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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    yea thats rlly fuckin cool, its like the xenon in-store streams (which i totally envy californians for)
  2. emmny

    can they at least photoshop his nose consistently lol
  3. emmny

    facts son
  4. emmny

    i want someone at the gazette shows to force ruki to say he loves MH please
  5. emmny

    this is poppin, reminds me of the mono / world's end girlfriend collab way back in the day
  6. emmny

    @seurong who did this i need to know RIGHT Now WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS
  7. emmny

    IF U ARE TRUELY ONE WITH THE CHILL...cosplay as ur fav vk idol and parade around the forum with fangirl PRIDE
  8. emmny

    yuuki will play synth and fucking be a vocaloid queen but not return with a new band? SMFH
  9. my j-indie roots are coming back....kara, the novembers, speaker gain teardrop, redrum...LETS GOOOO

    1. CAT5


      I smell that mix coming on ^__~

    2. emmny


      blesseth me o mighty one

    3. CAT5


      soon, my son, soon. (84 years later...)

    4. Show next comments  264 more
  10. emmny

    im fuckin' with ya kiddo ;) or am i
  11. emmny

    30+ years? my vk daddy yummmmmmmmmy
  12. emmny

    20+ years? queen! Only a true admirer stands out among the rest, regardless of the initial reactions by rookies to music.
  13. emmny

  14. emmny

    bangya and tanuki (surprise!) oh and a shadow for the most part irl, i never mention japanese music.
  15. I'm equally shocked about the kagerou stuff, i think the singles aren't all that good outside of the album's context. they were one of the best albums bands of the 2000's, there's 2-3 songs i don't entirely like from each album but i don't think they're filler at all.
  16. tbh i still hate the setlist considering DSS budokan was so awesome
  17. emmny

    this is so similar to memento-mori/reload's disbanding messages except salivan are openly accepting that they're flops lol no ains reforming on the horizon </3
  18. oh wow ain't afraid to die what a surprise
  19. emmny

  20. emmny

    bringing this back bitches vamps - glamorous sky (mika nakishima cover) no i dont stan hyde/l'arc/vamps in any way but the grungy guitars meeting the pretty lead melody and hyde's gruff vocals on the pretiest chorus melody like ever written in j music while he looks all sexy into the camera is godly. this cover's also live only but hyde wrote the original anyway, and he plays it as if he owns the damn song (which he fucking does) kagerou - yuugure no shazai (saishu kouen) standard hype livehouse number, except daisuke's insanity makes every second of the 10 minutes exciting. otherwise known as "jrocker x waterbottle". watching the staff forcibly rip him apart from the audience who would basically devour him alive if they had the chance to is fucking awesome, and the fact that he does it again and again while the band is busy going off on kagerou's signature song is equally awesome. oh and he simulates jerking off with the waterbottle not once BUT TWICE before throwing it (along with his clothes) into the audience. if there's a visual kei archive, this belongs there along with all the other iconic visual kei moments.
  21. yay more lynch. live footage i hope it follows the decade of greed lives by mixing the band performance footage with the stage visuals
  22. emmny

    this is the vk fandom's existence in one sentence. facts.
  23. emmny

    satsuki's a madman i have no clue how i feel anymore
  24. >tfw u ask for LITERALLY ask for peoples' opinions and are confused when people actually give u one lmfao and thank you for the correction(s) suuu. again, this was just my opinion and im happy people wish to support deviloof and i like v star quite a bit still ^.^
  25. jig i meant punky not so much as straight bm/hardcore hybrid but like with a punk influence, which i don't like much with my black metal--it lends mixing to death metal more (metalcore!!) its my same issue with tombs, or why i never really got into them much
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