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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Chi

    Great list, fitzzz even though i dont know most of the international artists lol and wow i havent heard of nemesis in a looong time, good to know they are still active ;;
  2. Chi

    BENI IM SO HAPPY TO SEE FOLKS HERE YES did you listen to blue & yellow toooooo? also fuyusuruneko!!!naisu
  3. Chi

    but im screaming for ice cream!!! be proud, koba!!
  4. Chi

    yas thank you for postingggg
  5. Chi

    The ice cream is gone
  6. Chi

    Thanks for reading zesss!! I actually think i suck at these because i never know why I like certain releases/songs and that's why I didnt have a lot to say. I hope you find something you like! btw I added music videos, and uploaded some songs myself! Beni!! thanks for reading I think you might enjoy koochewsen/hitorie/good on the reel! koochewsen are really charming. i dont know what it is, but they have a certain style/sound/look that is their own and separates them from other bands. meawhile, while i enjoy good on the reel, i still think they sound like other 10 bands i like - you know what i mean? hitorie are very unique as well and you should definitely check them out!! i added their MV to my post!
  7. Chi

    i liked the stuff you played on dub so i definitely should check the artists i havent heard of the soredemo album....*looks at the pile of releases i havent checked yet* :'( :'( :'( nice list!! thanks for joining the Best Of party
  8. Chi

    honey this isnt the disappointments of 2015 thread
  9. leave the shadows... even though i am doing the same..

    1. kyoselflove


      it's so comfy here tho....

  10. Chi

    i think you might dig that Pony album, Jig! For me only 2 tracks kept it from being greater :'( Dont even bother tbh....
  11. Chi

    mfw trying to enjoy mejibray for me, they definitely released good songs but they were spread amongst a billion so-so singles etc. so the replay value of each single was really...low. It could have been different, probably...muh mejibrays.. i swear kelly u always reply when i am already replying someone omg!!!!! that good on the reel EP was boring as FUCK. the songs in the album are a lot more upbeat and even the ZzZ inducing ones were decent enough. I hope you enjoy CHVRCHES and Pony!!!
  12. Chi

    Also can be read as: Releases I actually listened to more than once. 2015 was a year with lots of releases from bands i discovered recently and also bands I have been following for a long time. Trying to keep up with everything has been really hard. I enjoyed a lot of releases but the truth is: I didn't replay a lot of them. So here is the stuff I actually listened constantly last year. btw no ranking order besides the obvious number one. Pelican Fanclub by Pelican Fanclub Wooo big surprise here, huh? I bet no one saw this coming. I have over 400 plays for this album on lastfm alone. You can say I am pretty addicted to them. I can listen to this band for hours without getting tired. This EP is probably the only one all year I love every single song. Hiniku na tane no hikutsu na me and Akesuke Shuuchiroku by Kuroyuri to Kage Easily my most played VK releases from last year. The album maybe not as much but I really dig the EP. Their songs can sound very same-y and I hope they change that up a bit in 2016. Every Open Eye by CHVRCHES The first album was my 2013-2014 soundtrack basically so I was super excited for this release. A lot of people seemed to not like it but i think the quality is pretty much the same as the previous one. It wasn't perfect but it was definitely above average for me. I Don't Want to Open the Window to the Outside World by Pony They released their 1st album in 2009 and an EP in 2012. Both sounded like your usual indie band from Korea (which I love, anyways) but for this album they turned into a completely different band and went full experimental. I LOVED IT. Petry ga Yonderu by GOOD ON THE REEL These guys released an EP before this and I was about to throw them in the trashcan of forgotten/ruined bands but they ended up releasing an album that sounded completely different and much much better so they have been forgiven. VIDYA by IX-NINE- The vocals may bother some people but i think they are just right for the kind of sound they've been putting out. The upcoming album sounds promising too so I'm very excited for these guys in 2016! New Place by Ame no Parade I looove Kohei's voice and how soothing it can be in certain songs. The second half of this EP is gold. Ame no Parade was my favorite discovery of 2014 and this is like seeing my own children doing well in school. Elegance by THE NOVEMBERS Could've been better? Yes. But after a while this EP grew on me and now I can pretty much enjoy every track. SCREAMING4ICECREAM Roomsick Girls Escape/non-fiction four e.p. by hitorie Oh, how I love hitorie's style. They really never disappoint with their music so it is almost obligatory I add this to the list. Compact by Koochewsen Lovely band that I discovered last year and I enjoyed pretty much every song from this EP.
  13. Chi

    baby conscious 4 uuuuuuu ;_; love ur list jig!! i cant wait to hear more from Burgh!!
  14. that album by ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ was one of my fav releases from december hehe collapse happens to be my favorite track off the album too. *high fives @doombox* seeing giraffepot and the cheserasera here makes me happy YEAH ...that kominami yasuha release has been sitting in my pile of downloads for ages...i should probably check it out..
  15. Chi

    https://youtu.be/Ai1xZaEZjYo I miss RES.
  16. Chi

    Ice cream. I have an almost never ending supply of ice cream at this point. (not really....maybe)
  17. Chi

    Pelican Fanclub - Dancing Queen
  18. Chi

    this source might not be the best but i literally just googled "visual kei subgenres" and it was the 1st thing that popped up. it might help you. if you are still confused you can read about it around the internet. https://homelessvisualkids.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/a-look-into-visual-kei-subgenres/ there are bands that strongly dress and sound a certain way - like oshare kei bands. some bands of course end up changing the way they dress or sound but, until they say they arent, they are still visual kei. edit: lmao i just checked the link i just posted.... Versailles = Lolita kei???never mind my link....... off to wiki you go http://visualkei.wikia.com/wiki/Visual_Kei
  19. Chi

    I will wait till someone uploads this year's COUNTDOWN JAPAN in a smaller size and will upload Frederic's part (and some other bands) they sang Hello Goodbye
  20. Chi

    Rainbows is one of the few songs I like from post-zekkeishoku alice nine so i'll go with that one but i know everyone in your list! Art Cube - 花陽影~Petal~ Kagrra, - 桜舞い散るあの丘で 21 Pilots - Trees THE NOVEMBERS - パラダイス mol-74 - 3.9 BLUE ENCOUNT - One She Her Her Hers - Excuse OWARIKARA - 勇敢なるビイヒヤナウ Janne da Arc - Liar KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND - 堕落論(SYGR MIX)
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