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eiheartx last won the day on January 2 2015

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About eiheartx

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    「 メガマソ prayer ■ 涼平 stan 」
  • Birthday 10/01/1987

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    / France

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  1. Some cunts used my credit card to pay the toll just behind me, I want to cry...ToT thankfully it's not pricey (31,70€, but -4,70 --my price-- : 27€) but still, I'm so done with the world. I hope I will not have another bad surprise...

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      But your card wasn't blocked? There's so many not honest people -_-'

    2. eiheartx


      I called 5 min after, but behind me there were so many cars...but maybe just the one behind me took it to pay his own toll, and then keep the card. Idk. But since I've called the bank very quickly to block the card, I hope he didn't used it for a bigger purchase (I've got nothing from Amazon or else). I'm so so so done with everything, and especially myself. I've just emailed my bank to know what we can do about that (and thank God, I kept the toll receipt!)

    3. yakihiko


      I hope you can fix it, and get re-paid from bank.

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