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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    I imagine every THE HAKKIN song as 90s anime OP and its wonderful
  2. Chi

    can confirm it works please take me somewhere where its winter right now i absolutely...hate....hot weather...
  3. Chi

    https://www.instagram.com/p/_Ehdr2ROqp/ unfortunately not even prince mia is ugg-proof
  4. Chi

    a band that defies my google searching skills SHIT HAPPENING is still my favorite bad band name though
  5. Chi

  6. Chi

    downloaded a festival from 2013 where the novembers happened to perform at and i LOVE this song so i uploaded it eheheh *revives thread*
  7. Chi

    holy crap that preview
  8. well at least they gonna wait till march, i expected it to be in february or something... i will look forward to it anyways. hope they get a cool new look too.
  9. ^ lmao, love it (both pv and the caps)
  10. NICE. Looks so fun...
  11. Chi

    I prefer this version over the one in the album tbh actually...scratch that. i love both.
  12. glad to see grieva as i am currently in love with them. havent listened to their old stuff a lot but this year has been great for them!
  13. interview with the vocals, translated on royz-yade. there's a 2nd part coming. http://royz-yade.tumblr.com/post/134663047190/family-party-vocal-interview-part-12
  14. Chi

    mia finally graced us with some pics tzk and koichi
  15. i dont always listen to kenshi yonezu but when i do, i listen to poppin' apathy ALL DAY
  16. that IX-NINE preview is sweet. gotta listen to the whole mini just saw they are releasing a 2CD album next month! more things to look forward to!
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