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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. this is confusing me somehow o.O Is Yugiri a midget or is Kouki a mighty giant?
  2. I had a dream I was reading on MH that Buglug was going to disband in October. WTF, I gotta stop drinking oj before bedtime 😕 

    1. ricchubunny


      Once I've dreamed that I saw in MH that Kiryu's Mahiro has passed away because a lightning bolt hit his head

    2. anadentone


      had OJ before bed too? 😮


    3. Gesu


      Didn't have OJ before bed but once when I was fifteen, I dreamt that I was at a party and I somehow lost all my clothes (bar my underwear). It wasn't lewd; I just kinda… lost 'em? Anyways, I asked some of the taller party guests to stand around me as I walked home so no-one would see me, but I eventually got really cold so I pulled out my phone (which I had in me undercrackers fsr) and called Kamijo to bring me a change of clothes. He arrived within minutes on the back of a beautiful white horse looking like he did in the Masquerade PV and presented the clothes to me with a flourish. I thanked him and put them on, then he offered to take us all home. On the bus. He paid for our bus fares and left his horse at the bus station.


      God, my dreams are so wacky. Anyone who's visited the dream thread will know that, but damn. What is going on in my head?

  3. anadentone

    i love it ❤️ question is, is the blonde guy wearing red uggs?
  4. anadentone

    *is jelly* dem bandomen hugs 🤤
  5. anadentone

    leighla will be close enough to smell Jun's hair ❤️
  6. anadentone

    I like Matenrou Opera also but why do people hate them? Are bangya's cray cray hatin them?
  7. mmm a video about 2 oiled up Asian men. Now if you can get Leo (HZ) and Shogo (Baby kingdom) to do the same, you'll have one happy lady
  8. anadentone

    ooh another band i love but no one seems to ever talk about, Jinkaku radio also ppl hate Yoshiki because he's like that ego fucktard who thinks he has a 9 incher and 6 pack abs but he's just tiny with beer belly.
  9. Ruimaru (vivar)'s twitter vid is so cute ❤️ he's like an adorable lil kid. I probably got teeth older than him :D

  10. anadentone

    they're too precious to hate non jk band- I love Aqua. Their music is sappy but it's happy upbeat music. vk-Baboo. I know,wtf right?
  11. anadentone

    net announcements : mana marries kaya
  12. hey it's kiry- oh wait 😮 I'm wondering whose gonna wear the shit emoji hat
  13. anadentone

    Congrats Makoto-chan! I feel like VKei artist are finally going "Hey ,guess what? I got married. I'm twice your age,I'm a grown man.Don't like it, deal with it!"
  14. anadentone

    ooh cant wait to hear Ever since they got that new drummer, their music has been improving
  15. What do they call those Japanese key chains that have a figurine and a long strip of wood or decorated lace next to it? I've mostly seen them as phone charms.

  16. anadentone

    whats with that tongue sticking out at that particular area O.o
  17. anadentone

    this: plus this : equals their look
  18. I wonder if these guys are gonna do a parody of the Chin-man's drama? lol Masato wearing a poop emoji hat ❤️
  19. can someone translate this : 改めて今回報告が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません。いつ何時も己龍の九条武政でいる事、今すぐ理解してもらえないかもしれないけど、今後の己龍の活動を通して、言動や行動、精一杯の誠意を伝えて行くしか無いと思ってます。 also it seems he deleted his tweet with the video, or it could be I haven't scrolled enough.
  20. right here : https://v.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/visualtanuki/1533727291/ His wife or some girl talked about exposing (him/her) and mentions Hawaii (wedding or honeymoon) Then theres about 9 threads full of byangas bitchin. Off topic: were fans this looney when Jun from Golden Bomber got married?
  21. wow them psychos in Japan need to chill. Some are talking about wanting to snatch off his mask during a meet up. Bangya be trippin. One of my fave pics from Tanuki (Men-men's real pic edit then Chin man's face edited by some tanuker) https://imgur.com/ooDE3ON also: https://imgur.com/EDx3n45
  22. if you get pissed at an artist for getting married and they're not cheating,beating or whatever is a cultural no-no in Japan for marriage, then you're not a real fan. I like Dir en grey, Codomo Dragon , and Rammstein but I don't care if they get married (The rammstein guys are, I think and maybe Kana got married?) As long as they don't kill, beat, pedo shit, or something immoral like that, I still buy their shit.
  23. from what i gathered some one on tanuki happened upon an add/comment about the place she works at,googled to see what it was about, then started creeping into her social media sites, cuz ya know, bangyas are crazy. Anyway her name is Erina Yamamoto and she was born in 1992
  24. yeah I ain't gay but wowers. Maybe thats why fans are pissed, they'd hope he'd married an ugly. I think I have a pic of his wedding photo without his green hair ,same length
  25. https://www.instagram.com/erina26_/ but she deleted her stuff. She was some sorta model for a company. https://imgur.com/a/TIU5neO
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