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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I recommend posting this question on the gazette artist thread here > The club feature is kind of dead, so not many people will reply on here.
  2. platy

    Happy 🐱 Birthday 😹!! 😽

    1. CAT5


      Thank you, platy!

    2. eiheartx


      So sorry I missed your birthday bro, happy birthday kitty :D

    3. CAT5


      Thank you, @eiheartx!! :D 

  3. platy

  4. platy

    @shellyshallyyou might find this thread useful before you go to your first vk live
  5. Yeah, I think you're setting yourself up for embarrassment. They've done so many episodes of Game Grumps the likelihood of him remembering an obscure joke is small lol What do they do live anyway? Just play games in front of a hundred people?
  6. platy

    The general rule is 'once vk, always vk'. So even if Dir En Grey don't sport crazy looks anymore they're still part of the scene. Gazette have just release a new song from their upcoming album and アルルカン has a new release this month too. I love both bands. There's quite a few people here located in Japan, if there's a particular gig you want to go to, maybe make a thread or status asking if anyone else is going
  7. What's the illuminati theory with these missing vk dudes
  8. platy

  9. platy

    I haven't had a full night of sleep in months because there's a fucking pigeon quintet right outside my bedroom. I'm a pacifist but right now it feels like there's only one option.
  10. platy

    Trixie was in the top for me, but of course Shangela is my winner. I watched a live by Aja and she said after Kennedy went on the show the first time, she lost her house and had to get a few day jobs to make ends meet. If you think about it, Kennedy was right. Shangela and Trixie are successful in various media (music, acting, drag, etc), dunno wtf Bebe does but yeah, I guess if all the eliminated queens were aware of Kennedy's situation, she really was the one who needed that win the most. Anyway, I already moved on to s10.
  11. Shiin:Mushi is sold out on cdjapan. Time to try this proxy shopping thing I guess. 



      their cds are always sold out (`・ω・´) even at the pre-order stage.

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Noo...bad time to not have a lot of money ) : (I really want to track down a copy of お邪魔します but Ha. Ha. GL with that)

    3. platy


      @karai · ebihah yeah I don't think it's happening. There's a few users on that quest already :'^) 

    4. Show next comments  171 more
  12. platy

    I love MORE, I just had no idea that I was following Yune all this time lmao mind blown 🤔 🤔 🤔
  13. platy

    A serious question. And I suppose it also counts as shit n00b vk fans say.
  14. platy

    Welcome. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact one of the mods we have a lot of bands in common, so I hope to see you around the forum.
  15. platy

    Yune is back in the scene???!
  16. platy

    After listening a few more times the mini did grow on me. I can still only appreciate THE KINKY as a good live song, phantom pain and 白いゼラニウム are my favorites. Innocent holic has some good instrumentals but I end up skipping it because the structure is boring, but KIDS WAR is still very much a meh song ( it could be fun live and that would change my mind but alas, I'm not seeing ddrm live anytime soon lol)
  17. Stop trying to appeal to the west :')
  18. platy

    Super cute!! The texture looks like a stylistic choice
  19. platy

    Just gave Three Cheers a listen again, it's their best album imo. That song was my first angst anthem back in the day, probably still one of my favourite to this day.
  20. platy

    My chemical romance did the best emo music. "I never told you what I do for a living" is the perfect kind of angst 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 my fucking jam
  21. platy

    Their releases are not region locked.
  22. platy

    Nooo!! At least they are leaving us with a great music legacy
  23. platy

    I love it, it's easier to get into than kawazu edit: omg the energy they're giving off is awesome
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