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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    mods ban her 4 being a rat my baby rat
  2. emmny

    yeah! listen to their new stuff too its surprisingly amazing too (sounds a bit different from this kiryu demon kei)
  3. emmny

    zigzag remind me of how i felt when i first discovered avelcain and dezert...aka they're batshit crazy and GASP original. its great news their profile is increasing, they have a fuckton of potential (more so than the rest of osaka trash kei)
  4. slowly becoming a wagakki band convert...HALP

    1. Zeus


      i see nothing wrong with this

    2. Jigsaw9


      not you too, no~ D:

    3. saishuu



    4. Show next comments  201 more
  5. time 2 get fucked up !! cant wait 4 release list
  6. emmny

    i didn't care for merciless cult until i saw it live, its a beast on stage. they way the band chimes up the tension leading to the heavy parts is so...erotic
  7. emmny

    sukekiyo calling!!!
  8. i guess they're betting that same amount on them succeeding...LOL we gotta wait n see
  9. their oneman is announced like...a year in advance? LOL
  10. emmny

    this sounds...uh...awkward
  11. emmny

    yes , it was me. true love at last ^>^
  12. emmny

    ur getting a 3 page unite discography review next month...be careful what u wish for
  13. emmny

    @Uglymouth this tea is delicious!
  14. emmny

    you came here asking for reasons no one is trying to change ur opinion lmfao, ur allowed to like yohio trust me no one here cares if you do. i'd suggest you word your question differently next time you make a topic, since this thread is entirely pointless and it seems as if you came here to start some fan fight upon seeing how much we hate yohio (which isn't a good idea).
  15. emmny

    tzk my husbando lookin adorablu
  16. emmny

    as usual darkwater comes with logic, reason, and possibly an actually legitimate argument! western gya don't like yohio because he's kind of a wanker, there's a lot of funny gossip about him all over the web (including an alleged dick pic lmao). as disposal mentioned, it greatly seems that he made it so far in sweden and japan simply because of his dad's connections and because of that he looks a lot worse in everyone's eyes. thats the trend, few westerners make it in jp as a vk-related act solely through money and connections, which eclipses their talent for the most part. disreign is an exception though, i think thats surprisingly decent gaze-worship. so we have someone who fucks around, is mostly a giant poser and probably wouldn't be anywhere close to where he currently is without his dad's money, compared to everyone in japan who has (for the most part) fought for their place in the scene. im sure you can imagine why he'd leave a bad taste in some people's mouths.
  17. emmny

    what beautiful flowers, good to know they still have a fair chunk of fans (willing to spend that kind of money for them LOLL)
  18. emmny

    yeah morrigan are so hit-miss i doubt i'll like this, but im curious to see if they can pull another underworld and slay the world
  19. emmny

    OUCH i didn't think rino was the main songwriter, but i believe what he says. considering it was babies first vk band and he wanted to go on further, the other guys weren't as serious as he wanted. then again these are dudes in their early 20's, i don't blame them
  20. emmny

    so cute ^>^
  21. hollowgram have finally done it, its been two years but they've finally put out a record i love!

    1. emmny


      also insanely emotional uH

  22. emmny

    yeah i hated the sugizo violin live it was awful to hear omfg
  23. emmny

    so sad; i loved that zombie song of theirs and they looked to be gaining popularity :/
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