things before you post: Give your playlist a title Give a short description ( I made this playlist based on... The theme is...) I'll make an index on this first post once we have enough replies.
  10. You'll see when you get there, just follow what the fans are doing. You don't *have* to do it, you can just just watch the show your own way! Usually certain parts of a song convey a certain movement, you'll get the hang of it with time.
  11. platy

    The only Japanese artists to come to London are Miyavi and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu... sigh....
  12. The only thing that comes to mind is DEZERT. Their earlier stuff is really worth checking out, new stuff not so much.
  13. Happy birthday 🎂! 

    1. Hohchicano96


      Thank you for the virtual cake! :tw_grin:

  14. I really want that type A DVD! Although the last time they released live footage with dai kirai tokyo the sound was dubbed over :c
  15. Calling all anime and manga fans. You have until mid-week to join our super special weeabo trade off! No experience needed, minimum anime watch time: 30mins.


  16. platy

    The highlight of my week is that I found my favorite vine again
  17. platy

    I think it's great but somehow I'm sick of hearing it already. Like eating too much of your favorite candy.
  18. What a look Was just thinking about how it was time for a new release. I hope I can get my hands on type B.
  19. platy

    I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, it's not much but once I get it I can scan the lyrics for you if no one else does it first
  20. 9 Quality Time 8 Acts of Service 6 Physical Touch 5 Words of Affirmation 2 Receiving Gifts Nothing like spending some quality time watching crappy TV or finishing a game together. Hanging out is a crucial part of my relationships and that's why I can't handle long distance stuff. I love gifts of course, but if the person is willing to give me a hand with chores (so that we can spend our time better) that means so much more to me, and I will do the same if it means I can make their life easier (e.g busy with a deadline? Excruciating day at work? I'll make dinner and tidy up). Physical touch, well I get a lot of shoulder pains and can't live without a massage lol I'm naturally touchy feely but the other categories take more precedence. Also I love complimenting people who deserve it. I always see something beautiful in my friends and partner, so depending how tight we are you're sitting down and listening about how good you look today and all the reasons I care for you.
  21. platy

    GRIMOIRE - Grown man pretends to be a neglected child with serious emo tendencies while his friends dress up as animals GALLO - The vocalist has a fetish for viciously slapping his throat while he sings. sukekiyo - When a bunch of old dudes manage to turn their glossy long black hair into an AVANT GARDE FINE ART performance. aicle. - It's like schizophrenia in song form.
  22. platy

    My reasons are very simple: Dir has 3 albums which I can get through, while I like a muuuch larger portion of everything gazette has released. Gazette makes simpler songs which are easier to enjoy, while diru's music tends to be more complex and br00tal and I need to be in the right mood to be able to listen to it, otherwise it just sounds like noise to me.
  23. platy

    Milk looked so hot in that glam look tho, but she's acting like she needs approval from her mommy Ru. I don't like Thorgy so I'm alright that she went, was tired of hearing about Bob. My ideal top three at this moment would be Shangela, Ben and Aja because this bitch is doing infinitely better than last year and giving me life.
  24. platy

    I hope we get another band called BUk BUk
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