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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    Azero - Beginning of Azero (LP)

    ? http://azero.info/ 1. SE 2. Desire 3. 月光 4. イッサイガッサイ -末期??抵抗- 5. Neo Clear 6. Raize a dream 7. JULIA 8. JULIA2 9. Light Blue 10. Still 11. Rain 12. Your rhythm (アル??ムver.) 13. ??業 14. [bonus track] ????????るラップ ? CDJapan — 3,240¥
  2. ^they're not back yet xD read it again, this one-man is programmed to happen in december 2016.
  3. SECOND NIMBUS lmao XD anw I'm glad to read this, can't wait for my bbies to come back!
  4. eiheartx

    凛 -the end of corruption world- - Memento-Mori (single) luckily I've got it ripped onto my computer xD I swear that I could scratch it otherwise.
  5. ? http://www.unite-jp.com/ ? <Low price Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) <Regular Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.イオ(io)-PiANO COSMiC- 03.ジュピタ(jupiter)(off vo.) ? <S-TYPE Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.星屑??形(hoshikuzu to katachi) 03.星屑??形(hoshikuzu to katachi)(off vo.) ? <H-TYPE Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.「ヨル????「ヒカリ??(「yoru??to「hikari??) 03.「ヨル????「ヒカリ??(「yoru??to「hikari??)(off vo.) ? <L-TYPE Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.高級娼婦??カミキリムシ(koukyuushoufu to kamikirimushi) 03.高級娼婦??カミキリムシ(koukyuushoufu to kamikirimushi)(off vo.) ? <M-TYPE Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.アン??ッピータイムリーパー(unhappy time leaper) 03.アン??ッピータイムリーパー(unhappy time leaper)(off vo.) ? <Y-TYPE Edition> 01.ジュピタ(jupiter) 02.スキ≒キライ(suki≒kirai) 03.スキ≒キライ(suki≒kirai)(off vo.) <DVD Regular Edition> "ジュピタ(jupiter)" PV ? Low price CD : CDJapan — 500¥ Regular Edition CD+DVD : CDJapan — 1,836¥ Limited Edition "S" CD : CDJapan — 1,296¥ Limited Edition "H" CD : CDJapan — 1,620¥ Limited Edition "L" CD : CDJapan — 1,296¥ Limited Edition "M" CD : CDJapan — 1,296¥ Limited Edition "Y" CD : CDJapan — 1,296¥
  6. eiheartx

    Blu-BiLLioN - S.O.S. (CDS)

    ? http://blu-billion.jp/index.php ? TBC ? <DVD A-TYPE> TBC ? <DVD B-TYPE> TBC ? CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan — 1,944¥ CD+DVD B-TYPE : CDJapan — 1,944¥ CD Regular Edition : CDJapan — 1,296¥
  7. eiheartx

  8. I bought yesterday evening 2 cds on stock on play-asia.com, this morning it was already sent. Shiit that was fast!!

    1. eiheartx


      btw, I bought a ClearVeil single (2,72€ lmao) and the Lamina best-of that I wanted, almost half price (13,65€). And we can use AirMail with a neutral package. My first order tho, so let's see how it goes. yay.

    2. ghost


      Let us know how it goes! I've always been curious about play-asia.

    3. eiheartx


      no pb, I will!

  9. eiheartx

    AvelCain - 蘇-よみがえり- (CDS)

    ? http://avelcain.com/pc/top.html ? 01.蘇-よ??????り-(yomigaeri) 02.罠(wana) (Limited Edition) 03.弟切??(otogirisou) (Limited Edition) ? CD Limited Edition : CDJapan — 1,620¥ CD Regular Edition : CDJapan — 540¥
  10. eiheartx

    AvelCain - 月 -MOON- (CDS)

    ? http://avelcain.com/pc/top.html ? 01.月-MOON- 02.影(kage) (Limited Edition) 03.夜光虫(yakouchuu) (Limited Edition) ? CD Limited Edition : CDJapan — 1,620¥ CD Regular Edition : CDJapan — 540¥
  11. Ooooh!! So cool, I'm gonna buy it for sure!! I loved Corvinus, can't wait to hear it!
  12. eiheartx

    DADAROMA - dadaism #2 (EP)

    ? http://www.dadaroma.com/ ? 01.??イアンドロー(high and low) 02.モルヒ??#3(morphine #3) 03.Ars amatoria 04.地??(chimen) 05.KURT 06.「ルシッド・ドリーム??(lucid dream) ? CDJapan — 2,160¥
  13. eiheartx

    exist†trace - THIS IS NOW (EP)

    ? http://www.exist-trace.com/ ? TBC ? Limited Edition : CDJapan — 1,000¥ Regular Edition : CDJapan — 2,160¥
  14. Interesting!! I'm gonna buy it I think, can't wait to see the tracklists and setlists.
  15. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEAUT @hiroki I luv ya buddy, you know why <33 Have a nice day with tons of gifts!!
  16. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone) yep, but only for megamasso, or some exceptions (like shounenki), and ofc if the band is active. For others active bands, I prefer to buy full albums or EP (D, MEJIBRAY). If the band has disbanded, I will choose the best-of in priority (or, in the case of Lin, the b-sides compilations, so I don't have to hunt for out of print singles to gather all the b-sides) or completing my collection if I can, with used cds ofc. 2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands? No. I used to own several poster of megamasso (an Avex thing, a giant poster) but I thrown everything in the bin. Before that, back in 2007, I used to buy things via Lj like a tons of flyers, I even bought a LiZ towel lmao. Today I'm just not interested in these things besides music (so no cheki, the trading cards stays in the cd case, etc). 3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter? I follow them on twitter (megamasso and shounenki), even if I don't understand japanese xD. And D on facebook, even if I have MH for keeping me updated ofc. 4: Would you follow them on the street? A big no. 5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone) No. If they do shit I will speak about dat mess. And I'm against the "I don't like this record but it's [insert band] so... it's great!" policy (I read it all the time, what a desolation). 6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life? No, jdc. 7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music? I would love to ofc, to see megamasso one day would be a dream come true; but I'm afraid I will not for reasons (money, ..). :/// 8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...? I read it on tanuki, but I don't care (and I'm not interested in the first place: I mean, what my favourites do with their dicks engage only them. I find it already gross to share your personal experience on forums like that....). 9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ) I haven't really think about that tbh. 10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)? holy crap no xD
  17. eiheartx

    Just wanted to share something that happened yesterday. I was at work, my colleague has received a sms from a friend, saying that there were taking hostages at the college of the little town where I live (and where his friend works). A chopper was there, the school closed its door, calling parents that no, you can't go fetch your child until further notice. Everyone was in panic. It appears that it was 2 FUCKING GIRLS, aged 22 and 23 (sic!), who were DISGUISED LIKE DJIHADISTS WITH A FAKE AK47. Why even doing that???? In this particular moment, where we are all tense as fuck?? ARE YOU STUPID?? WHERE ARE YOUR BRAINS FFS??? IT'S SOOO FUNNY, WAIT FOR MY LAUGH : AHAHAHAHA. I'm so done with humanity. The article is here (in french).
  18. eiheartx

    My crush on lin is real x')
  19. I've got my package this morning. As always, all went perfectly fine. iirc, it's my....what, 4th order? x) Danao is my favourite MH seller let me tell you that xD you can make business without any fear!!
  20. Just, fyi, I PM'ed him/her debut april 2015 and I've got zero answer, and my DM hasn't been read. So.... :// don't hold your breath.
  21. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to my fellow megamasso enthusiastic @StunnyHeartsiTunes
  22. eiheartx

    100% excited for this.
  23. eiheartx

    These 2 books from a french publisher specialised in videogames, first print edition (contains an exclusive artwork jacket -including the regular one- + a lithography). Stunning!
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