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Everything posted by fictioninhope

  1. fictioninhope

    Beni I've got two hatchlings to choose from for Aika and Nariene's nest and then there are 4 from Malware and Virus' nest. You have 5 days to choose before they get leveled up and sent to Icedad. c:
  2. fictioninhope

    Sure kit cat. Will send the crossroads to you tomorrow or friday. I've got work and class tomorrow and work's gonna be wicked crazy so I dunno how exhausted I'll be by the time I'm finally home. XD
  3. fictioninhope

    Okay Aika/Nariene and Toshiya/Unnamed nests have hatched and I didn't get what I was looking for so all 6 hatchlings are up for grabs. Three nocs, an imp and two spirals. Malware/Virus nest has two more days to go before it hatches.
  4. Florence + the Machine all day every day.

  5. That feel when you don't wanna go to work but you really want the money. D;

  6. fictioninhope

    Yep! I'll post in here when they hatch. c:
  7. fictioninhope

    Hey bros I got some dergs on nests. Bengal and Panda's hatchlings aren't up for adoption. Aika and Nariene~ 3 eggs Toshiya and a currently unnamed dragon~ 3 eggs Malware and Virus~ 4 eggs I don't have fancy color range/hatchling preview like ender has cause I'm lazy but let me know if you're interested.

    1. doombox


      I don't even like lemon and those sound amazeeee. <3

    2. yakihiko


      Sounds tasteful :)

      I'm like lemon cookies

  9. fictioninhope

    female w/ vipera claimsies
  10. anyone down for a random plug session???

    1. Jigsaw9


      yes pls~ ;w;

  11. fictioninhope

    Yes I am. XDD HOW DID YOU KNOW????????? I love him too much to get rid of him. Plus, I pretty much only get imps from Aki/Calendula. I'm also in the market for a WC breeding pair since all I get are nocs from the three WC inclusive pairs I have.. XD;;;
  12. fictioninhope

    Next time you get a nest for those two Kelly I want one like the little male with okapi.. only female. XDD Aaahhhhh festival~! Maybe I'll luck out and get a nature egg finally after like 3 weeks of hunting for one.
  13. fictioninhope

    I'm trying to keep all the helpful guide-like links in the main post updated so people can just look there instead of having to weed through the replies(not that we have a lot of replies in this thread yet but you know what i mean lol). I'll probably work on it tomorrow after work.
  14. fictioninhope

    Do you want me to edit the original post to include those links?
  15. fictioninhope

    Why you pick water tho Cat. Ice is clearly where all the cool parties happen to the chill sounds of whatever music Icedad listens to with his tiny adorable ears.
  16. fictioninhope

    FURIK GET ON THIS SHIT SET YOUR ALARMS PUT POST-IT NOTES ALL OVER YOUR COMPUTER. In regards to the nuzlocke blogs I am soooooo behind on working on mine. Maybe I'll get to it soon. I've been really lazy in terms of FR stuffs the last few weeks. D;
  17. "Thank you so much for helping us today! Now how about I shove my religion down your throat and ruin a perfectly good moment of appreciation? Sounds like a fabulous plan!" Siiiiigh. The bible belt is wearing my nerves thin...

  18. Got all As for spring semester! Huzzah!

  19. Has anyone heard of the band Hollow Mellow before? My local anime con has them as a musical guest and I'm curious...

    1. doombox


      I'm assuming it's this band?

      Sounds okayish?
    2. doombox


      Shhhh I know I'm supposed to be sleeping. I'm going. lol

  20. fictioninhope

    I haven't wanted to spend the money to try this yet(we sell it at work but our prices are kinda high unless something is on sale). It's supposed to be Reese's XL equivalent to like the XL Hershey's and Kitkats. I assume they thought they couldn't just make one massive peanut butter cup or something, idek. Kinda a shame, a massive peanut butter cup would be heaven. I am all for that Reese's shopping service idea tho. Or like.. MH Christmas penpal present thing and us Americans send gifts of Reese's to those less fortunate than us.
  21. fictioninhope

    No spoilers? I'm saddened. I'm really hoping I enjoy the season. As long as it's full of drama for me to laugh at I should lol.
  22. fictioninhope

    I haven't actually had the time to watch any of s7 yet. I'm sure I'll binge watch it as soon as the school semester ends. But I love spoilers. Plz give me all of the spoilers.
  23. fictioninhope

    I stopped following both some time ago(SuG was shortly after Vi-Vi-Vi and vistlip was after the first release after their wreck that killed their manager) so I'm not sure of the progression of their sounds between now and then. Having listened to both bands' new albums, I'd have to go with vistlip. Their sound has remained consistent through the entire album, and LAYOUT touched a bit on their old style(even though I hear some Kyo-esque pterodactyl screeches in there.. Tomo stahp). SuG's BLACK was mostly a letdown, the only decent song to me being the title song that wasn't even placed in the tracklist appropriately. The album was all over the place and made me kinda sad. :c Gonna stick with my intimidating-but-adorable bassist Umi and vistlip. ;3;
  24. fictioninhope

    ***Main post updated with a new guide link!*** How much longer you got on the legacy challenge? And yes, always good to have reasons to hoard pretty pixel dergs.
  25. fictioninhope

    I have a feeling the next open registration is going to be in June. But don't worry Furik, we'll annoy the fuck out of you to join the dragon cult. <3 I hatched a shadow egg today that I had found during Trickmurk for my nuzlocke and got an adorable little Mirror girl that I named Grizzly to match the other's animal names and her primary color was brown shade so I thought it worked lol. Poor Panda's all outnumbered. You and your challenges, ender! XD I'll be good to manage this nuzlocke without giving up.
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