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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    Finally took the time to continue Fallout 3 and...omg I'm so hooked, I immediately preordered Fallout 4 (I was hesitant but now I'm sure, I want that shit) xD 20h of play, only lvl 7 and 8 quests completed, I'm not that good xDDDD
  2. eiheartx

    Ouch their new look is awful xD
  3. eiheartx

    Ah, nice, a new release already! I really can't wait for their next full album, KINGDOM was so awesome.
  4. ? http://www.gotcharocka.com/index2.html ? CD+DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  5. ? http://gossip-psycho.com/pc/index.html ? 1. スキャンダル1.秘飼イ妄想ト地下室-type B- 2. スキャンダル2.anti TABLOID 3. スキャンダル3.??切リ日記 4. スキャンダル4.スキャンダル??スキャンダリィ】スキャンダラス ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,728¥
  6. eiheartx

    メディーナ(Mediena) -「呪縛」(CDS)

    http://mediena-official.com/ 1.SORROW 2.Innocent tears 3.欠??シタ記憶ニ??僅カナ呼????絶望ノ果テ????命ニアリ... 4.呪縛愛 <DVD> 1.SORROW CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  7. eiheartx

    LOST ASH - S/T (LP)

    ? https://lost-ash.jp/ ? 12songs ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,240¥
  8. eiheartx

    レイヴ(RAVE) - サブカル (CDS)

    ? http://www.indie-psc.com/rave/ ? 1. サブカル 2. ノスタルジック ? <DVD LE> 「サブカル??MV+メイキング ? CD+DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  9. eiheartx

    FALINN - カウラの満月 (CDS)

    1. カウラ??満月 2. マボロシ??縋る CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,080¥
  10. 27 min of live footage, cool!
  11. at this pace, their first full album will be a best-of (if it's coming at some point xDD)
  12. eiheartx

    ^thank you very much!!! Some people have thought of me xDD
  13. eiheartx

    what on earth is THIS???!?? m'ok. I hope it will be as good as their latest releases but when I look at them in these outfits I'm not really sure about it.
  14. eiheartx

    happy birthday dear @Delkmiroph !!
  15. WHY ONLY VIA WEBSHOP, I'm sick of this shit!! hopefully a full album will be released via official channels with all these songs éè
  16. eiheartx

    When were they gone exactly? x'D (this sentence is weird, I'm not sure if it's correct, sorry -.-) it's a typical gazerelease.
  17. I would love to hear the acoustic version, the studio version sounds so good according to its snippet!! Fingers crossed for these songs to be on their next "official" release (if there is one)!
  18. eiheartx

    Joyeux anniversaire @Danao !!!
  19. eiheartx

    ^Ah ok, there is surely a good explanation. I don't see why he/she would lie about a video game. When he/she'll be online maybe he/she could give us more details.
  20. eiheartx

    that's a nice introduction, welcome to MH! I'm looking forward to read your reviews then!
  21. again??? m.o.b is not even out yet lmao xD
  22. eiheartx

    This, and this. I'm discovering myself a new passion for artbooks. When I've seen the package, I was like "dafuq!! It's fucking big!!". It's my first Amazon reconditioned stuff, and it's pretty good. I'm currently playing the related game (and the reboot is so amazing, can't wait for Rise of the TR in november!). And for the rest, it's my first guide, I've never bought a guide before! But apparently it's a must-buy, it's consistent, and it contains the full MGS story, and I wanted to read it again (it's still confusing for me and all these characters ;-.
  23. ? http://lin-official.syncl.jp/ ? 1. 凛 2. The Psalms and Lamentations 3. Silent To My Pain 4. Metamorphose 5. Monochrome -vanished ray- 6. Chaotic Resistance 7. Cross Peagent 8. Perseculation Complex 9. Missing Melody 10. Sincerely 11. Call Back 12. Sacred Xanadu 13. Schwarz Vrain 14. Forbidden 15. Nightmarish... 16. Foolish リンメメントモリエンブレンスユートピア ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 5,184¥
  24. eiheartx

    =equal - Please tell me (CDS)

    TBA ? CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
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