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  1. Like
    togz got a reaction from appl- in new band "SLINGER" will form   
    Maybe he went to a live and bought ALL of the cheki before anyone else could.
  2. Like
    togz reacted to Takadanobabaalien in My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND to go on hiatus   
    Tenten said in one of his tweets "7月20日でマイバクは活動休止になります ですが必ず戻ってきます" which means "we are going on hiatus from 20th of July but we will definitely return".
    Didn't read all of his tweets but the reason seems to be because his neck hurts. 
  3. Like
    togz reacted to nick in My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND to go on hiatus   
    Although Tenten's previous bands never lasted long, I hope MBHI will eventually come back. u_u
  4. Like
    togz reacted to eiheartx in [Band Battle] ペンタゴン (pentagon) vs. Chanty   
    I've never heard of pentagon, but according to the videos, they didn't sounds at all like Chanty xD
    So, I can't vote.
  5. Like
    togz reacted to ghost in Karaoke Contest Revival   
    I'm not a great singer but I love me some karaoke!
  6. Like
    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in Karaoke Contest Revival   
    Come on guys revive this! I know you all have those few songs at least that you break in to song for in the car or shower. Don't play, let's hear it!
  7. Like
    togz reacted to Biopanda in Karaoke Contest Revival   
    I would like to embarrass myself under a pseudonym thx <3
  8. Like
    togz reacted to beni in Karaoke Contest Revival   
    By request, we're putting this back in the spotlight. Following the same structure as 's poll thread back in 2014, we'd like to know if MH's members are still interested in making this happen for the third time.
    As an early notice to what you'll have to do if you want to participate, you should be prepared to submit at least 3 songs, and there would be around 1 week inbetween rounds to prepare the next song. Further rules and more information will be laid out if this gets enough responses. 
    Please vote in the poll above and comment any suggestions or questions you may have below.
    Edit: Added multiple choice in case someone would enter and vote.
  9. Like
    togz reacted to Ro plz in Hellion01   
    We've hit past 200 listens on Soundcloud.
    Just wanted to say thanks because I know some of those listens came from here.
    The support is greatly appreciated and we are still working our assess of on the EP.
    Much love.
  10. Like
    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in new band "SLINGER" will form   
    Maybe he went to a live and bought ALL of the cheki before anyone else could.
  11. Like
    togz got a reaction from Gesu in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    I guess I'll post my photos here too... though they aren't really artwork... but I'm working with a really old hand me down Nikon D50 lol 
    The nob is also broken, so i have to go in to the menu to change the ISO. Shutter speed and f-stop settings? FORGET ABOUT IT. 
    Hopefully i can save up and get a better camera. We use Canon at work, and I'm sort of becoming biased for Canon. Nikon is cool too I guess, but everything is literally opposite so it's weird coming home and being like... oh wait.
    anyway here are some photos of my cat? idk.

  12. Like
    togz reacted to Seimeisen in How To Create A Japanese iTunes Store Account   
    Welcome to the official tutorial to create a Japanese iTunes account!
    Before you get started, make sure you have all of the following:
    ✅ An E-mail Address That Is Not Registered To An iTunes Account
    Something like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. I would not recommend that you attempt to use your iCloud e-mail address (if you have one).
    ✅ A Valid Japanese Billing Address
    From what I’ve read around, iTunes requires a valid Japanese billing address and they have a system that will check. While it’s probably against Apple’s terms of service, you can use public/business addresses. One user used J-list’s business address, for another account of mine, I used my Tenso mailbox. You could probably even use a Japanese Apple Store location.
    ✅ A Japanese Phone Number
    Requirement is debatable. Some people have claimed that they have used their own (non-Japanese) phone numbers, others have claimed to use a random string of numbers, or a 01 2345 6789 sequence… do whatever works!
    ✅ Japanese iTunes Gift Card
    I highly recommend that you use Japan Codes, because their cards are the cheapest, and they have a wide selection of cards for other stores, such as レコチョク. I also recommend OffGamers.com if you have multiple iTunes store accounts from many different countries. I use OffGamers to get cards for my UK iTunes account.
    One thing to keep in mind about gift code shops:
    Every single one of these shops claim to send out gift codes immediately. Some shops live up to this promise... sometimes. It really depends. Sometimes one shop will send out codes instantly, other times that same shop may make you wait a few days.
    Now that you have everything on that checklist, let’s get started…
    Open up iTunes and go to iTunes Store. If you’re logged into an iTunes account already, then log out.
    Then, scroll all the way down to the store homepage, and click on the flag in the bottom corner. It will take you to the region select page.
    When you're on the region select page, look for the Japanese flag and click it.
    Now you’re in the Japanese iTunes store.
    Some computers may display the store in Japanese.
    If that’s the case, then...
    続ける = continue
    キャンセル = cancel
    戻る = back
    同意する = agree
    Click the Sign In button, then click the Create Apple ID button.
    You’ll get some Welcome to iTunes screen. Click Continue.
    Then there will be a Terms and Conditions page, check the box at the bottom, and click the agree button.
    Now, let’s enter some basic account information:
    Here’s where we begin to have some fun! Many people have trouble with this part.

    Don’t worry, you actually can skip the Payment Type part with all the credit cards, and just enter your gift card code below that.
    Enter the Billing address. I used From Japan’s headquarters in the picture above, and you could probably get away with using it, too.
    Click Create Apple ID and buy some Japanese music!
    Feel free to PM me with any questions or feedback.
  13. Like
    togz reacted to Lestat in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    Count me out for that Sunday, then.
  14. Like
    togz got a reaction from Spectralion in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    Growing up, I hid it at first because I knew my parents were very close-minded about things like that. They never approved of things like excessive make up or coloring of hair and didn't understand boys with long hair even, let alone ones that looked like girls. I'd still listen to it openly, but it took me a while to actually show them what they looked like. I remember listening to Carry? by the GazettE and my mom even started singing it... so I took that chance to explain to her and show them what they looked like. She accepted it, but my dad would literally take things I bought with money I earned on my own and throw it in the fire place. He'd yell at me for listening to that "gay shit" as he calls it. 
    Once i turned 18 I ran off and dyed my hair and got a bunch of piercings in protest I think. I eventually went to cosmetology school and became involved with a lot of fashion shows at conventions (doing hair and make up) and my dad still wasn't supportive. Finally there was a free convention I got to work at with ibi from sixh, and because it was free I begged my dad to go. He sat through the whole thing, and at the end he told me "I finally understand. That was pretty cool." 
    I think that was the first time my dad made me cry out of joy.
    Now it's just a thing that exists, and they don't question it at all anymore.
  15. Like
    togz reacted to ghost in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    My parents know about it.
    And their opinion is "As long as the music is good, eh what the heck."
    They can't do the heavier stuff/screaming, but I've listened to Mucc's "Houyoku" with my Dad and he liked it.
    I sometimes sing Dir en grey's "ain't afraid to die" in karaoke and my whole family thinks it's a great song. Sometimes I sing "[KR]Cube" and they think it's funny when I do the little vomit noises. 
    Fun fact, my first ever concert was a Dir en Grey concert. With my mom who wanted to chaperone me hahaaa.....she was terrified to be there (and disappointed because Kyo just sang on stage with Addidas pants and no shirt and called him a poor showman) and later (after some misunderstandings) they thought I was homosexual.
    My mom and Kyo share the same birthday. Wat a twist! 
    I also buy/sell a lot of CDS so they gave me the nickname of 4989,
    which in Korean is pronounced "Sah-Goo-Pal-Goo" and can also mean "You buy some, you sell some".
  16. Like
    togz reacted to Des in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    → Insert dark joke about how that will never happen 'cause listening to too much visual kei causes infertility.
  17. Like
    togz reacted to TokyoCinderella in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    In a few years the responses to similar polls are going to start including "my mom/dad got me into it."
    @_@ Blows my mind.
  18. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    Growing up, I hid it at first because I knew my parents were very close-minded about things like that. They never approved of things like excessive make up or coloring of hair and didn't understand boys with long hair even, let alone ones that looked like girls. I'd still listen to it openly, but it took me a while to actually show them what they looked like. I remember listening to Carry? by the GazettE and my mom even started singing it... so I took that chance to explain to her and show them what they looked like. She accepted it, but my dad would literally take things I bought with money I earned on my own and throw it in the fire place. He'd yell at me for listening to that "gay shit" as he calls it. 
    Once i turned 18 I ran off and dyed my hair and got a bunch of piercings in protest I think. I eventually went to cosmetology school and became involved with a lot of fashion shows at conventions (doing hair and make up) and my dad still wasn't supportive. Finally there was a free convention I got to work at with ibi from sixh, and because it was free I begged my dad to go. He sat through the whole thing, and at the end he told me "I finally understand. That was pretty cool." 
    I think that was the first time my dad made me cry out of joy.
    Now it's just a thing that exists, and they don't question it at all anymore.
  19. Like
    togz reacted to nullmoon in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    My dad and brother don't seem to get it, even from a musical aspect. I generally listen to louder stuff so I think they get confuzzled by all the Japanese being screamed at them.
    My brother's love of Japanese music extends as far as Ai Otsuka. Go figure XD
  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from nullmoon in MH FEATURED POLL #21: What does your family think of Visual Kei?   
    Growing up, I hid it at first because I knew my parents were very close-minded about things like that. They never approved of things like excessive make up or coloring of hair and didn't understand boys with long hair even, let alone ones that looked like girls. I'd still listen to it openly, but it took me a while to actually show them what they looked like. I remember listening to Carry? by the GazettE and my mom even started singing it... so I took that chance to explain to her and show them what they looked like. She accepted it, but my dad would literally take things I bought with money I earned on my own and throw it in the fire place. He'd yell at me for listening to that "gay shit" as he calls it. 
    Once i turned 18 I ran off and dyed my hair and got a bunch of piercings in protest I think. I eventually went to cosmetology school and became involved with a lot of fashion shows at conventions (doing hair and make up) and my dad still wasn't supportive. Finally there was a free convention I got to work at with ibi from sixh, and because it was free I begged my dad to go. He sat through the whole thing, and at the end he told me "I finally understand. That was pretty cool." 
    I think that was the first time my dad made me cry out of joy.
    Now it's just a thing that exists, and they don't question it at all anymore.
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from LoserfaceinLove in Well hello fellow jrockers   
    \m/ new best frands.
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from Manic in Show Yourself (again)   
  23. Like
    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in Tattoos   
    I want that galeyd symbol but also not because reasons
  24. Like
    togz reacted to smilesxchibi in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Hi, I wanted to ask when the site will be updated with items once the auction is done? My schedule doesnt match up with the livestream auction lol
  25. Like
    togz reacted to ramrod in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    You need to calm the shit down. Jesus.
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