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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. I smell a new Kaitou Sentai Nusumunja song
  2. anadentone

    well, I guess the only positive thing to come out this fiasco is the old man meme. also, what did .1 say about Dog in the PWO?
  3. anadentone

    this video reminds me of dadorama vid ( i forgot which one). Lead singer looks like Hayato ( Codomo Dragon) on meth. O_o
  4. anadentone

    Kisaki is Maury Povich guests all combined into one. Kisaki- ancient Japanese word for "drama king"
  5. anadentone

    i wonder if avel cain 2.0 is what I could play at church
  6. anadentone

    whose the midget in the front... too soon for memes?
  7. anadentone

    what are terekos ?
  8. anadentone

    "can you feel it?" after hearing that preview, yes I can. From the pit of my stomach flying north. and wtf is up with this?: looks like someones little brothers tryna be sug 2.0. BRING BACK LYCAON! MAKE VK GREAT-ISH AGAIN!
  9. Love em or hate but anytime you see fans and a band singing along,moshing or dancing together, you have to admit, it's beautiful.

    1. xriko


      singing yes

      but dancing...

      go to last live of fav band, get on 5/7st rank, and find yourself surrounded by fans

      everybody will dance, and u will have to learn those chore on one chorus...


      also 1st rank of an indies band front of vocal, when all the girl arround got to the knee and praise, staying up and watching around. I hope the vocal was pretty disappointed

  10. anadentone

    my family in Singapore says "shi shi" is when you gotta poop.
  11. anadentone

    chic boy sounds like a gay magazine or some metro sexual posh clothing line.
  12. I forgot that Mizuki had left Jin-Machine last year and got replace by Ryoha. When I saw their newer vids, I thought "Mizuki looks hella difference. Musta got some plastic surgery"

  13. anadentone

    so this band is Azero 2.0? also do you pronounce it "chick" or "sheek"?
  14. anadentone

    😮 I've been a fan of this business for too long when I can just guest based on face shapes. also from really good bands, why this shit?
  15. anadentone

    someone come up with a cure so Yu-chan will be okie dokie T_T (and anyone else who has it) somewhat on topic: how come the drummers always seem to be the ones with the most health probs? T_T I mean lead singers have lymphobes from screaming bt drummers seem to be the most sick/ill
  16. anadentone

    and showing off his make up induced abs ❤️
  17. I wonder what Maria Cross is up to lately.

    1. Masato



      He is planning parties with his friends. Still going strong!

  18. anadentone

    he's going to perform with Maria cross as a stripper. Make America Slutty Again!
  19. i wonder what happened between Vambi and Mah-kun on yt. They use to do a lot of vids together but now, mahkun does cat vids.

  20. Any ideas why Kana left Codomo Dragon? I miss him on visual baka looking high af 

    1. Masato


      Life getting serious? Not wanting to become another Yoshiki?

    2. Miku70


      I have no idea because it's not says.


      I know that Hayato who talks with him but it  never arrived :/.

      And other members of Codomo Dragon never talks him.


      Maybe Subaru said something but I don't know really .


      Maybe Kana suffer a depression and he's not arrive to tell of over members.


  21. anadentone

    Poor Kanna-chan, stuck up there on that massive AC unit. I love Junjuns look
  22. Happy Birthday Keilu! You adorable little butterbean :D

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