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About MaikoMizu

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 06/25/1996

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  • Interests
    Drumming, Anime, Manga, Video games, Tennis & Swimming, Skateboarding

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  1. How does an abusive relationship affect the child?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      Spectator develops moral dilemmas, skewed view of reality, usually either becomes subservient (majority), or belligerent (minority) with obvious mixes of the two. Willingly or unwillingly adopts behaviour of the Abuser or abused. (Ends up beating their significant other, kids, friends, animals). Etc...

    3. Tetora


      Most important is to get out of that environment in a safe way, or help others out of that environment, as it is obviously no good for anyone and develops many complexes that some people never get over. 'End up like a dog that's been beat too much 'til you spend half your life trying to cover it up'.

    4. MaikoMizu


      Hmmm. This actually scares me because I've been subject to a lot of screaming yelling and hitting. Which goes on between my mom and step-dad since the last 11 years.

      I'm hoping that I honestly don't turn out to be abusive or over the line rude or mean to my future spouse.

      I want to be a good person and not submerged or taken in by anger or hatred.

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