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Everything posted by Serox

  1. Mikansei Alice will appear in cover of the magazine "Cure V-splash vol. 47" and it will be released FREE on 25 August.
  2. Serox

    NIKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Leave MSI and form a new band with Ryu (Ex-MoNoLiTh) 😭
  3. The other guitarist in stage is You (Scarlet Valse) ❤️
  4. Mizaly has been announced that tomorrow he made an important announcement on his twitter account, maybe he form a new band!? Stay tuned, follow him and retweet please!
  5. Serox

    She!? Isn't a male o__O
  6. Serox

    Tour final at Shinjuku Reny? Damn, they lost a bit fame..
  7. Two more news : 1) Their cheki go SOLD OUT!!! (Limited : 40) 2) They participate in Morrigan Tour (Two dates) - Live at Fukuoka DRUMSON : Band participate : Mikansei Alice, MORRIGAN, DIMLIM, THE BLACK SWAN, FIXER, Leetspeak Monsters - Live at Niigata GOLDENPIGS BLACK STAGE Band participate : Mikansei Alice, MORRIGAN, SAVAGE, IGGY
  8. Their first one man live at Ikebukuro Black Hole on 24/9 go SOLD OUT!!!
  9. Their first live on 24/9 go SOLD OUT!!!
  10. They made a "Surprise performance" at Starwave Fest vol 17 at Holiday Shinjuku and they playing 5 songs! Furthermore, The guitarist An hold his birthday live on 26/10/2017 at Ikebukuro Ruido K3 and many bands participate! And finally their PV "2D Lovers" will be shown on MUSIC ON! On 08/10/2017
  11. Serox

    Oh no! 😥
  12. Two other members have been announced!! Bass : Shiori (Synk;yet) Drums : Kazuki (VETCHIE Ex-Misaruka) They release a new PV SPOT and a new look with more live!
  13. Ahahaha thank you! I forgot this! 😂
  14. They announce two important news!! 1) They hold their first OFFICIAL LIVE on 27 September 2017 at Takadanobaba Area. The event name is "Alice'z Party" Bands participating : Mikansei Alice / Lack.Co (GUEST) / SAVAGE / MORRIGAN / 怪人二十面奏 / Merry Badend / Sioux 2) The guitarist "An" (Ex-Synk;yet [SUPPORT]) join the band!
  15. They hold their "demo live" on 25 August 2017 for the 8th anniversary of Ikebukuro Black Hole Band participants : Mikansei Alice / Grieva (Guest) / MORRIGAN / Vaju / DIMLIM / IGGY / MIZTAVLA / LIM (O.A.)
  16. OMG RUI.. D: PS: Iyubi is Rui (Ex-Misaruka) PS.S : I HOPE THEY DON'T JOIN STARWAVE RECORDS.
  17. Serox

    16th of July is my Birthday, guys pls buy it for me 😂😂
  18. Serox

    A people spend so much money for buy Rui costume.. WTF. O_o http://dlonline.ocnk.net/phone/product/1289
  19. Serox

    I don't know what think.. i'm Italian too and many Times i talk with him on Twitter, he is a nice guy, very pleasant.. damn!! He and Kyoka were a very nice DUO! 😭
  20. Serox

    This last live was fun.. because 80% of Starwave Records members go to see them LOL 😂 In particular: - Shian (Scarlet Valse) - Raizo (Scarlet Valse) - Jun (Ex-Scarlet Valse -> Roqudama carta) - Daisuke (THE SOUND BEE HD) - You (THE SOUND BEE HD) - Hiro (THE SOUND BEE HD) [?] - Airo (Under Fall Justice) - Akito (Under Fall Justice) - Syoma (Under Fall Justice) - Taketoshi (Nüe) - Yuiha (Ex-Synk;yet) [?] - Liki (Ex-Synk;yet) - Shiori (Ex-Synk;yet) - ALL MEMBERS OF LABAISER (and surely other guys)
  21. Serox

    Sorry guys!! 😫 Is Toshi not Soshi 😞 Guys in the RYO:SUKE's tweet he say "restart activities" and i think that he is serious now.. Probably he after this live don't do one live every 2-3 months but more often!
  22. Serox

    RYO:SUKE has announced on his Twitter account that Wing Works will revival on 30/7/2017 at Takadanobaba AREA. The surprise not end, he do "TWO" live in One-day (in the same place but in different times) : 【前編-ADAM-] OPEN 16:00 / START 16:30 【後編-EVE-】 OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 Members : Guitar : Kei Hirosue Guitar : Toshi (Ex-Aldebaran) Bass : Yuchi (sukekyo / KANNIVALISM) Drums : Sho (Ex-UnsraW -> I Promised Once)
  23. Serox

    Rui do his last twitcasting live (as vocalist of Misaruka) on 28/5/2017 probably he sing a lot of Misaruka's song and reply to his fans! PS : In the past I talk with him on Twitcast, he is very gentle and available, but its English level is really poor! 😂
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