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The Moon

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Everything posted by The Moon

  1. Hitomi needs to stop fucking around with these bullshit nostalgia gigs and form a new band. GAWD.
  2. The Moon

    I voted for Kimora Blac, The Kim Kardashian of Drag, The Hummingbird, St. of Hip Pads, The Drag Vixen, For Miss Congeniality on RuPaul's Drag Race Season 9.
  3. Getting my jush watching the terrible "movie" version of this Jakura song.



  4. The Moon

    Trinity better win this.
  5. Didn't Silver Ash try, but were forced by the government to tone it down? Or was that just typical 2000s-era gossip that was never verified?
  6. The Moon

    Tsunehito looks so RIGHT. Love this!
  7. I DON'T EAT PIE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT TASTES LIKE, I’M NEVER GONNA EAT PIE! MAYBE, I DON'T KNOW, I MAY TRY IT, I’M NOT A PIE TYPE OF PERSON. I can’t say if it’s good, Idk, I haven’t eaten it, I don’t eat pie. But I eat her BBQ sauce and her hot sauce and her marinades and everything else, but I don't eat her pie, I don't eat pie. So don't send me no more negativity, I DON'T CARE. I really don't.

    1. herpes


      hey hey hey put your lighters up

  8. The Moon

    She made for GREAT television - Farrah should have been sent home on the fairytale challenge and I will die on this cross.
  9. The Moon

    Bring back Kimora. #robbedt
  10. The Moon

    I'd love to do this, but I'm literally in a upper-level Japanese course that's exactly this, only with poetry. Maybe I could help out once I'm done with that? : O
  11. The Moon

  12. The Moon

    Aja should have been sent home for that runway AND her lipsync was a messy combo of every cliche drag move a la miss Ganja. Kimora's princess was at least funny and she looked RIGHT.
  13. The Moon

    I'm rooting for Trinity now, since Kimora was ROBBED. Loved all her looks so far and the bitch is hilarious.
  14. You're perfect 💯, you're beautiful 👰, you look 👀 like Linda Evangelista 💃.. You're a model 💋 💅. Everything 🔁 about you ☞ is perfect 💯!Did you stone 💎 those tights 👢 ? Oh, you're smiling 👱 ! They eat 🍽 her up 🔝 EVERY🕛SINGLE🕧TIME🕗 she's on that damned 👹 stage 🏁.She 😡ftsdbsds😣. She could walk 👣 out there in a fucking 😠 diaper 👶 and they'll 👥 be like 🗣: "Valentina! 👰 Your smile 👄 is beautiful! 😍".

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      😡ftsdbsds😣 [2]

  15. The Moon

    ナナキ sounds like a reworked Emily (the chorus..) with a few elements mixed in. But I'm not mad at it.
  16. The Moon

    Girl sounds like a forgotten Shazna b-side. Pass.
  17. The Moon

  18. The Moon

    THIS TEA. Thank you!
  19. The Moon

    Never listened to them before and really liked this sample - anyone have any recommendations?
  20. That looks is RIGHT! ..Except for the Karma cosplayer.
  21. The Moon

    Sukekiyo is better than Dir en grey, IMO.
  22. The Moon

    They bought views? Is there any proof? MESS.
  23. The Moon

    Why did God have to take away UNDER-CODE when he could have taken Starwave? I can't with this label.
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