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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    i want to know WHO let the 3rd birthday flop...WHO THE FUCK IS RESPONSIBLE biran no tsuki and dakudou ni furu were god-tier VK songs, their absence is really fuckin missed
  2. i was wondering why some videos of the new live dvd were deleted a week after posting... t'was a shame, the live version of BALLAD was beautiful
  3. emmny

    friendly reminder that dadaism #2 is still banging
  4. didn't they allegedly re-record the guitars+bass tracks for -dispersed- and it didn't make jack shit of a difference? there was like one moment i remembered in the hopeless but outside of that i have a tough time figuring out why they changed the tracks if the newer versions stuck so much to the originals lol.
  6. the only thing they have going for them is that they're a "heeeeebi" visual band, and nothing else. their music isn't interesting enough to be good deathcore and its still sorely lacking clean vocals if they still wanna try being visual lol
  7. i deleted all the old songs except the stripper remake off my itunes for dispersed, there's still too many here. like both the kagunes and ushinai is fine but i don't like the hopeless and stripper in the context of the other songs still--IM SO EXCITED!!!
  8. emmny

    we like/hate the opposite songs personally i LOVE royal order, lily and tbh i dont remember the rest except kesshouka cuz it fucks me up but OVERALL its a good alt-metal album i literally just can't tell the songs apart
  9. LOL jig everytime something comes up with ex-dish im liKE YEAH but then i remember nothing is as good as what sivy does so i cry and move on.
  10. emmny

    i fucking love kagerou, everything they did, they did incredibly well. im happy they released so much music before their end, they had a great run. i wish they kept going past kurohata, im really curious as to what sound they would have donned for that release. also kusatta umi is probably my second favourite song of all time (only behind chain wandering deeply by envy). i can't express in words how much i love everything about that song, it just takes my breath away every single time (its been a 100+ times let me tell ya that) kagerou wrote the best ballads, especially towards the end of their career, sabishisa to nemure, kusatta umi, ragan, shizumu sora FUCK ITS ALL SO GOOD
  11. cool concept, the music's just kind of eh
  12. emmny

    >is fucking jealous of the gya that follow _________ band >realizes i haven't seen even one moderately good looking gaijin gya let alone the girls who follow this band >jealousy replaced with evil pity problem solved
  13. emmny

    im happy dead children are returning to wherever they came from (irrelevence) but i dont want to see this band go to shit just cuz they're shit mast+ray was never supposed to end up like this, and im not even that big of an aliene fan--its just that dc had so much potential but all of it went to shit i have no clue why
  14. happy birthday to the biggest pussy on MH, CAT5!

    1. emmny


      and by pussy i mean large beloved cat

    2. blackdoll


      well you havent seen him after sex lol, its like he got a bad batch of catnip jk he is 100% hard

    3. CAT5


      Thankssssss! <3

  15. hopefully this is a 4th installment of the byakuya singles ahhhhh NEW DIO MAYBE!!!!
  16. emmny

    ( emmuree go thru drummers so fast aw hoping their new support stays a bit longer
  17. emmny

    +1 on a ray and yuu nega-themed project with moody piano and kickass bass i wanna see hiro (gossip/varyl) join this imaginary band too hehe
  18. emmny

    hbd grandma rock on !!!!
  19. i can't get into cobalt which is prolly a sin considering i love usbm i've never really been into punk/bm hybrids so i guess its just not for me, the vocalist's previous band was sick tho
  20. u bitches r so DRAMATIC maybe they just got lazy!!!
  21. emmny

    i want fucking MENTHOL STICKS that shit is delicious fuck bro its all good im 19 in two months (meme face)
  22. emmny

    sux for ray, it was (allegedly) his last band he's one of my fav vk bassists, i hope he pulls a kisaki and comes back with a better band where he can show off his talents.
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