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Posts posted by niivozombie

  1. Anybody saw this on the PATA Official facebook page??



    1/22(金) Ra:IN 上野音横丁、公演中止・延期のお知らせ。

    1月22日(金) 開催を予定しておりました
    "Ra:IN 2016 上野音横丁"の 公演は、
    誠に申し訳ありませんが、 急遽、 公演中止・延期させて頂きます。
    大変ご迷惑、ご心配をお掛けし、 心よりお詫び申し上げます。
    上野音横丁 http://otoyoko.com にて受付けます。


    Ra:IN メンバー・スタッフ一同


    Translated it with facebook automatic tools, and it says something about PATA not being too well physically. Anybody knows more info? I'm not a PATA nor X JAPAN hardcore fan myself, but It's a shame that they don't release more info, I hope he is fine.

  2. I wasn't sure if you only meant live (in which case, I'm not 100% sure), but Yeti's vocalist (ex-Aicle) plays guitar, which you can see in their PVs


    Yeah, I meant only live. If figure there a lot of vocalists who play instruments as well, but live is serious busines!


    since you're also a plastic tree fan you obviously know that ryutarou plays guitar live.

    aw crap, first I forget about hide and miyavi, and now ryutaro...

    although, I didn't thought of those two first ones, because you know, guitarrists going on a solo career is kinda different. I didn't think of Sugizo or Inoran either.

  3. Heh, didn't take Miyavi or hide really into account, don't know why.


    Most good vocal only frontmen from different areas of music use a style that would be lost if they always had to hold an instrument.
    I can't imagine Kyo from deg, TMR, Mao, or Mick Jagger, etc... always holding a guitar.

    I don't think of Jagger as a great singer, but I too think most of the greatest singers can perform better without holding an instrument.

  4. Hola, otro hispanoparlante por acá :D


    holaaaa, tratare evitar decir que soy de Chile para no tener problemas pero creo que ya las cagé, spero que aun no seamos el terror de los gringos por cosas pasadas en TW. :D



    da lo mismo, los chilenos aún somos mal mirados por muchos independiente de lo que pase, son solo unos pocos usuarios puntuales los que sacan en cara alguna mierda relacionada con la nacionalidad pero el resto ningún problema.



    Aqui desde Chile :P



    Hola venía a dejar saludos por acá a la gente del Foro que habla Español, ¡yo ser de Chile también!.

    Saludos a Todos!



    hola vengo a decir mi pais... Chile


    en 6 meses mas viene otro hipanohablante xD


    Me sorprende que sean tantas las personas de Chile por acá xD

    Las agregué a todas como amigos, espero no se molesten!

  5. This question just came up to me while I was cooking (i know), why aren't there any vk bands whose vocalist also plays guitar/bass or any instrument while singing? You know, like a lot of western bands.


    I even have a hard time of coming up with vk singers who play any instrument at all! They are more willing to do choreographies than picking up a music triangle. The only one of who I can think of is Gackt playing piano during Malice Mizer lives.

  6. Well, that "discovering a band that has disbanded or will disband shortly" is something we all can agree upon. Also, those extreme commercial tactics like "500 versions of one single" are a turn off.


    But musically, what I hate the most are the vocalists desinterest to sing well. While you may say that there are a lot of crappy bands out there, still you'll find mostly crafty musicians that play really bad songs really well; but vocalist just don't care. Of course there are a lot of exceptions, but generally they just don't give a crap as long as they look good.


    Once I read a comment in a blog about old vk that said something like they had singers without a broad range, but with a LOT of charisma in their singing. I kind of miss that.


    I could be wrong though, I don't listen to those new bands formed in the last 6 years. Old cranky guy, I know.

  7. I know what you mean... I remember it was obscure vk heaven about 5 years ago, now everybody's gone. Anyway, I don't believe in that "trade", i'm all about the love of sharing <3. My old computer crashed, so I don't have that much music now, but i'm rebuilding my collection recovering stuff from my hd, old dvd's, and downloading new stuff almost daily. Anyway, add me me and download freely if you want.

  8. Great taste, dude. I've rarely see people commenting on old vk stuff, your tumblr is amazing! Great discovery. I don't understand spanish 100% but considering the similarities with portuguese I'm fine with it.



    Cheers, mate. Enjoy the forum.

    Thanks! I don't update that often, but it's not my goal to build those "2316846649 downloads" blogs anyway. I love portuguese, it sound so msuical <3


    Hi there, welcome! :) Yay for LUNA SEA!

    I just love them!


    Welcome! I'm sure you'll find many of your kind here, enjoy!

    Thanks! I was looking for a good community like this for a looong time. I would prefer one in spanish, but hey, what you gonna do? The vk novelty (or jrock/jpop for that matter) has mostly wear off here in Chile (i'm i even saying this right?) and became replaced by kpop fans, so all vk/jrock communities are gone now :c


    Welcome! die in cries is great!

    Thanks! I know, I haven't listened to D'erlanger that much, but love Kiyo's voice in Die in cries!


    im new too xD welcome,i love  your taste *_* old school VK is awesome <3

    I think so too, I just love that 80's-but-in-the-90's kind of a vibe!


    Hello zombi o/


    Have good day!

    Hey, you too!


    Hello, and welcome to MH! Plastic Tree fan here too, yaaassh. Will add you on tumblr and slsk. Hope you enjoy your time here with us!

    Ahh, that's a great underrated band right there! I almost got to seem them live here, but the tickets didn't sell well so everybody got a refund and a big dissapointing moment in our lives xD At least they let me keep my ticket, it's the only one I have from a show I didn't go :c

    Yeah, checked out your tumblr, nice uplifting content :3 Also be sure to send me a message in slsk so I can add you too!


    welcome to the forum~

    and yay for plastic tree! ^^/

    Hey, more p3 fans!!! What a wonderful places this is!

  9. Reviving old topics here. But I just have to say that Claustrofobia is my favourite LUNA SEA song, it just takes me elsewhere. I used to listen to it with the lights out, just to really feel it. I can't really put it into words. I just love that song so much.

  10. Hi there, i'm from Chile and love music globally with passion.


    There are a lot of bands from japan i love (my favourite band of all times is luna sea), and love the older (proto?) vk bands (die in cries, zi:kill, etc.) and not so old vk bands (mist of rouge, kalimero, plastic tree, etc.).


    I run a small tumblr called "Arbaro Sonoj" which reviews and uploads old school visual releases (it's in spanish, but still you can check it out here: arbarosonoj.tumblr.com), and I hope to run into fellow old vk lovers to share thoughts and music. If anyone wants to add me to their soulseek account, my name is the same as the one here.



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