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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    @monkeybanana4 I think the new 100 Acre Woods looks super cute, I look forward to it. The whole game is looking fantastic, I'm sooo excited. Also I just started Chain of Memories, I'm disappointed they made it into a 3D game. The game boy version was gorgeous and the card system worked much better. At least the pixel art made things interesting, now I'm constantly aware that I'm just playing the exact same thing as the first game again. The custcenes with Organization XIII are cool, but apart from that, honestly I'm very bored.
  2. Only a select few people can pull off clown kei. Yohio is NOT one of them. Ew. The song itself though, isn't bad. I actually enjoy some of DISREIGN's material.
  3. platy

    If you're talking about tricot they're on a league of their own, you need to check them out. I also think that once you see them live it's understandable why they're popular in the west. Of the Japanese bands I've seen live, none come even near to the energy tricot gives off. Like, they were born to do *this*. I can't explain it, but I think it's a level of performance that's appealing to western audiences.
  4. platy

    Saw tricot live in Brighton last week. The crowd was around 80~ people, a loooot of guys in their teens. They tour England and USA pretty often, but I don't think it's related to babymetal's success at all. Some bands are just more appealing to the overseas crowd.
  5. For me it's just fun. Some of them are so weird that imagining the person doing what the rumour says is hilarious. But that's the thing, people are weird. Most people get up to shit we consider "weird" in their personal time, so these rumours could easily be true. Anyway, it's similar to reading those gossip/shock story magazines out of curiosity.
  6. platy

    But seriously, what is that costume? Are they supposed to be caterpillars?
  7. platy

    Went to a Japanese tea ceremony sort of event. Started off with miso soup and noodles with a chrysanthemum flower on top. Later on, we had a bunch of traditional sweets, including sweet potato and chestnut flavored ones. Chestnut tastes like water, but the sweet potato one was DElicious. Also dango with warm sweet soy glaze.
  8. platy

    Yeah, I'm playing them on ps4. I'll be make a post when I'm done, hopefully before the 29th January. I actually really don't know much about Chi at all, so I was just guessing it didn't go into the keyblade war. So much to catch up on lol
  9. platy

    Thank you, I still get really overwhelmed when trying to do a finished piece, so doing something very simple worked well! I hope to do more stuff like this. Thanks! It was done by hand, but digitally
  10. platy

  11. platy

    @monkeybanana4 I will play it! I'm going through every game on the compilation no matter how bad they are. Timeless river was another great one. But I'll have to do some research on Chi to understand the story then. It's like a wild chase with this game. End of the Xehanort saga? So the next saga will have another 10 games. sigh. If they really want to continua milking it, they should go deep into the keyblade war and what happened before it.
  12. platy

    Thoughts on the mini? It'll take a while for me to get into it.
  13. platy

    I did these two art works to accompany some articles I submitted for for a couple of zines. The first one is obvious and the second one was about self care & trauma. I just wanted to make something quick since the deadline was close and ended up being super happy with this style!
  14. platy

    I'd be interested in trying this! It reminds me of those super atmospheric browser games I'd come across years and years ago. It's looking great
  15. platy

    Oops, I got confused. Yeah, Neverland & Disney Town in BBS! It's been so long since I played that things are getting blurred. Tron in KH2, it's an eyesore lol I didn't know it was a thing in DDD What are your favorite worlds? I just looked at the latest compilation of all games and it said there's a movie in there? I thought it was cutscenes from chi, but i might be wrong. I hope KH3 will be the last KH game but I doubt it. The story is just so convoluted, I wish they wouldn't drag it out any longer and work on some new IP
  16. platy

    @monkeybanana4 He needs to stop being lazy. Mmm. Agrabah really is a chore. Little Mermaid was a massive improvement in KH2. Pirates of the Caribbean is a drag. I have a love/hate relationship with the Coliseum. Mulan was interesting. The ones I consistently like throughout the games are Halloween Town and Beast's Castle. I need to play through more games to make a final decision but yeah. (edit: Neverland KH2 and Disney Town were great too, also fuck tron) I also played chi, but it was repetitive as fuck and I saw nothing in terms of story, despite playing for a couple of months so you can just watch the movie when it comes out lol.
  17. platy

    Regarding the gummy ship, KH2's is very trippy and the camera goes insane sometimes too lol But it's a lot more fun than KH1's I love the art style of CoM! I'm a sucker for pixel art. I don't mind the battle system or the grind, but it can be hard to get used to using the cards. I just wish we could explore new worlds. It gets annoying seeing the same disney characters over and over and the KH original worlds are some of my favorite places in the series, I mean The World That Never Was? Twilight/Traverse Town? Such atmospheric places, why can't we have more. Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before in this thread, but I've been trying to finish CoM for over 9 years now. I just can't defeat Marluxia. Every year I go back, grind and try a new strategy but I never defeated him. Maybe it's even a glitch? I'm glad I get to try it again a new console. What did you think of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days? I thought KH works well on a PSP, but it did not work on a nintendo DS, like, at all and I didn't finish it mainly because the grind was excruciating and the gameplay was too repetitive.
  18. platy

    Not yet, I'll get to it soon. From the trailer it looks pretty fun, if I knew there would be a KH compilation with 2.8 included coming out I would've waited a bit more to buy it. I was fighting Ursula last night and I couldn't see anything I was doing, so it was a miracle I did it in one go. After that I went to the Peter Pan world and ugh, that camera does NOT work in cramped spaces. Can't wait to move on to chain of memories.
  19. platy

    Are there two bands currently active under the name Jigsaw?
  20. The X-Japan album will just be a collab with a bunch of western musicians. Yoshiki can stop pretending there are any other members of the band working on it.
  21. platy

    Re-playing Kingdom Hearts in preparation for the third one. The first KH has an awful camera and some insanely bad level design lol I'll be glad to never look at it again. On the plus side, it's very interesting to see how the series had a jump in improvement from the first to the second game and without a doubt, the third one will be amazing. The other games are usually just copypasted and dumbed down versions of the main ones, apart from Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep which stand out in their own way.
  22. platy

    That intro is orgasmic
  23. I've heard that song before at least a million times. The look is amazing, but I'll be leaving the mamireta hype train if they settle down on the generic band sound.
  24. This single sounds like 10/10.
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