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Posts posted by Licio123

  1. Downloaded a bunch of '80s classics (for example: Evil Dead trilogy, The Blob, The Thing, The Fly) for a rewatch... awwww yeah


    Has anyone seen/heard of the 2015 movie ''Deathgasm'' btw? It's going to be playing at a film festival here,and i'm wondering if it's worth watching in the cinema or if i can just settle for downloading it


    Tokage, I have watched it a few months ago. It's a good Horror Comedy, if you like this type of movies (and a lot of heavy metal) you can't go wrong!


    B-movie at it's best!

  2. Watched The Canal, and ohboy, it was really good. The homage to Ringu is very obvious, but it was awesome.
    Eerie atmosphere and cool (although slow) development were the best part of it. The scares were those cliche sound effects, but the story more than made up for that shortcoming.
    And that ending...


    freaking real estate agent who was in the whole thing! that smile! It made me rage hahah


    All in all, an excellent surprise. Yes, there are weak points, but it does so many things right that it really doesn't matter at the end. 8.5/10


    Bear, thanks for the recommendation!

  3. What? I thought it was a fairly well-recieve film? It holds 79/100 on Rotten Tomatoes, and reviews around the internet seems mostly positive when taking a quick look. Lots of 3/4, 3,5/5 and 4/5 going on. My expectations are quite high to be honest.



    Exhibit A looks good too. Will take a look someday.


    True dat. I think I got things mixed up. Maybe the IMDB score messed my head xD Gotta use rotten tomatoes more...


    Anyone seen The Borderlands? A found footage folk horror film from 2013. It looks pretty neat.


    I've had it on my list to watch, but it was heavily bombarded by critics, so I gave up on it. Still have it, though.


    While not exactly horror, I forgot to recommend Exhibit A. What a fucking fantastic found footage movie! After the movie, you feel exhausted but impressed with the great use of the FF technique. Fans of the genre can't miss it!

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