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The Moon

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Everything posted by The Moon

  1. The Moon

    We all want to die on this blessed day :')
  2. The Moon

    best pv of 2017
  3. The Moon

    i can't believe alice nine invented gravure
  4. dadaroma rule e v e r y t h i n g a r o u n d m e 

    1. ricchubunny


      I just can't understand what's good about this band D: all my friends are crazy for them but i saw them live and it was pretty boring

    2. Wakarimashita


      I guess it's just love or hate D:

  5. The Moon

    ok but where is karma tho
  6. The Moon

    fucking YES im SHOOK
  7. holy moly @ that live schedule i'm exhausted just looking @ it
  8. The Moon

    tsunehito sweety what are u doing here???
  9. The Moon

    that FoLLoW eulogy has cured my psoriasis
  10. The Moon

    ain't this the tea where is my depression art GOD
  11. Koichi regularly (not sure if he still does, though?) asks girls for anal. Not that bad at all, but it makes me laugh.
  12. The Moon

    i'm calling the police
  13. I really liked カレン❣ Frilly, synth-heavy, pop rock. Nao's terrible dancing in the Dusty Mirror PV is iconic. Also really loved Dali (til the very end - their weird melancholic pop era stuff is some of my favorites) and hurts, but there's not really a band on the label I hate. Speaking of, does anyone have any CindyKate or hurts they can upload? I can't find any working links, and miss them both.
  14. The Moon

    is he single
  15. The Moon

    what is the "problematic behavior" exafctly
  16. The Moon

    how are you gonna go from camera obscura to this sid b-side mess
  17. The Moon

    ew @ romaji #learnJapanese
  18. The Moon

    New song has a monologue, I'm stanning. (But Tora's shoes are a war-crime, sorry.)
  19. The Moon

    ff7 currently
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