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Status Updates posted by robkun

  1. Well then, the demos and CD's are all uploaded for the moment. Next up: flyers part 2! ... After a nice long sleep lol

  2.  <--- My boyssss. Stoked to finally see a live video of 'em.


    Only this guy can stop making music for almost 20 years, and return with a song that tops everything he ever did prior.

  4. Sooo to anyone who visits my YT channel, I put up 9 new vids, so you should totally check it out now. MORE AWESOMENESS TO COME! ^__^

  5. Only Radiohead can pull my heartstrings more than WAIL. What a marvelous, marvelous band.


    Well now, this is almost as gay as More Deep o__o.

  7. Awesome flyers Part III: coming soon.

  8. IMG_5391_zpsd2zg3sly.jpg



    Sooo yeah... I'm a real big fan of Iceman XD.

  9. I just realized that I'm one of the only kids that had no interest in Toonami as a youngster. Meh.... always have been a Cartoon Cartoons soldier, I suppose XD.


    My eyes... feel... soooo damn heavy all of a sudden. Love these blonde/multicolored haired dudes <3.

  11. Wooooot! All of my flyers are here! Expect "Flyers Part III" in a few hours!! ^___^

  12. I've got a really cool project for MH in the works. Coming soon!! ^___^

  13. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b260500769 <-- Check out the latest super killer score I got. I'm soooo gonna have to this and my 2000 D'espairsRay flyer framed sometime soon.

  14. Wowwwww I can't believe he's gone. I used to seriously adore DELINQUENT a few years back. RIP hard, dude. This seriously blows :/.


    This band was soooo incredible. If you don't feel anything when you hear this, then you don't have a soul.

  16. When the reality kicks in that you've been watching South Park for over 3-quarters of your life. Dear god, I'm a lifer... that is soooo awesome.

  17. Ohhh man do I have something awesome for all of you lossless/audiophiles out there. It's gonna take a while, but I think you all will enjoy the hell out of it. Stay tuned!

  18.  <—- Aaaand the award for best retro-sounding VK pop song goes to...

  19. When someone has your demo and refuses/ignores to send it out to you =___=“”. Douchebags everywhere lol.

  20. After dealing with the god-awful wait of uploading files that are, like, 5GB, uploads that are only 200MB are absolutely nothing to me anymore XDD.

  21. Still digging the fuck outta Ize. Just found a copy of their only album for under 1000 yen, so I harped on it right away. Can’t wait to dig my teeth into it <3.

  22. I don’t know about all of ya, but I am PUMPED for that new Dubstar album. Shit’ll probably be album of the year to me.

  23. Soooo I just met Alex DeLarge himself, and I’m wrapping up the day with pizza from Pizza Hut. Best day in a loooooong time!!!

  24. When you’ve been a huge fan of an old VK band for years and you finally decide to get some stuff of theirs, and their band name is sooooo fuckin awkward that your folks see it and are like “..the fuck?” Lolol

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