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Everything posted by emmny

  1. 3rd track type B is giving me kiyoharu vibes
  2. emmny

    kiyoharu doing his signature face-covering-thing in the mv 5x is more iconic than all of gazette's discography
  3. As usual, fuck all you EU MHers....why wont u LOVE ME (in canadaaaa)
  4. emmny

    legends only!!!
  5. in a sea of horse shit, a zan rip off is better than most
  6. emmny

    what a fucking dododododododominor collection of bands--it'll be like 100 people for gosan and 20 for all the other bands combined LOOOLLLLL
  7. emmny

    i will say that yukino's basslines for studs was the best basswork the nagoya/related scene will ever have like yeah kazu slays for kagerou/tgads/gibkiy, kazuya for deadman, hisaki for cocklobin, shuu for keel and hati for 9gbo but NO ONE can come for yukino
  8. im sorry but this is the best diaura have sounded since 2007
  9. keel stop making me cry challenge
  10. darker than their usual style, love it.
  11. emmny

    drama at the seniors home...
  12. emmny

  13. wonder what envys setlist was!
  14. eternal mood thanks for the live reports rev ur the best!
  15. emmny

    heres to hoping nothing else on the album sounds like this don't think they'll go soft with the album though, tomodachi gokko and realist were pretty fucking heavy. TBH i like damy most when they mix their heaviness with pop because they have a really good ear for that and its also when they're most original, so hopefully more stuff like kyougenheki, amaoto, asagao, shuushihu etc. Wouldn't mind more obutsu, bokusatsu samantha or kubitsuri shoujo type bangers tho LOL
  16. this sounds like it was recorded in a refrigerator...awesome
  17. emmny

    not on canadian spotify yet 💔
  18. okay but who remembers the morphine series that was so fkin amazing +1
  19. emmny

  20. emmny

    i dont like oyasumi and ohayou on this, i think its gonna be a snoozer
  21. literally they have to offer their guitarist to the ghostwriter as a human sacrifice also gosan cursed them LMFAO
  22. emmny

    thank you for summoning my messy spirit. PPS the offense comes from the fact that kuu disrespected the band hosting the event by "eating" his image, or basically equivalent to crumpling up their image and throwing it on the floor. Its pretty inappropriate, kind of like biting the hand that feeds you in this case, with a bigger band putting them on. At least thats the impression i get from sponsored taibans. BUUUTT the reason i like mathilda is they out trolled gosan--making a disrespectful move that fits their image enough that it isn't considered outright dissing because "he eats everything". strategically eating the pic of a band known to be assholes and inciting them to act inflammatory is good shade, and tbh they come out on top. @jtwitter folks keep us posted on what happens. also do mathilda have any fans yet? itadakimasu bangs still
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