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Anne Claire

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Posts posted by Anne Claire

  1. Name: Anne Claire
    Age: 17
    Years studied: about year and a half on my own
    Estimated level: Beginner(there were times where i just gave up on studying for whatever reasons, so yea, only beginner level)
    Knowledge of hiragana/katakana: all of them
    Kanji: maybe around 150-200, i can read them, but i can't write mostly of them
    What is your main goal with studying Japanese: i wanna be able to read, communicate with people, watch something etc. in Japanese. But what i really want to learn bout' the language is grammer('cuz man i suck at this) and vocabulary.
    What materials have you used before: mostly i used some apps for learning Japanese(for example - skritter, wanikani etc.) , some websites(i don't remember which though, sorry) and there was one guy who sent me lessons through e-mail. I also tried to communicate with Japanese people on social media, but it didn't really work out for me becacuse of my lack of knowledge.

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