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Everything posted by Serox

  1. Serox

  2. Serox

    I like their new look but the new song.. meh! sound so generic and monotonus!
  3. I record his vocal message "hi, my name is antonio-antonino-antonino" in Whatsapp x°D
  4. They remind me so much Wing Works O_o
  5. Here are all the concerts that Ryu has participated! 10/3/2017 at Takadanobaba AREA 15/03/2017 at Takadanobaba AREA 16/03/2017 at Takadanobaba AREA 25/03/2017 at Nagoya E.L.L 26/03/2017 at Osaka Ruido 27/03/2017 at Okayama CRAZY MAMA KINGDOM 29/03/2017 at Fukuoka Drum Be-1 03/04/2017 at Holiday Shinjuku LAST LIVE WITH RYU on 09/04/2017 at Shinjuku Reny (with Haru) I hope that this period of 3 months has given a motivation to Ryu to form a new band T_T I miss his voice!
  6. Serox

    although they maintain a "Minerva" style also inspired to Megaromania, you like Mega? x°D
  7. I think any band is perfect.. they have made so many mistakes and behaved a little badly towards their fans, however, are not a horrible band.. it is true that some songs can not even hear because of their horrible MIX (Example -Maria- that although it is a beautiful song in my opinion, the mix is ugly and makes me headache) I loved their "aristocratic" time (2012-2014/5) and I think that Rui is a good singer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK2Az9Q-Fl4) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl6wCFxAJcA) with a very good "-falsetto-" although the 2015 onwards he has ruined his voice a little (?) ç_ç However, their SE album go -SOLD OUT- http://dlonline.ocnk.net/product/1255
  8. Serox

    Obviously, Bidoh and Misogi are Ex-Minerva x°°D
  9. Serox

    YES.. Misaruka & Synkyet did more PV than songs LOL, the purpose of Kiwamu is exploit the popularity of his band to make PV and sell more.
  10. WOW TSUTAYA O-WEST! (600 seats) they grow so fast!! D:
  11. Serox

    Magistina Saga in April will have a "Important Announcement" and there will also be an announcement regarding the new band member!
  12. Serox

    Nice song but nothing sensational, I give a 7/10
  13. Why would anyone spend money for a full "SE" album? LOL
  14. Serox

    For unknown reasons (it was not made any announcement) the guitarist Ayato [ https://twitter.com/sp_ayato ] left the band (although it was a support guitarist) but at this point I can not understand why they included it in the Official photos..
  15. It is likely all band at that time (if not enter any other band in the label) should be 10, and then divided in 5 and 5, we'll see ^^"
  16. Kiwamu after the end of Starwave Fest Vol.16 (held at Holiday Shinjuku) announced in his official twitter account that Starwave Records presents live "Starwave Fest Vol.17" will be in 4/8/2017 in TWO place : - At Holiday Shinjuku - At Shinjuku Club Science At the moment no other details were announced. PS: I think we all know that after the month of May, Misaruka and Synk;yet no longer part of Starwave Records. The bands that remain are : - FIXER - Labaiser - SchwarzKain - Under Fall Justice - Nüe - THE SOUND BEE HD - Scarlet Valse - Magistina Saga - Rose Noire - syokudaikakkokai
  17. C will perform at Shinjuku Club Science on April 24, 2017 with Glamscure, JACK+MV etc. http://chariots.xyz/2017/03/15/2017-05-24wed-shinjuku-club-science「c」出演情報/
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