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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. anadentone

    UNiTE please I'd rather watch Maria cross twerking and singing "Tie a yellow ribbon" than watch UNiTE's new cringy bullshit.
  2. I think wine is the best look on Hayato. and Yume chan looks so adorable
  3. I heard BRILLIANT and forgot this was Ryogas new band and went "Hmm that voice sounds familiar" As of right now, Razor seems to have been a perfect fit for Ryoga whereas with Born, something just didn't feel right.
  4. anadentone

    is VK becoming high school or has it always been like this?
  5. yay more painted abs His voice is great, the music is great but together his voice seems to be much much louder than the music
  6. anadentone

    this thread is better than any fanfic I've ever read 5/5 stars. Worth the read
  7. anadentone

    Satsuki is the biggest meme in Lichtenstein
  8. anadentone

    satsuki is secretly Maria cross Jpop band NEWS are wanna be Satsuki Satsuki puts on a fat suit and shitty Moe Howard wig to become Kim Jong Un (just adding something :S)
  9. Kiyo always creeped me out tbh. This is one of a few old bands thats are (well, were) still around. They're on Euclid label right? If so, with Guild gone and no Anli Pollicino, Golden Bomber is in deep poop
  10. anadentone

    Jui sucks at riding the stripper pole . Come on Jui! Ya gotta twirl! Skin to win, grandpa!
  11. this meme pretty much sums it up for me:
  12. anadentone

    ever since they've gotten the new drummer, their music has gotten a lot better.
  13. anadentone

    whats with Isseis hairy nipple thing? Isn't JunJun (DOG) bffs with Gan-shin's ceo? Dog needs to join them next. Maybe I get to watch their videos on youtube without using a VPN.
  14. are they gonna do one video for it and kinda disappear (release wise)
  15. anadentone

    such a pitty
  16. anadentone

    is it me or do they guys have the same haircut
  17. anadentone

    so this is what DC records wanted to do to Kameleo and they were like "aww hell naw" and disbanded? Thank God. The first video is cute but the second one looks ridiculous. What's with the hip hop boy band look to em? Yui stop dancing like someones white uncle!
  18. what video is your siggie from ? :D

    1. platy


      Mamireta's ojamashimasu :D


  19. anadentone

    tanuki might be gone for good? But where will I read shitty google translation of who's a "shit noodle" or which band is going to break up, and what's going to happen to the "Takuma (Anli Pollicino) gave me an std" thread?
  20. anadentone

    It turns out, the band (and staff/official) will follow you back and Sat-is-faction replied to my tweet in English so he either is flent in English or have a translator better than google.
  21. anadentone

    is it me or does Sat-is-faction looks like Men-Men from codomo dragon?
  22. anadentone

    how high were these guys when they came up with this?
  23. Hal is fucking hot in this video ❤️ too bad the video/song reminds me of the new UNiTE song.
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