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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    this isn't just cheap this is dam dollar store kei...
  2. emmny

    this is like that dead raccoon memorial thing raccoons are to toronto what rats are to nyc
  3. emmny

    IMAGINE I WAS GOING LOLOL THANK U ANYWAY im that excited to hear other fans accounts lol -creys internally-
  4. emmny

    yes bitches ARCHE budokan is this friday and saturday i really shouldn't be so excited for a live but diru at the budokan is always a big fat deal what will they play? how will they look? imo budokan is the most true expression of DEG, thats the height of their live show--in a smaller venue its cool but their sound is massive enough to easily fill out such a huge venue.
  5. bumping up this thread to spill some tea on recent discoveries eleventh he reaches london - stupid underrated, listen to their first album and see the face of GOD. its proggy post-rocky post-hardcore with insane vox that remind me as much of sludge as they do screamo and a touch that reminds me ALOT of funeral diner--not that shiney glittery new post shit benton falls - ol twinkly emo, makes me cry; lyrics are shit but i really really find it endearing (also insanely underrated) saosin - wrote off as shit bc i thought it was bad mid 2000's post hardcore angry white kid but their first ep is excelled post hardcore angry white kid--spastic and awesome. not underrated by any means, but i would have overlooked them entirely had it not been for a lot of good word about their first ep and the thursday comparisons athletics - more eits-y post-rock emo, i actually love it. sounds a bit too twinkly, but their peers make the combination a total shit show so how they keep it classy is beyond me a bunny's caravan - legendary band that put out a gorgeous post-rock/emo (more post-rock) ep, never played a show, broke up right after and everyone associated with the project basically dropped off the face of the earth. this sounds like a band who have been playing for years, i love the urban legend behind it anyway. great stuff.
  6. emmny

    yes on ryuutaro ++++1, moonlight gets me fucked up everytime; i just havent read enough translations to include him on my list hiroki go awf with that english major realness!! i spent like an hour making and chosing the pics for the thread for literally no reason LOL i have similar criteria but i cant resist the sad girl visual kei tropes of the rain, pathetic fallacy in general and flowers. those fucking flowers man.
  7. highkey furious that i got into varyl like a week after they disbanded. they were everything i loved about visualcore from the late 2000's and now im so sad

    1. TetsuAkira


      Oh Hiro ; - ;

      Why you do this

    2. yakihiko


      if we stay sad for every band we like disband... it will be a endless circle. Cheer up.

    3. yakihiko


      Trust me, I know this well :<

    4. Show next comments  303 more
  8. emmny

    the topic of lyrics has been discussed a lot on here, whether they're important or not etc its all subjective lalala. for those of us that take them heavily into consideration/find them important, who are your favourite lyricists? a lot of my honmei bands are distinguished by brilliant lyrics, thats the way i can latch onto a band. if the vocal is expressing themselves in a way that i can relate, their music and words take on a new, more sentimental value. of course, the lyricists mentioned wouldn't have resonated without a decent western following who translated lyrics, interviews, other material; so im sure there are a few artists who are equally brilliant but not mentioned similarly in the western fandom as there simply aren't resources to understand what they're saying. none of these translations are mine mako (ex. deadman, kein) temari (ex. amber gris, ruvie) hitomi (ex. moran, fatima) daisuke (ex. kagerou, the studs) tsuzuku (mejibray) ryo (keel) theres a bunch more great lyricists (nigu, kazuma, yuuki, ruki, kyo etc), but these are my favs tell me yours! i swear im not that big of a sap
  9. emmny

    i laugh at most fangirl types as all my fangirling is mostly in irony but for deadman im literally a rabid animal i read today that mako loved mono at some point and actually used 16.12 (one of my favs) as SE before they got on stage and i flipped balls like FUCK i love him so much i cant even think
  10. emmny

    this was so exciting while it lasted </3
  11. emmny

    u know the hype is real when ur listening to the previews on repeat..... lost soleil is gonna be soooooooooooo lit im ded
  12. i literally just got into gossip last week and then i find out the vocal was active in varyl who i remembered disbanding recently NOW IM MAD...finding out about a band only to realize that they pretty much disbanded a month ago. im happy hiro's still active in sessions tho.
  13. emmny

    tfw u turn on grindr and it tells u someone without a facepic is within the vicinity (in this case my goddam starbucks) and u scout the place looking for someone who fits the description and u giggle to urself hahahhaahhaha y'all thought u was slick #justcreepygaythings
  14. love the instrumental for the psychonaut but as with every dsbm record the vocals completely ruin it for me. i have been awful with keeping up with metal this past year but the new rosetta was quite awesome and while the krallice album that dropped really underwhelmed me, the ep that came after was the classic krallice i fell in love with https://theanaesthete.bandcamp.com/album/quintessential-ephemera http://krallice.bandcamp.com/album/hyperion in terms of new stuff, lycus' new song is amazing, and i dont just mean amazing i mean goddamn insane. i gave a listen to their debut but it didnt really stick with me since im not a huge funeral doom person, but that one song they had with the blastbeats was cool. eitherway, i fuck with them pretty hard for playing around with the rigid template of funeral doom. check out their new song https://soundcloud.com/relapserecords/lycus-solar-chamber im missing metal a lot, i loved metal so much and still do, its just taken a back burner to visual kei but i miss my profound lore/ worship days LOL
  15. guys im seeing gifs of a malisend live performance on tumblr, both recently (shizuki falling lol) and yuuki singing from late november. is this some privilege dvd or live dist or what? anyone know?
  16. emmny

    old deathcab is everything tbh
  17. *choking noises* *coughs out a hairball*
  18. emmny

    imo (contrary to what he said in his book) gackt left because his ego was too big for malice mizer, but then again basically everything surrounding malice mizer is mostly gossip--no one will ever know why gackt left, why kami died, where klaha is, when they'll come back--if ever--unless the members themselves address it. i find their whole fiasco fascinating, its probably worth it to make a separate rumours thread to spill the tea on this expired but nonetheless interesting drama.
  19. emmny

    sivy u troll whens the next actual release
  20. emmny

    omfg i dreamt about seeing avelcain at a fucking high school gym last night at one point karma was without makeup and he looked like such a mundane normal person i got nervous and had to ask my friend if it was really him on stage. it was wild
  21. great list mates! pretend moon is on my list OK
  22. LMAO I wish but hey now we know hazuki likes the ballad side of lynch. a fair bit, and they make amazing ballads so hey YEAH
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