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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Welcome back². It's been a busy year in the Jrock-sphere. Hope to see you around the forum
  2. platy

    I actually loved this release. Specially the last track.
  3. platy

    I'll buy it if it's 100% unedited, raw footage from start to end. The staff could totally use this as a selling point passing it off as theatricals and we'll never know what the band's intentions actually were
  4. platy

    My expectations were WAY too high this year.
  5. platy

    They played a song twice??
  6. platy

    I'm even more curious about everything now. What the hell is going on that's keeping the members so quiet to this point?
  7. platy

    Can't you guys play nice without ever getting butt hurt /petty about stuff? Lock'd.
  8. platy

    Freud said that everyone has some gay inside them, so can we lay speculations to rest now?
  9. The last music Trade-Off of the year is happening right now. Don't forget to sign up :hyper:



  10. platy

    I know you said 6 months but cooking takes a long time to master and lots of patience. Lots and lots of patience. Try changing the rhythm you do things and practice making the most simple pasta dish from a recipe. Do it slowly until you're good at it.
  11. platy

    What do you suggest?
  12. platy

    I'm pinning this thread. Thank you everyone for all the help, wealth of information and contributions so far ✨
  13. platy

    Have to agree. Disregard those remixes and this is one album I just can't get enough of. Giji Necromancer and hidauta are constantly on repeat.
  14. platy

    I started IT by Stephen King. It took a while to get me interested and also it's a really heavy read. Never mind carrying that mammoth book around (1050 ish pages, I should've got the audiobook! ) the writing is very detailed which is fine, but there's loads of unnecessary info. The worst part being how the author describes all these streets and places in the US down to the highways you need to go down by car. It's meaningless and boring to me lol Quite hard to read but I am enjoying it.
  15. platy

    I think they were both fixated on each other which makes for an unhealthy relationship in the first place. Throw in some suicidal tendencies for whatever reason (I'm curious about that too) and you got a deadly mix. I don't think pinning it on breath play is good idea at all. It still won't excuse him from murder and the bdsm community doesn't need any more bullshit from mainstream media lol
  16. That will be the most melancholic two man live. I hope the fans are ready.
  17. platy

    If it was a double suicide why would he do that? If she decided to end it herself that would make sense why there's so many intimate pics/vids leaked on her twitter ( a last 'fuck you'). But then... Too many questions.
  18. platy

    Can somebody give a quick summary of the info in the video?
  19. platy

    Bands are rarely edgy enough to make me say 'this is fucked up'. But I can safely say that PV is fucked up.
  20. platy

    I feel this. I can't get comfortable in this cold and it slows me down so much. No matter what I wear I'm still freezing. I hate it.
  21. platy

    Woo! Congrats Shinpei~
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