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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. MV off shot BTW GUYS, nishutari (limited edition), which was out of print on CDJ, is suddenly back on stock (only 1 copy left); so if you are interested...go for it quickly!!! it's gone!
  2. eiheartx

    ^thanks for your answer. Dammit, that's unfortunate! I know that the license is internationally well known, but a demo would have been really nice for the newcomers like me, especially when you come back from far away, and in a complete "new way" of the game. What can I do, I watched a lot of yt videos about the game, but it's not telling nothing about how I could play it. I guess I'll have to do the big jump. =3
  3. eiheartx

    Rant in coming. Why can't I find a playable demo for MGSV? The latest MGS game that I've played was on Playstation 1 (das old lol), and I really want to try before buying (since it changed a lot, and I'm afraid I would be completely lost). But I feel like there is 3 demos available on Xbox One only, if I compare to the 360... Back on topic, atm I play to AC Rogue/Unity, FarCry 3.
  4. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and @DarkWater !
  5. eiheartx

  6. Ah finally some samples! I was waiting for it, to judge if it's the continuity of Gekijo or a new thing.. aye it's great, I still have so much feelings for Kasumi's voice. If they release something official, and by the official way, I hope they'll add these songs (like they did for Gekijo Tenor).
  7. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @stylelover
  8. eiheartx

    eeeh? How can you do that after a bomb called INAZUMA?? Hope they'll return as inspired as this release.
  9. eiheartx

    ^so jealous of your アヤビエ rarez, @Seimeisen
  10. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! HAVE A GOOD ONE PALS Peace Heavy mk II (24) togvro (25)
  11. My W_MB order is in shipping instance, brb crying (mihiii)

    1. Mihenno


      Ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!

    2. eiheartx


      IKR!!! DEM FEELS

  12. eiheartx

    ^you're welcome Happy birthdayz to these folks! (31) Kaosu (98) Amorphous (21) Erin (29) desolate_marionette (103) lilychuu (??) oppai (??) Sneaky
  13. Some cunts used my credit card to pay the toll just behind me, I want to cry...ToT thankfully it's not pricey (31,70€, but -4,70 --my price-- : 27€) but still, I'm so done with the world. I hope I will not have another bad surprise...

    1. Tetora


      Lol at these small time chumps using your credit card to pay a toll. Dudes like Yakihiko and Ishiki would never do that.

    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      That's right Tetora ^w^ I would call the credit card company to say i found a lost card. I'm sure you would be honest too ^o^ eiheartx, i really hope you'll be able to get a refund.

    3. eiheartx


      ^thanks sweetie <33

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  14. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to our dear: DistraughtK (22) -k∆-
  15. This is atrocious ://// sincere condolences for these two persons who were simply trying to do their work. So painful and sad. Sometimes, I'm afraid for my planet Earth.
  16. eiheartx

    WHAT THE FUCK Are they in a hurry for cash? ôô
  17. I know I'm reviving an old topic but nvm, I really want to share my impressions about this fabulous album (and not in a review thread, since I'm shit, so the news thread is my only option; or I could create an artist thread, idk...would you be interested by an artist thread then?). What I can feel about it, it's this kind of maturity from the songs. The work has been consistent! INZARGI, once again, kills everything with his gorgeous voice, this guy knows his job I'm always impressed by his approach and his technique (track 4 "とても小さくて、きっともう見えない。" is, is, wow). I know that megamasso is 100% Ryohei's compositions (alright, 95% in fact, since INZARGI writes sometimes), but this band wouldn't be what it is today without his voice (yes because, for the fun fact, if Ryohei didn't met INZARGI -and heard him singing his R&B tunes lmao fantastic-, he would have took the mic, and Ryohei, if he's kinda good for backing vocals, he can't sing for shit and he's not made for that -remember mizery in the dusk with his vocals?? ROFL 8DDDDD-). I hope he will stay there and not leave or whatever (in that case, I would prefer a disband I think). Sorry, I'm off topic. The keyboards are great too, well balanced all along, not too much, just what it needs, and this is what I want. Even track 3 "タイダルピ゚ンク", who sounded weird on the snippet, is great. It's a kinda dancing song, it reminds me these songs from matataku yoru. I'm a bit skeptical about track 6 "エインシャントソング", besides the fact that this woman, Ryu Miho, has a beautiful voice (and did you notice this superb keyboard in the background?), I would maybe have prefered a full featuring with the 2 vocalists (and not only INZARGI doing backing vocals). What will they do on live shows? Will they invite her to sing on occasions (DVD filming or tour finale?), or INZARGI will sing this song himself? That said, it's really an unusual approach. But now I'm curious to know how this song would sound with INZARGI only (this vicious circle xD). Maybe an idea of b-sides from the next singles releases eeeh? Oooh I know, a reverse track, with INZARGI doing Ryu's part, and vice versa! I would love that! The bonus track St.Sad is excellent, but this is not a surprise since all their bonus tracks were good and worthy the extra purchase (like Until , love you so...or センスオブスターゲーザー). Anw, as a fan, I'm 100% pleased by this release, so many catchy songs. I'm gonna put it on repeat for a long time. One word about the release packaging: Pros: - the limited edition earbook with the booklet, which contains alot of drawing proper to megamasso's image. High quality paper (not glossy tho), but no photo from the band :/ I hope they will do more earbook in the future for their albums (it seems that they like this 2CD concept). Cons: - the regular edition booklet, it's atrocious as fuck xD Regular paper. it's like they didn't give a flying fuck about this version lmao. - no DVD with the snowy blue PV ://// ^Do you want to see pictures? Brace yourself then! Limited edition: Regular edition:
  18. ^YAAAAAAAY!! And still no preview of the b-sides, what the hell are you doing pals u_u I'm so excited for the MV you have no idea. it's gonna be epic!
  19. I was late on our release list calendar but now everything has been added ^_^ cheers guys.

    1. nick


      Thank you for the hard work. Neatly done! :3

    2. Mihenno
  20. ? http://www.nightmare-web.com/pc/ ? Cover(s): coming soon ? Tracklist: TBA ? Where to buy: DVD + special LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 9,180¥ DVD only : CDJapan / Brand-x — 5,940¥ Blu-ray + special LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 10,260¥ Blu-ray only : CDJapan / Brand-x — 7,020¥
  21. eiheartx

    NIGHTMARE -「落園」(CDS)

    ? http://www.nightmare-web.com/pc/ ? Cover(s): A, B, C coming soon ? Tracklist: TBA ? <DVD A-TYPE> TBA ? <DVD B-TYPE> TBA ? Where to buy: CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD+DVD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD C-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  22. ? http://matenrou-opera.jp/ ? Cover(s): coming soon ? Tracklist: 1. BURNING SOUL 2. EMPEROR 3. アブサン ? Where to buy: CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,200¥
  23. eiheartx

    ARCHEMI. - 洗脳 (CDS)

    ? http://crowmusic.jp/?page_id=5622 ? Cover(s): coming soon ? Tracklist: TBA ? Where to buy: CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  24. eiheartx

    LEZARD -『かくれんぼ』(CDS)

    ? http://lezard.jp/ ? 01.???れん??(kakurenbo) 02.生?????アン??ラ(ikihaji to unbalance) (Limited Edition) 02.悲??????話(kanashii ohanashi) (Regular Edition) 03.Tink Pon (Regular Edition) ? <DVD LE> Music clip / Making ? ? CD+DVD LE : CDJapan — 1,944¥ CD RE : CDJapan — 1,296¥
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