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Status Updates posted by Alkaloid

  1. THE GALLO are a really good band. Why I just discovered them a few days ago is a mystery.

  2. BUG scream probably would be a lot bigger had they started 15 years earlier.

  3. INCUBUS has a theremin in it. I love THE GALLO so much.

  4. Probably going to start adding people on here. People I feel like I would get along with.

  5. Die actually looked so good last night omfg

  6. wow the new Avanchick song slaaaaaaaaays

  7. Yay Trombe's back!!!

  8. does anyone else here watch project runway and is anyone else is pissed about this season as i am?

  9. Your avatar is wonderful! Love Richard Ayoade <3



  11. Vivarush are suuuuuuper catchy.

  12. I just woke up to the shitty news that Mikuru from RAVE passed away.

    I don't listen to RAVE terribly much, although what I do listen to I enjoy greatly.

    I always remembered him as the super happy-go-lucky guy in all their MVs and furitsuke tutorials and the thought of him being gone is incredibly tragic.

    Rest in peace, Mikuru.


  13. Legendary.


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