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Everything posted by Alkaloid

  1. Alkaloid

    Did not expect Mew to have an American accent.
  2. Karma is coming back on October 27th!!!!
  3. Alkaloid

    Too cute
  4. Alkaloid

    That audio quality...holy fuck. May actually be the worst I've ever heard. (And this is coming from someone who enjoys shitty 90's indie visual kei demos.) The weirdest thing is that it didn't sound like that at all in the preview. Edit: Me: Good! They reuploaded it! Me: Oh, it's only a minute and half of it. Let's see what else they'll screw up in the roll-out of this MV. Hopefully 3rd time's a charm, as they say.
  5. Alkaloid

    Zillapark will disband after their one-man live at Ikebukuro EDGE on 2015/12/21.
  6. You're welcome but I didn't upload it lol
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnuN8YVeOpk Full PV, if anyone's interested. (Not my upload.) On a semi-unrelated note, they're a pretty bunch.
  8. Alkaloid

    Shame. They had potential. Also, I don't think they're that new. vkdb says they formed in 2013. About the average vk band lifespan.
  9. Holy shit. I hope he gets the help he needs.
  10. Aw I hope he feels better soon. Isn't this the second time this has happened in the past few months? I hope they don't impact him in the long run.
  11. Alkaloid

    Muuuuuch better.
  12. Alkaloid

    This may be the band with the worst luck in visual kei. (Recently, at least. All time probably goes to '90s PIASS.) Shame though, they sounded like they could have been really good.
  13. リライゾ(liraizo) Ba.ユウトマン(yuuto-man) will depart after their live on 12/9 for personal reasons.
  14. Alkaloid

    Sounds pretty cool! I also love that they straight-up stole the monster energy logo lol
  15. About time! It feels like it's been forever since they've released anything...
  16. They are. It's weird, especially because they are easily Ains' most successful band.
  17. Alkaloid

    Their look and name give me kote vibes. Let's hope that's how they sound. The more kote kei revival bands the better imo. Edit: they definitely will. The singer's twitter location says "90's time is my all."
  18. That look is amazing holy fuck. Hopefully their music is the same.
  19. First full AvelCain PV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVX3PV6W-Ms
  20. Alkaloid

    I expected it to sound very different. A lot less screaming, if any. It's at least worth checking out, imo.
  21. He's listed as bassist on their OHP but his twitter still says support. So who knows.
  22. Alkaloid

    La'veil MizeriA and Misaruka? Interesting. The name took no creativity whatsoever though lol
  23. Alkaloid

    It's understandable to think they had disbanded, but they've just been rather inactive for a little while (their last release being in October.) And they did lose everyone but TOMOZO and Hajime a while ago, but they got erina (ex-Dio/VII-Sense) and Tatsu (ex-DOWNER support) to replace them. Sorry if this makes me seem stalker-ish lol
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