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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. anadentone

    I love that Monyo is just chilling in the back lol
  2. anadentone

    what label are they on or are they doing that self promotion deal?
  3. I honestly judge ppl on their VK playlists on youtube.

    1. Gesu


      That's why I keep mine private x

  4. anadentone

    *combs Hiyoris hair outta his face* there you go boo,.
  5. I love Dezert's new look. Chiaki is soooo hawt ❤️ 

    1. Takato


      I stan Miyako, he's so beautiful.

    2. 091012


      I was used to Chiaki being all grunge and dirty looking. 

    3. 091012


      Don't get me wrong, he's insanely gorgeous. I just can't believe it's the same guy from ChouChou.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. anadentone

    this looks like when you first discovered photoshop and the only thing you can do right is fiddle with the text feature. Calling it "richardland" so the youtube censors wont block their tunes lol Mejibray died so 8P3B can live.....
  7. Watching Sousou by Codomo Dragon with Spanish subs and ...oh the feelz :( 

    1. Miku70


      Yes, it's a goodbye song for Kana 😔.

  8. wtf happened to Shellmy's OHP? I got a 403 forbidden. It is shellmy.net right?

  9. Today on bprecords yt- Men~Men does a jig.

  10. man, I don't remember this dir en grey video lol This is kinda odd coming from a band thats all satirical video wise but I like it
  11. i wonder if these guys come to MH? They seem to know what we like
  12. Chisa got that Morticia Addams vibe going on and I'm loving it ❤️ also last guy is doing an ode to Mana ❤️
  13. I think you (or someone else) posted that on their new videos comments lol also why does that lead singers face look greasy?
  14. but but Ice cream is good and cancer sticks aint
  15. Two things I'm thankful for: 

    1 Cats dont smoke: they'd fall asleep and set the whole damn house on fire.

    2. These mf who translate: whether it's music, tv show, video,etc- yall rock!

  16. Today on Babykingdom YT- Shiki is looking hot af.

    1. Bunny-Usagii


      The glasses are still the cutest, but yes I agree with your statement nonetheless lol

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Too bad the sound captioning is pretty potato-y

  17. anadentone

    dimlim can go as a 3 member band, it worked for Gotcharocka . Oddly, I get them and deviloof mixed up
  18. anadentone

    i'm gonna say it: I like mydora but holy shit quiet,shy, lil timid Mahiro thrusting his junk in a bee costume is fawken scary
  19. I think the lyrics go :My neck, my back, my shoulder all go crack.
  20. not sure if im a lesbian or..... anyway, why is it when Asians drag up, they're convincing af but when white/black/latinos do it- we're like "thats a dude..." I'm 39 and ppl ask if I'm fresh out of college..... I finished college before 9/11 😕
  21. anadentone

    damn and the only thing my grandpa left me was hobbit feet. These Japanese scam victims are hopefully able to get their money back. I wonder if the Yakuza Epstein people who get busted for doing their shit or one of those bandomen will 6six9nine them.
  22. anadentone

    alright which bangya did he bang without checking for ID?
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