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Everything posted by Serox

  1. THE EVENT (Live At Tsutaya O-East) IS OFFICIAL SOLD OUT!!!!!! (1300 people!!!)
  2. Serox

    They should be called "FEST EVERYQUER"
  3. PLS GUYS, Do not be offended if I have expressed a negative opinion about the band that you like, I have not got offended your family.. I repeat, everyone is free to listen to what you want, My opinion is purely personal, not touching you.
  4. How sad .. I thought Fixer would sell at least 30-40 copies
  5. In fact I have expressed my personal opinion about the "band", NOT on who listens to them. for me everyone is free to listen to what you want! ^^ /
  6. They make horrible plagiarism and try to be a ugly copy of Mejibray
  7. Serox

  8. Serox

    NOOOOOOOOO ç__ç the guitarist Ryu is the "Roadie" of Wing Works.. the sound was similar (?)
  9. Serox

    Well at least some progress they have made.. x°D surely this cover is better than the cover of Malice Mizer! LOL.
  10. Misaruka have released a new cover.. After the "FAIL" (personal opinion!!) that they have made with the cover of Malice Mizer "Gekka No Yasoukyoku" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v598EXR_Ou0 ) now are back with a new song .. I'll be honest, I like the original song made by Luna Sea, but this time do not seem to have failed with this cover! it is catchy OwO What do you think? ?? Misaruka - Rosier (Luna Sea Cover)
  11. Serox

    Nooooo I like their PV!.. çwç
  12. Serox

    In July 16 (if I understand correctly) Misaruka releases a new full PV on their official YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/darkestlabyrinth/videos PS: The video will be a cover of a song! ^^
  13. Serox

    Nice! they are a little strange, but i like their "school" sound!
  14. How many of you like Misaruka? I think in a few days to upload their entire discography here on the site! are you happy :D?

    1. leighla


      here's the link. Let me know if you have any issues.  If you could credit me in some way, that would be awesome too :3 

    2. Serox


      Sure!!! thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! <3 

    3. pinkmakona




      I also snagged the link... thanks

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  15. Serox

    OMG D: Rui is back in visual-kei scene?
  16. Serox

    ... WHY!? D':
  17. Uhm he has a cute voice.. (?)
  18. Serox

  19. Serox

    ç_ç https://twitter.com/tokami_agato Vocalist : Agato has just deleted his twitter profile!!
  20. ▼SET-LIST LIVE IN 06 / 29 at Shibuya-REX (With 404)▼ 1) Tears Of Shihana 2) W†SUISIDE 3) La Colline 4) Forbidden Apocalypse 5) Shuuen No Campanella PS: This is the last concert without Crim!
  21. Serox

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