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    togz reacted to Aferni in Aferni's Drawings..   

    Sai Hirosawa

    Neko Miku Hatsune
  4. Like
    togz got a reaction from beni in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    Wow Hi hello.
    I'm Togz. I like many different things. Because of this I'm just going to cram everything in to one thread. :'D
    I'm fairly mediocre at everything because I bounce back and forth between everything. But haaaaay.
    Thanks for stopping by.
  5. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in My BACTERIA IMAGE IsLAND   
  6. Like
    togz got a reaction from Aferni in My BACTERIA IMAGE IsLAND   
    I'd kill for some Daisuke love though.
  7. Like
    togz reacted to Aferni in My BACTERIA IMAGE IsLAND   


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    togz reacted to doombox in MH FEATURED POLL #18: Are you a Morning Bird or a Night Owl?   
    I used to be a nightowl. No matter what I was never tired until 3am, even if I had work early. But lately I'm just tired all the time. All I want to ever do is sleep. haha.
  9. Like
    togz got a reaction from diamondAss in hi   
    Well, I have to say you sound like a very diverse and artistically inclined person!
    I did hair and make-up for a while as well! Let's talk techniques~
    Welcome to the Forum. Don't be a stranger!
  10. Like
    togz reacted to diamondAss in hi   
    thank you all who took time to welcome me!
    it´s cool to come across someone else with such interest! and sure, lets discuss it sometime
    finns seem pretty eager indeed which comes to such topics. hence not really surprised
  11. Like
    togz reacted to diamondAss in hi   
    name´s carina, 20, from estonia
    i´m a freelance make-up artist, i like fast cars and hot tea. my favorites are toyota ae86, gt86, bmw e65 and earl grey. i also like to draw and paint. mostly i spend time in my bed watching either anime or random bs from tv. favorite genre´s mecha
    no certain faves regarding music. some artists i could name are: spitz, kiyoharu, junk riot, ling tosite sigure, metsakutsu, blu, amazarashi, oasis, sky residents, front242 (stuff on my phone)
  12. Like
    togz got a reaction from Elazmus in nightmare   
    Having fallen out of love with this band for about a year now, This album was really refreshing. It's a great step past TABOO. Granted i did enjoy some tracks of of to be or not to be, but this album surpasses it by far. I can just skip over TABOO. lol. But yeah I'm surprised that no one has reviewed it yet either. Glad to say that I've got my eye and ears on them again. 
  13. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in nightmare   
    Having fallen out of love with this band for about a year now, This album was really refreshing. It's a great step past TABOO. Granted i did enjoy some tracks of of to be or not to be, but this album surpasses it by far. I can just skip over TABOO. lol. But yeah I'm surprised that no one has reviewed it yet either. Glad to say that I've got my eye and ears on them again. 
  14. Like
    togz reacted to doombox in #30: SECRET by DIV   
    Artist: DIV Album: SECRET Score: It's not a secret if everyone knows the good part!
    I've been a strong supporter of DIV from their debut, as I was a fan of xTRiPx before that and wanted to see the departed members do well in their new project. The three year old band has made impressive strides debuting with Danger Crew Records, and releasing fairly strong singles every step of the way. DIV have a reputation for consistency, if anything.

    SECRET has an overall darker mood that contrasts the previous album, ZERO ONE. The songs on ZERO ONE had an underlying bright feeling, maintaining a palpable optimism throughout them. Keeping true to its namesake, SECRET comes off restrained with an air of mystery. I don't find the turn to more metal derivative riffs and increase of harsh vocals do a good job of showcasing the band's strengths this time around, however. Chisa's monotone growls have always felt weak to me, especially within a scene that is increasingly incorporating influences from heavier genres. The instrumentation for the aggressive parts of SECRET's songs also feel a bit one dimensional and lackluster compared to the likes of "ASTERIOS" and "Teddy" from the previous album, which in and of itself is a major letdown.

    Though I can't deny the album has a strong start with the stunning "アイノウタ" (Ai no Uta) and the new classic "SECRET NIGHT", which is right up there with DIV's fun and atmospheric early work, it's not enough. Another problem with this release is that DIV relied far too much on previously released singles to carry the album. It's hard to get excited about an album full of songs you've already heard, doubly so when they're the best on the entire release! Spanning the gamut from fist-pumping head-bangers to sparkling ballads, songs "BUTTERFLY DREAMER", "JUSTICE", "漂流彼女" (Hyouryuu Kanojo), and "TASTE OF LIFE" remain as memorable and beautiful as when they were first released. Regardless of being new or old, all are indicative of the sound that DIV has made their staple, and what they still do better than most other visual bands at the moment.

    So it's no SECRET by this point that it's the new, filler tracks which drag this album down. I had to listen four or five times to actually form an opinion on the three songs sandwiched between "TASTE OF LIFE" and "Point of view". They weren't bad, but they weren't memorable either, which is saying something when DIV have proven to be outstanding at emotional delivery up to this point. And not just Chisa's smooth, velvety vocal work, but also the layering of strings and piano all over their songs add an extra layer of harmony and atmosphere to solid drum lines and melody driven guitar work that pull at the heartstrings. "WING to HEAVEN", "「Dearest」" and "STARS" are painstakingly safe at a point where the album really needed a kick in the rear to keep the listener awake. Ironically, every b-side from every single was more interesting than this string of songs and would have been better placed here, and vice versa.

    By the end, I'm almost disappointed. Almost. The album has no songs that are painful to listen to, or drag on for too long in one way or another. But there are many new songs that don't make much of an impact. DIV have hit the infamous 'sophomore slump' and are verging on same-y territory with SECRET. It's not an uncommon place for a band their age to be, but such a strong showing on the last album left me with higher expectations. And I certainly thought there'd be more new material. If half of the singles made their debut on this album I would have ranked it much higher, but it's a real shame so much of this album felt so familiar in the end.

  15. Like
    togz got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in MH FEATURED POLL #17: Do you prefer male or female vocals in J-music?   
    This is tricky because I don't want to sound biased or completely close minded. I'd have to say male vocals. With scientific studies and research that I read about somewhere, they say it's natural that males have a wider vocal range than females, so I find a lot of times they can achieve more leaps and bounds. However, there are female artists that I favor as well, given that their vocals are tasteful and step outside of the norm kawaii chuchu nasally pop vocals.
    So basically I'm not close minded to trying anything once, but looking through my favored artists, about 70% of them have male vocals.
  16. Like
    togz reacted to ghost in Hello Again   
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    togz got a reaction from enyx in Hello Again   
    For the sake of people not being like, who is this togvro person why are they talking to me...

    This is sweetholm/dorasuteika... I'm back kinda sorta. Not as active but back none the less.
    I'll try to be active again! I missed you guys... I wasn't really gone that long.
    I don't know what this post his but hi everyone I love you.
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    togz reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in MH FEATURED POLL #17: Do you prefer male or female vocals in J-music?   
    Like bear, if it fits the song then I'm down for whatever.
    My biggest problem with female vocals in Japanese music, especially in pop, is when they're too squeaky.
  19. Like
    togz got a reaction from shizukasou in MH FEATURED POLL #17: Do you prefer male or female vocals in J-music?   
    This is tricky because I don't want to sound biased or completely close minded. I'd have to say male vocals. With scientific studies and research that I read about somewhere, they say it's natural that males have a wider vocal range than females, so I find a lot of times they can achieve more leaps and bounds. However, there are female artists that I favor as well, given that their vocals are tasteful and step outside of the norm kawaii chuchu nasally pop vocals.
    So basically I'm not close minded to trying anything once, but looking through my favored artists, about 70% of them have male vocals.
  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in Dan's videos   
    we should super work on something together please please *____*
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Hello Again   
    For the sake of people not being like, who is this togvro person why are they talking to me...

    This is sweetholm/dorasuteika... I'm back kinda sorta. Not as active but back none the less.
    I'll try to be active again! I missed you guys... I wasn't really gone that long.
    I don't know what this post his but hi everyone I love you.
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from beni in Hello Again   
    For the sake of people not being like, who is this togvro person why are they talking to me...

    This is sweetholm/dorasuteika... I'm back kinda sorta. Not as active but back none the less.
    I'll try to be active again! I missed you guys... I wasn't really gone that long.
    I don't know what this post his but hi everyone I love you.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #17: Do you prefer male or female vocals in J-music?   
    Do you prefer male or female vocals in Japanese music?
    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  24. Like
    togz reacted to eiheartx in Hello Again   
    Hello again!
    if you were here before, why are you a n00blet today? did you registered yourself again?
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    togz reacted to orangetarts in I don't know how many times I've done this...   
    Well, I missed you guys so I guess I will be back...sparingly but back none the less.
    Please don't make me regret this decision lol. >_>
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