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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I'd choose bald nun Kyo over shitty bmth rip off Kyo anytime.
  2. platy

    Unfortunately, I spent my money on The Nun. It's a confused movie that doesn't really try hard in the horror department. Several lazy jump scares in succession actually makes for an exhausting movie experience, especially since these scares aren't scary. Just loud. For some reason there's a recurring joke about French-Canadians which was lost on me.... The comedy is so out of place, even more so as we get towards the end of the movie. The demon nun gets hyped up as the ultimate evil and does not live up to the hype. I could rant for hours on how stupid the conclusion to this film was. The nun's appearance in The Conjuring 2 terrified me to death and she only showed up for a couple of minutes at a time. In this movie, she just annoyed me. Halfway through this horror movie they bring in a story about templars and I was lost, later on we get a quick Tomb Raider style treasure hunting scene to add to the sense of incoherence. Then as everything is concluded (badly) they add a reveal and quick tie in to the first Conjuring and man... It led to the dumbest final scene I've had the misfortune to experience. I left laughing. Don't pay to watch this.
  3. platy

    I'm nearly at the end of Insatiable. I started watching just to see if it really was as awful and offensive as people were hyping it to be (after one trailer lol). I expected absolute crap because I hate the main actress but... Everyone offended by this hasn't watched past the first episode. It's a dark comedy and a trainwreck with a completely unbearable protagonist. The side characters make it worth watching. It doesn't spare anything or anyone from ridicule. Turns out it also has the best bisexual representation I have seen in a series (Brooklyn 99 did well too). It's made me laugh and I'm having fun watching it, I recommend Insatiable if you're looking for a quality bad series.
  4. platy

    10 years in the making indeed. Clinging onto that xjapan name so you can sell more. I wonder what the other band members think of it and what will happen once it's finally released.
  5. platy

    Whoever voted for Akinori is a Christian. Nothing wrong with that btw.
  6. platy

    So they're here to replace LM.C It's the best song they've released tbh.
  7. platy

    The last few singles hit the spot. I love their look, old school vk vibes for jojo.
  8. platy

    @cvltic regarding the fact people ignore the allegations against Kyo, as far as I know there is no proof or anything beyond what's been discussed on tanuki,probably because it happened so long ago and as we all know most things that come out of a gossip forum should be taken with a grain of salt. With this Kisaki scandal we have a lot of supposed evidence in the pictures and screenshots, making it harder to ignore. Maybe I'm missing out on something, but that's my take on it.
  9. platy

    I'm half and half with this. I'm sure there are people who would love to bring Kisaki down and bandmen are surrounded by women as malicious as them sometimes. But on the other hand, Kisaki has shown over and over that he's scum and I don't wanna doubt the pictures and accusations, especially when Japan's credibility on women who need help in abusive situations is minuscule. I'm more on her side and hope there can be an investigation and she and the kid can get help and go as far away from him as possible.
  10. platy

    What the fuck.... I want to see if any official investigations come out of this but, having drama and horrible allegations surrounding you once or twice, okay. But if there's constant shittiness surrounding one guy you just can't turn a blind eye.
  11. Discussion of members and other DeG material: Moving comments is really boring so don't make me do it again, thx.
  12. platy

    sukekiyo does take a while to get used to. First time I listened to them when they debuted I thought it was the most depressing and boring thing ever. So keep coming back to it.
  13. platy

    sukekiyo's not supposed to be catchy. You missed the point of the band.
  14. Ugh lullaby is perfect. The bass and that last note in nega ability...I need to see arlequin live. edit: "watashi to rikai" came right after exist, ughhh they should've included it. What a great set.
  15. platy

    Happy birthday almighty one 🎈🎉

  16. platy

    Kaoru looks amazing. Kyo is Kyo.
  17. "That band vividol is garbage" – My friend referring to vidoll after one listen 😭

    1. platy


      @colorfuljinsei don't fight me he's the one who said "vividol"

    2. platy


      @AimiGen7 dunno, some songs from Bijinkei

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Remove them from your social circle. You don't need that negativity in your life

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  18. platy

    I've seen you around saying you wanna get into new bands. It wouldn't hurt to go through Mejibray's discography to figure out whether you like them or not. Their albums are varied and their singles is where most of the good stuff hides as B sides.
  19. Don't forget there's a dir en grey artist thread for all your song discussion needs.
  20. How many more hits can they take? 😕
  21. platy

    Consider DeG and gazette an entry point into heavy vk music for teens. Then consider how most teens nowadays are part of a fandom, which involves loyally protecting your band/series/etc against evil haters. I found out recently that in kpop fandom there are fans who create accounts to roleplay as rival groups and leave hate messages and start fights on different social media of the chosen groups. I'll never understand it, maybe it's too much free time as well as wanting really badly to belong somewhere.
  22. What's a Johnny's Jr boy? I'm sad to find out they couldn't go ahead with the shounen waltz parody, it would've been hilarious Seems like they'll parody gazette next.
  23. I really enjoyed the song. I never knew about this band until yesterday.
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