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Posts posted by AliceParanoid

  1. Selling ~~~ „colonthree“-Emoticon





    Fiction & Fact Limited Edition with Buttons & Shirt = 45 Euro + Shipping

    ///The plastic is slighty damaged but you won't even notice it lol [Cube just fcked up the packagin]///

    Shock Japanese Limited Edition A  with Shirt = 45 Euro + Shipping



    Secret Garden = 13 Euro



    United Cube = 15 Euro




    Love Delight = 15 Euro

    Innocence = 20 Euro

    Mystic Ballad = 15 Euro

    Aftermath = 55 Euro




    말하지마 = 14 Euro



    Blessing of the Future Limited Edition mit DVD = 30 Euro



    I have also psters by>:

    APink /// B2ST /// Davichi /// YoSeob /// Jupiter



    - No PC's

    - Shipping from Germany ~ Shipping for Germany is already in the price [Except for B2ST]


    Shipping to another Country is possible.


    - Paying by PayPal.






    Btw how do I close a Theard ? lol.

  2. 11091246_1123349011025600_16469507113249


    I like this one a little more than the last ones. I don't really like the contacts I bought so I went more natural. I might buy some white ones again soon. Also dyed my hair black again because the brown was looking gross. 


    Still no shirt but I cropped it a bit more. You're going to have to get used to the idea that I don't like shirts and I don't have nice clothes.. :/ lol

    Your Style reminds me of Kote-Kei °^° <3 

  3. I absolutely adore her song 'Army of Me' which was inserted in one of my favourite films, 'Sucker Punch.' I first discovered her there and that wasn't too long ago, admittedly. Then I later realised she did that song 'Oh so quiet' and practically punched myself for not remembering her. She has a glorious voice and I just know by that I MUST check out her albums some time. I've downloaded her recent one because of the fantastic cover art and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her.

    Sucker Punch!! <3 :D 

    I didn't really checked out her new album .. I'm a lazy ass bish when it comes to smth like this hahaha #sadlaif 

    But I'll probably do it now x) 

    You have to hearf Biophilia! It's in my opinion one of the bestg albums by her :D

  4. Since I didn't found a theard for Björk <3 
    I just started one huehue <3 

    Björk is an amazing women who is doing such awesome music °^° <3 
    Also her music videos are fucking art [ Biophilia Era dfkjxsdrfnsef fckn awesome QeQ <3] 
    Here are some of my faverouites:






    So are other fans around? :3 

    Btw. you maybe have to listen to her more often to like it maybe since her music is a bit strange compared to common music :D 


  5. I get bullied for my whole school life lol.
    It started in the 3rd grade because I was really overweight and stopped in the 7th grade
    A few weeks later it started because my Clothes Style has change into the dark scene ~
    It became then even worst from the 8th grade on because I get outed as Gay from others furthermore my
    clothing  style has changed even more to an androgynic/femiim style.[ I wear skirts,hot pants, platform boots, wearing long nails & blah]
    The conclusion was that's I started to puke out my food to loose weight which worked really well but then came a time where it dosen't worked anymore
    and I gained alot of weight and was stressed because of school ect. so much and started to self harm ~
    Also my way of thinking about my self/the wolrd ect changed alot lol.
    I still have sometimes days where I feel so useless and would love to proceed sucide - When I have such a day I walk around always really emotionless and try not to feel happy because I just feel I don't deserve this lol. 

    I'm now at a professional colleague and you know they don't bully me really but I still get really often called names and outside in the town ect also. 

  6. I'm 18 and have kind of a friendship + with a 38 Guy whoop whoop~
    I mean he is really hawt and has a good Cm stick in his pants haha 8D 

    I don't know why so many are l.ike : Omg how can you date smne who is much older blah blah bah.
    So long both are okay with it [ ofc in the lega age zone lawl] who the fuck cares lawl 

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