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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. Ah, cool! Oh, I really want to see how 人間, VENOMS, kairi, ACME would sound on live! but no RAVEN or 埋葬虫 (my favourite track) :///
  2. eiheartx

    Am I the only who actually loved NIHIL? And it's coming from someone who can't barely stand dubstep; but the ambiance, the female vocals in the background are so hypnotic for me, it works completely. #foreveralone
  3. ? http://avanchick.jp/ ? 1.自縛 2.??天??霹?? 3.JK (B-TYPE) 3.池袋心中 (C-TYPE) ? <DVD A-TYPE> 自縛MV ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥ CD C-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  4. eiheartx

    ベル(belle) - ビードロ (CDS)

    ? http://www.belle-web.info/ ? 1. ビードロ  2. ??????????????  3. マリオ??ット (B-TYPE) 3. 音見世ディスコ (C-TYPE) ? <DVD A-TYPE> ビードロMV+メイキング ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥ CD C-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  5. eiheartx

    DIV - イケナイKISS (CDS)

    ? http://www.div-official.com/ ? 01.イケナイKISS 02.??食??る夢??羊??踊ら???? 03.Metoronome (RE) ? <DVD LE> イケナイKISS MV ? CD+DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  6. eiheartx


    ? http://www.nocturnalbloodlust.com/home/ ? ??DISC 1】 01. [my:Se]raphy 02. GENESIS 03. Punch me if you can 04. T.Y.R.A.N.T 05. Puppet Creature 06. DESPERATE 07. DEAD END 08. Obligation 09. UNBREAKABLE 10. Ignis heart 11. Sphere 12. Resurrection 13. Trigger 14. PROVIDENCE 15. I-V-III 16. VENOM ? ??DISC 2】 EN. 1 17. 銃創 18. Pleasure of Torture 19. Liberation ~Drum Solo~ ~Bass & Guitar Solos~ 20. Empty Glass 21. V.I.P ? EN. 2 22. Strike in fact 23. A Day to Re:member 24. A Bullet of Skyline ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52qDlYY5mCU ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 7,344¥
  7. ? http://www.grieva.com/pc/index.html ? 1.insomnia ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,080¥
  8. eiheartx


    ? http://www.di-aura.com/top.html ? ??DISC 1 ??録曲】 01.失翼????域 02.Beautiful Creature 03.DICTATOR 04.Imperial Core 05.evil 06.Whiteness 07.胎動 08.SIRIUS 09.メナス 10.Silent Majority 11.ホライゾン 12.blind message 13.RUIN ? ??DISC 2 ??録曲】 01.Virgin Mary 02.MASTER 03.TERRORS 04.??示録 05.Lost November 06.to ENEMY 07.REBORN 08.SISTER 09.赤??虚?? 10.TRIGGER 11.モラトリアム 12.新世界 13.Garden of Eden 14.未発表新曲 ? <DVD LE> DIAURA ONEMAN TOUR2015 PROGRESS FROM RUINS REALITY FINAL at 2015.06.06渋谷公会堂 ? 2CD+2DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 9,300¥ 2CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,900¥
  9. eiheartx

    ^Use http://www.clipconverter.cc/fr/(I use firefox, and I installed a cc plugin, so when I'm on a yt video I just have to click the cc icon, it opens a new tab and I can choose the quality, format (usually mp4 for videos). This is how I ripped snowy blue MV in 1080p. But to do so, the video must be available in this format (I mean, if the original format is max 720p, it will be its maximum).
  10. Fuck it, I finally bought MGSVTPP, I should get it tomorrow.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      -Fast ninja attack breaking the tranquilizer with a katana before it is used. Then, making ultra kawaii special magic and disappear in a flying pinku bubblegum and reappear in a land full of kawaii Jrocker ^o^ That is the Nyappy nyan secret weapon

    2. Tetora


      -Lures Ishiki out with Kawaii JRocker decoy, tranquilizes him, leaves him in a room with un-kawaii Nickleback-

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyan is saved by an army of Nyan Cat ^w^

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  11. eiheartx

  12. eiheartx

    My august's personal tastes. megamasso - snowy blue I could listen to it on repeat, i will still enjoy this song each time. Every part are so attractive. MEJIBRAY - VENOMS I love the entire EP, that was a success for me, but the title song could stuck in my head for days with its chorus "NEXT VENOMOUSS (lol)..kokorooooohooo" The GazettE - DOGMA (album) some songs stands more than others, but overall I'm enjoying it. It's kinda brootal but still very melodic, very gazetto, I think it's well well done. The title song blown me away tbh (and I was skeptical on the video previews).
  13. eiheartx

    "ZAKLIA" - 暴虐のグルチアーゼ (EP)

    ? http://zaklia.com/ ? 5songs ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥
  14. ? http://www.nogod.jp/ ? ? Blu-ray : CDJapan / Brand-x — 5,940¥ DVD : CDJapan / Brand-x — 4,860¥
  15. eiheartx

    BLESSCODE - white / Regret Love (CDS)

    ? http://www.blesscode.net/ ・white ・Regret Love ・white(Voiceless)(A-TYPE) ・Regret Love(Voiceless)(B-TYPE) ・虜 (C-TYPE) ? <DVD A-TYPE> 1.white(Music Video) 2.white(Music Video Making) ? <DVD B-TYPE> 1.Regret Love(Music Video) 2.Regret Love(Music Video Making) ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD+DVD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD C-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  16. ? https://twitter.com/seikoavelcain?lang=zh-tw http://avelcain.com/pc/top.html ? ・ヒマワリノウタ ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 540¥
  17. ? http://akathisia-official.com/ ? ・Dystopia ・Inner C ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  18. ? http://trance-snow-note.com/ ? 4songs ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 2,484¥
  19. eiheartx

    Sick² - CRAZY TOKYO (CDS)

    ? http://planet-child.jp/sick2/ ? 1.CRAZY TOKYO 2.フレゴリ??錯覚 2. Rainy Step (B-TYPE) ? <DVD A-TYPE> 1.CRAZY TOKYO(MUSIC VIDEO) ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 2,160¥ CD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  20. ▼DISC1 #1『リ??ーサル&準備風景?? #2『??場者インタビュー?? #3『変??コロガキ?? 01.??善者 02.打????????????素晴ら????世界を 03.????れ??男 Vo&Gu THOGO Ba TOMOYA(コロガキ) Dr yuka(コロガキ) Per ??????り高木(コロガキ) ???????????????? #4『ガラス???代?? 04.ミ??キーマ??ス 05.????り??兄??ゃん 06.??休?? Vo&Gu THOGO Gu TOMOYA(コロガキ) Per ??????り高木(コロガキ) ???????????????? #5『最新音????ーム?? 07.Somewhere 08.Clock'work fairy 09.DEFLOWER Vo&Gu THOGO Gu 氣リP Cho TOMOYA(コロガキ) ???????????????? #6『死セルデモテープ復興委員会?? 10.Wir Masquerade 11.Feerique 12.死セル種 Vo THOGO Gu TOMO(THE RHEDORIC??ex.DEFLOWER??Miisery) Ba 時雨(THE RHEDORIC??ex. Deshabillz??CANARY) Dr ????(カラット) ???????????????? #7『師弟デュエット?? 01.夢??居 Vo THOGO Vo SEIJI(ex.AFTER IMAGE??Art Cube??Moi dix Mois) ???????????????? #8『アンコール?? 01.??ゃ??ん玉 Vo&Gu THOGO Vo テレンスリー Ba TOMOYA(コロガキ) Per ??????り高木(コロガキ) ? ▼DISC2 #1『間々田優(ゲスト)?? 01.八??代 02.カシスオレンジ 03.狼 04.??????? 05.マシーン日記 06.夕 07.ボーダー 08.アイドル #1『打??上???? #2『DEFLOWER-MV?? #3『ミルキーマウス-MV?? #4『????り??兄??ゃん-MV?? #5『??休??-MV?? #6『Clock'work fairyカラオケ?? #7『Somewhereカラオケ?? #8『DEFLOWERカラオケ?? #9『THOGO×間々田優ライブ終了後ミニ対談?? #10『打??上???? ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 4,212¥
  21. ? http://arlequin-web.com/ ? TBA ? <DVD A-TYPE> TBA ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan ?? Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD B-TYPE : CDJapan ?? Brand-x — 1,620¥ CD C-TYPE : CDJapan ??Brand-x — 1,620¥
  22. eiheartx

    藍-AI- - GLASS SKY (CDS)

    ? http://aiemon.com ? 1.GLASS SKY 2.SWALLOW 3.六月??雨 八月??雪 ? ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,500¥
  23. eiheartx

    アンフィル(ANFIEL) - LUNAR PHASE (LP)

    ? http://anfiel.tokyo/ ? TBA ? <DVD LE> TBA ? CD+DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,780¥ CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,240¥
  24. ? http://emmuree.jp/ ? 01.混沌≒秩?? 02.カタルマド 03.ノスタルジック????風???????????。 04.Picturesque World 05.時計?? 06.太陽??メロディー 07.瞬???????瞬間????想 08.recollection 09.窓??外????カァニ??ル。 10.smilé ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,000¥
  25. eiheartx

    ^megamasso sadly ((( but where can you buy a double cd case for CD/DVD? I don't know where ôô
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