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Everything posted by Serox

  1. I wonder how Synk;Yet will evolve after Shiori will leave the band...
  2. If they succeed in do SOLD OUT at their concert and if the CD is able to get a good number of sales, I think they might want to consider that despite their many years are still much loved by the people and therefore could be back Active!
  3. The event has had a lot of likes and shares on Twitter and people seem very happy to see them in action even if for one night.. Tsutaya O-East has a capacity of 1300 people, something tells me that this concert will SOLD OUT! ^^
  4. the future band of Kisaki and Wing Works are my only hope to hear something fresh! the rest of the bands in the scene is becoming very monotonous / boring with very used sound.. Pentagon and Arlequin are having a lot of success, but I do not like at all because the sound seems old and used .. Killaneth are the ugly copy of Mejibray (and have also copied the sound of a song by Girugamesh) but in the meantime they are having enough success .. so many bands now are unable to invent a unique personal style and always try to imitate band pass both the look and sound that I see that they are followed by many fans, it bothers me a lot >.< (of course guys do not be offended if I judge your favorite bands that I mentioned up here "negatively" is just my personal opinion ;) ) Yeah, I hoped so much that they returned officially Active! Yuki, Ban and Sou are not a in a band,RYO:SUKE with Wing Works fails to make live a month enough (makes 1-2 per month, while I see band exeption also more than 10 per month) can not understand why the work in WW is so slow :'( PS: I apologize to everyone if my English is not very good! ^^"
  5. I'm a little disappointed that Ryuto not take part in this session since it's only for one night.. well I think Tsurugi is an excellent guitarist and he will enforce in the stage! ;D
  6. WHY ONLY A FU* ONE-DAY REVIVAL!? T__T Damn... :'(
  7. Oh, you have reason but i don't have the installation CD for foreign languages!
  8. The vocalist is Asagi! ^^ he join Syndrome on 2001.07.01! Tatsuya (Ex-Vocalist of the band) leave on 2001.06.20
  9. Serox

    O MY GOD, He has a terrible voice in live!! O_O
  10. Oh Yeah! he have a perfect growl/scream **
  11. Oh.. I am very sorry for him, I wish him to recover soon..
  12. Well, I also like the voice of RYO:SUKE but obviously it is not remotely comparable to that of the singers who have been part in Lolita23Q.. anyway I hope they can find a very good label that leads them to success!!
  13. Sorry guys, I do not want the guy obsessed with Wing Works and the voice of RYO:SUKE.. (I very much appreciate his work) but if he decides to become the singer of the band? when in 2009 Sou went away, until 2010 RYO:SUKE has taken the place of "Singer"
  14. I really hope that Wing Works continue the activities and will not disband / go to hiatus! T__T
  15. the singer's voice is really terrible in live..
  16. The singer could be Sou as it could also be RYO:SUKE!! (Both Ex-Lolita23Q)
  17. Yes.. he is truly a hard bassist worker.. But in this case he has exaggerated.. took part in too many bands ò.ò
  18. Serox

    Wa.. i'm sorry for Ray
  19. Serox

    Hello dear Winger!! I need your precious help! I'm trying to collect as much as I can, all the lyrics of Wing Works available! At the time I was able to collect the lyrics of the following songs : If you possess the lyrics in Kanji or Romaji (preferably this!) please post them in this topic, I'd be really grateful! ^^ PS: If you need some lyrics do not hesitate to contact me via private message, I will be happy to share with you! :3 when I can to get all the lyrics of all the songs of Wing Works (or at least most) I will make a new topic with all the lyrics ;D ▼THANK YOU IN ADVANCE IF YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PROJECT!▼
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