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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. do vegetarian bands hand beef? Other than the Mathilda vs 0.1 gasshole band most are from the old days of vk?
  2. I got worried when they were talking about some joint BPR thing and HZ wasn't mentioned. This video actually. A lot of people were asking where's HZ. Now where am I gonna see some of that eye candy Leo at?
  3. I saw this clip and thought "Wait a minute, didn't they fire that guy?" lol I don't know why but looking at Ruimaru, he reminds me of Miku from An Cafe.
  4. Pitty from Rides in Revilion is hated by the rest of the band, me thinks . Kinsaki and everyone "bandmate/backup band" Maria Cross is probably hating Masato from Kaitou lol. I read somewhere some of the guys in DEG don't get along but I don't think it's considered "hate"
  5. chisa's been watching too many fail videos on youtube. Reminds me of Ministry's videos from the 90s (NwO and Just one fix)
  6. Anyone notices Takamasa from Kiryu doesn't goof around or even talk in BP records videos? He use to always cut up now he's just subdued 😮

    1. platy


      He's a married man now. No goofing around allowed. 

    2. anadentone


      T_T being married sounds soul crushing .

  7. anadentone

    *shakes cane* welcome to MH fellow senior citizen. Theses young whipper snappers with their snapcats and instagrammars don't understand our ways sometimes but these youngins are good kids, they just have a young/hate relationship with "shipping" . I'm soon to be 39
  8. anadentone

    you forgot the grandpa's of BL- Mana and Gackt from back in Malice Mizer days
  9. anadentone

    VIVA LA HETEROS BEING FAKE HOMOS FOR EACH OTHER-OS. LEGGO MY EGGO AND BINGO WAS HIS NAME-O! I can't help to think of Tsu from Mejibray and his bromeo Ryoga from Razor/Born.
  10. anadentone

    everytime I see Ryoga with that hair I get that Jareth from Labyrinth (aka David Bowie) vibe.
  11. anadentone

    I'd believe it. Yada does act like a diva in both sense and Rame has a rumored history of being kinda gay/bisexual.
  12. anadentone

    what does "Model-r1" mean next to their songs? O.o
  13. in the first pic, does Shogo have a cold sore or is that makeup ?O.o
  14. anadentone

    Maria cross being a big giant douche....oh wait. I wonder if there's any about jin Machine or DOG I remember hearing about Daisuke (former Kameleo) is a blood hound (into period sex)
  15. anadentone

    Haru- w...t....f....? "doggie style" yall get outta here with that..... and also Kanna-chan is a pwetty pwetty pwincess
  16. anadentone

    so cute, so dorky and this music is giving me the fits
  17. anadentone

    this is the weirdest vogue spread I've ever seen. Why is Yoshiatsu posing like that weird gay uncle at every family reunion
  18. anadentone

    shigatsu must be Japanese for "Home wrecking duo"
  19. anadentone

    Takashi!!!!!! I miss Kameleo but can't wait to heart guild ❤️
  20. Now all we need is Kinsaki doing a "Leave Britney Alone" thing for his bae- Maria
  21. whats up with the pinterest outfit look? What did DCR do to them? also "eyes tea bitter brown citrus" sounds like shitty Chinese translation of "Ice tea with lemon".
  22. Thank fuck they finally stopped being the mediocre jpop sounding uncles-tryna-be-the-wiggles to be what they are: 4 dudes with a history of knowing real rock (dunno how much history the lead has). The song is banging, the video is banging, and zero looking d'espair res-esque with his fine "just-stepped-off-the-warp-tour" self.
  23. anadentone

    oh dear god whose messing around with the digital dj app with Mao's voice?
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