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Status Updates posted by eiheartx

  1. Happy buuuuuurthday! :glitter:

    Have a nice day and tons of gifts!

    1. -NOVA-


      OMG thanks so much you are too nice <3 thank you :love:

    2. eiheartx


      PS: because of you I'll have to buy BAD OMENS XD! Loooove the album.

  2. "In the shadou of the lyrics" really tired of ya shit last.fm.

  3. 2006/12/16 - 2014/12/16 : 8 years of メガマソ o*-*o

  4. 7 days to receive my order. As usual, Cdjapan slays everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eiheartx


      I'm in France :)

    3. Kles


      Me too haha xD

    4. eiheartx


      Oh? Ta localisation est Tokyo alors bon ^^ . J'ai pris Air Mail comme envoi donc c'est allé relativement vite.

  5. aaaah, after 1 month of waiting, my cdj order is finally in shipping instance! happy!

  6. Abe Mao's newest album is a fucking boring mess; what a cruel disappointment. I'm so done rn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eiheartx


      I'm usually a good audience regarding her albums releases, I truly am. But this one, I just can't (the others songs -except the songs already released- are not good. To stay polite). Have a good listen tho!

    3. beni


      I'm happy to see another Mao fan here, so not a prob with how you felt about this one! It's interesting to hear opinions before hearing. I only managed to listen through it today, and I understand why you say that. I felt a few tracks did stand out. Not a lot and as you said, not as brilliant as her single releases. Thank you btw! Just sorry this is being a late feeback once again.

    4. eiheartx


      don't be sorry about the delay ! it's nice you haven't forgot to share your thoughts about it! I hope the next release will be better, she can do it, I'm confident!

  7. According to ryoppe's tweet, MV spot in coming! Can't wait!

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      But i thought the new album wasn't including PV, maybe it will release on youtube.

    2. eiheartx


      yea I've noticed, that's weird, I don't want another modern amplifier shit :'(

  8. Added all the upcoming releases to our calendar, I'm a release list machine. xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eiheartx


      Ty everyone !

      I'll check CDJ/BX each day and add them progressively (mostly VK tho, I'm not familiar with the Jrock world :X).

    3. beni


      We love you. <3 Thank you so much, always. x'3

    4. Mihenno
  9. All I wanna do for the next few days is blasting the latest Shounenki et Lycaon as loud as I can; damn you Para ! <33

  10. Athos' punchlines are my everything lmao bby xDDD

  11. bands who are not putting all of their albums/singles released on iTunes..I'm not pleased.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seimeisen



      This pisses me off so much, sometimes!

    3. eiheartx


      And when we have something, it's partial. For example, a single type A, B, C : only the A on iTunes... why ?!? I'd rather buy physically the type A and on iTunes the songs from B and C. >;<

    4. beni


      I request as many albums I can but it seems it takes them a while to get it sorted. I feel embarrassed because I keep using the same email haha, the spam. Totally worth it to see the actual bands listed though.

  12. brace yourself, Majora's Mask is coming! That's a great news, when you see the insane price of the N64 game today (I've never been able to play to it because of that).

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Biopanda


      Kind of a bummer that they're rereleasing one of the worst zelda games but w/e :<

    3. eiheartx


      @panda a worst? really ? :/ Some say it's the best Z ever created (my preference still goes to OOT tho)

    4. Biopanda


      Probably OOT or ALTTP for me. I tried playing MM recently with my waifu, but we both got bored and quit after a while. It just didn't seem to have the same "spark" that some of the other zelda games had.

  13. Fuck it, I finally bought MGSVTPP, I should get it tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      -Fast ninja attack breaking the tranquilizer with a katana before it is used. Then, making ultra kawaii special magic and disappear in a flying pinku bubblegum and reappear in a land full of kawaii Jrocker ^o^ That is the Nyappy nyan secret weapon

    3. Tetora


      -Lures Ishiki out with Kawaii JRocker decoy, tranquilizes him, leaves him in a room with un-kawaii Nickleback-

    4. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyan is saved by an army of Nyan Cat ^w^

  14. Gordon Ramsay to guest star on Hannibal s3, cryingofhappiness.gif (I just can't fucking wait for this new season to start ;-;).


  16. How my VENOMS.app copy is already in shipping instance and not my nishutari's??? #wow #what

    1. eiheartx


      "Usually ships in 1-4 days after it is released " YEA RIGHT XDD

  17. I bought yesterday evening 2 cds on stock on play-asia.com, this morning it was already sent. Shiit that was fast!!

    1. eiheartx


      btw, I bought a ClearVeil single (2,72€ lmao) and the Lamina best-of that I wanted, almost half price (13,65€). And we can use AirMail with a neutral package. My first order tho, so let's see how it goes. yay.

    2. ghost


      Let us know how it goes! I've always been curious about play-asia.

    3. eiheartx


      no pb, I will!

  18. I can't wait to be a gold member and be able to change my title. <3

    1. PsychoΔelica


      *stuck being kiwamu's bitch forever* :P

    2. eiheartx


      XD I feel you :')

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I'll graduate from that sometime next month lol

  19. I really enjoy the latest Silent Siren's album.

    1. beni


      Also listening to this right now! I still favor their first album the most, but this is another great release as expected. Happy you enjoyed it! :3

  20. I should receive my megamasso's DVD today BUT as written : "Tax to be collected on delivery" NAAA STAAP FFS ToT

  21. I want the new D's live DVD so badly (they've played KINGDOM in its entirely and I love this album so so much!!), but /expensive as fuck /they're kinda boring live /fuck this /do ya feel me? If only Cdj would make an % off in the future. xD

    1. eiheartx


      + for this price I'd rather buy a Blu-ray instead of a DVD. eeeh :'(

    2. Tetora


      Maybe buy used.

    3. eiheartx


      yes I'll watch it closely!

  22. I was afraid, but no need to: the SD data transfer from my 2DS to the N3DS has been a success! And no need of screwdriver or anything! I'm relieved lmao.

  23. I was late on our release list calendar but now everything has been added ^_^ cheers guys.

    1. nick


      Thank you for the hard work. Neatly done! :3

    2. Mihenno
  24. I'm sorry if I bother someone with my old uploads but you better be used to, there is more in coming. xx

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      We have a quota of "like" by day.

      btw thank's for sharing, hope next is your Serial Number =)

    3. eiheartx


      @ryuuji : oh I didn't knew :/ ! nope, my next is megamasso ! Serial will come right after them.

    4. saishuu


      Keep bringing it!

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