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Posts posted by Vercingetorix

  1. 21 hours ago, Takatori Reiji said:

    I was dead middle, 2nd row. Looking around the entire middle was full and all sides were also full. The only areas that were empty were way back in the far two corners of the venue.

    I was up in N10 and there were empty seats a'plenty up there.


  2. 21 hours ago, sads123 said:

    Erm, why would so many people leave between the encores? To catch the last train? Or were they *ahem* paid to attend?

    Easy on the conspiracy theories there, sweetheart. ;)

    Quite a few of the Japanese there had seniors and/or kids with them, so they were never gonna last the full 3 1/2* hours. Then there was like 15-20 minutes between encores, so other folks must've basically got sick of waiting. Also, it wasn't 100% clear there was gonna be a proper 2nd encore (they were running a bit late and London authorities get seriously bitchy about noise curfews). It was a bit like waiting for the post-credits scene in a Marvel film without the guarantee there was actually one coming.

    *4 1/2 hours if you include the film.

  3. Still surprised they've reunited so quickly. I get that Jupiter's hardly been a runaway success, but KAMIJO doesn't seem to be suffering - he could release a single of him just farting into a microphone for 4 minutes and still sell 20,000.

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