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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    I miss Bernie </3
  2. suji

    AND OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE LIVE LIMITED ;____________________________; why does this always happen to my faves???
  3. suji

    I know, I went ahead & posted this anyway for those who didn't catch it. The previous thread was primarily about them forming, so since it was focused on that, not a lot of people kept up with the releases listed on there, nor of any other activities, so I believe it's easier if I separated their disbandment from that thread onto this thread, and not make it difficult for people to find current news about them by reading through an entire thread. Hope that makes sense ^^;
  4. 無玄-MUKURO- will disband after their live on 10/28 (according to the last date of their live schedule) as Dr.千明 (chiaki) will depart. The release of a new mini-album has also been rescinded. http://ameblo.jp/iroha-to-hoheto/entry-12199430529.html?timestamp=1473725053 Drummer Chiaki gave the band a letter detailing his troubles; the band chose to reveal it on their blog. Basically what the note says is that Chiaki is having some family problems. To be more specific, his father just got laid off, his mother is ill from overworking, his brother has a learning disability, and Chiaki himself was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in February. The family is apparently "running off somewhere", and Chiaki apologizes for "picking [his] family over the band". I wish him and the band the very best.
  5. suji

    Tracklist: 1.Chaos of Dystopia 2.夢幻郷 3.La colline 4.禁じられた黙示録 The CD will cost 1500 yen.
  6. It appears that Kisaki's twitter account had been hacked earlier tonight. There seems to be no evidence of suspicious activity, other than this tweet, and the fact that the account was locked: The tweet has since been deleted and Kisaki may have been able to regain access to his account.
  7. suji

    Kuroyume auction has ended at 680,000 yen http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160926-00000106-nksports-ent
  8. suji

    Today it feels as if MH has become less........kawaii (again)
  9. suji

    Yeah, I actually got into MERRY in 2012 when they released Fukurou, didn't really get into their older stuff until later on. ^^; it's definitely worth checking out, I believe it's a lot better than what they're putting out now, as much as I love them to death ;w; (I highly recommend their first two albums, plus Koseiha Blend Classic ~OLDIES TRACKS~ (which showcases their early singles); I also suggest checking out their other albums from nu Chemical Rhetoric & so forth) Despite how things are going with Marco and their live-limited singles, I really hope they'll be able to release another EP, or even an album soon...
  10. ラムフェス 2016「EXTRA」2016.09.25 恵比寿LIQUID ROOM setlists: MERRY 01.千代田線デモクラシー 02.「東京」 03.絶望 04.ビニ本二丁目八千代館 05.暗闇にピンク 06.東京テレホン 07.さよなら雨(レイン) 08.【collector】 09.Carnival 10.自意識過剰型木偶人間 11.平日の女 12.Happy life EN 01.せんちめんたる(cali≠gari) 02.ジャパニーズモダニスト 03.千代田線デモクラシー cali≠gari 01.ギラギラ 02.ハイカラ・殺伐・ハイソ・絶賛 03.ミルクセヰキ 04.マグロ 05.蜃気楼とデジャヴ 06.やせゆく社会 07.ゼリー 08.冷たい雨 09.オーバーナイトハイキング 10.颯爽たる未来圏 11.紅麗死異愛羅武勇 12.淫靡まるでカオスな 13.アレガ☆パラダイス 14.クソバカゴミゲロ TAKA&MASATO (defspiral) 01.SILVER ARROW 02.カナリア 03.MASQUERADE(with テツ[MERRY]) 04.梟[MERRY](with テツ[MERRY]) 05.ESTRELLA Gara & Yuu (MERRY) acoustic 01.ダンシングオールナイト (Dancing All Night) (cover) 02.ブルージーナイト 03平日の女 04.待つわ(cover) 05.レストインピース
  11. suji

    Marco recently performed a new song, 麒麟 (Kirin). Is it just me or does Rei sound heavily autotuned here??? D: I hope they release it on a CD that I can actually get ;w;
  12. suji

    Sick Little Monkeys: The Unauthorized Ren and Stimpy Story by Thad Komorowski An incredible book to read if you wanna learn more about animation before the 90s, and the background story of Ren & Stimpy, plus the behind-the-scenes antics of John Kricsfalusi himself.
  13. suji

  14. suji

    I want a kawaii jrocker to fist me until the sun comes up It'll be kawaii love at its finest
  15. suji

    How the hell do they manage to spell "destruction" correctly in a song title, but not in their own fucking band name??? Like seriously....
  16. suji

  17. suji

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take me to church." All this jocularity means unicorns chewing weed, while blowing away a fistful of sand at my swollen body, Ultra-Poo pleasuring violently fisting for justice and Oshare-Kei prolapsing
  18. suji

    Laissez Faire
  19. suji

    Sharing an opposing opinion over a certain band = being in the ~special kids club~ I'll take that as a compliment I guess.
  20. suji

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