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Everything posted by emmny

  1. good night sweet princes
  2. i fucking love that song, but the live version is actually better than the studio
  3. emmny

    they sold out liquidroom with a month to spare oh my god my wig is literally flying into the stratosphere kizu didn't come to PLAY funny how they're playing such big venues for their onemans but don't even have enough material to do a cross-country oneman tour...THEN lets see what venues they play outside of tokyo...catfish queens. I'm guessing they'll announce that tour at the zepp live? by then they'll probably be well enough into everything to actually do a tour like that. Im happy a heavy band has done this well tho
  4. the lighting fx r so cool. also luv dis and all other lynch ballads i dont think there's even one i dislike
  5. emmny

    @nekkichi say something nice
  6. love this look minus that damn visor !!!
  7. emmny

    sick2 are one of the most underrated bands on here...they're fucking amazing
  8. emmny

    started with DSS, my brain is still permanently fried from it
  9. now THIS is some fucking disappointing stuff.
  10. emmny

    dexcore REALLY went to shit with this 2005 BMTH cover
  11. emmny

    I just want to chime in and say that kizu had one of the best showings of the year with kizuato...I haven't heard a song that GOOD in a long time, shocking considering their first song sucked and their second single was just okay. They literally have ddrm shaking with that ending breakdown...it must be insane live
  12. kyo ugly as fuk but thats okay everyone else looks divine and that artwork is AMAZING
  13. emmny

    this is fucking fire...so excited
  14. emmny

    WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK THOSE DAMN TROLLS the guys took a smart one year hiatus as a...massive joke....fuCK
  15. emmny

    someone leaked all over the floor
  16. LISTEN UP I GOT AN IDEA: hitomi just join DOF as their main vocalist, yuya is now second guitar and backing vocals. AWKWARD SOLO PROJECT FIXED
  17. gosan are NOT fuckin playing with their venue choices royz, rshithead, kiryu are all shaking
  18. emmny

    mods can we PLEASE open up madeth vs beyonce that was one of the most important threads on this site
  19. emmny

  20. lmao @ thinking ppl will still want to see them after a one year hiatus...yikes
  21. emmny

    fuckin fake but...how'd koichis face get black all of a sudden? was it painted that way before?
  22. emmny

    when i saw them in NA, they were tight as hell, not a single note was out of place. Its actually surreal how close to the record they are, special shoutouts to uruha solos that was the BESSSSt live.
  23. Time management is your friend, the better you can arrange your time to approach your work in a way that works for you, the less stress you'll deal with when deadlines come I do this by starting on work several weeks before its due, and working in bits and pieces until the week its due, then i spend more time. Personally, i prefer to do things one by one, so this sometimes this approach gets annoying, but when i leave enough time its all okay. Basically work to figure out an approach that works for you, but the main key is leaving a loooooot of time.
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