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  1. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Early happy birthday shout out to the one and only absolutely incredible and utterly wonderful @CAT5. <3

  2. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in random thoughts thread   
    Your avi definitely always makes up for it, love. ;3
    omg that sig *.* <3
  3. Like
    beni got a reaction from Des in random thoughts thread   
    ...Please tell me I'm not the only one still (don't tell me I'm the only one~) questioning what 's sig is. XD
  4. Like
    beni reacted to enyx in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    I kinda feel as though both eiheartx and beni totally deserve some appreciation of their own for keeping this thread going in the way that they have.
  5. Like
    beni reacted to orangetarts in I don't know how many times I've done this...   
    Well, I missed you guys so I guess I will be back...sparingly but back none the less.
    Please don't make me regret this decision lol. >_>
  6. Like
    beni got a reaction from emmny in hello :)   
    Hi there and welcome to MH!
    Awesome favourites, Plastic Tree and 9GOATS are two of my VK favs. You've got a really nice lot! 
    I've sent you a friend request on Last.fm just so you know. And sorry if I'm not the best with recs (the one person I tried to recommend music to in the past turned down all of them x'D) but it'd be lovely just having you there. 
    I hope to see you around and enjoy your time here at MH~
  7. Like
    beni reacted to CaRaN in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Thank you very very much!!! =D
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from enyx in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Happy birthday guys~ @Enhalgala, and @cirrus!
  9. Like
    beni reacted to emmny in hello :)   
    thank you! i just picked up that release and if anything they sound a lot more old school nagoya than anything. i'll update you once i finish listening to it!
    thank you! i've given merry go round a listen before but i find them a bit too much for me idk but akai ito is easily in my top 10 vkei ballads im madly in love with that song and some of their other ballads.
    yesss 9goats!! thank you, and i accepted your request hehe!
    thank you
  10. Like
    beni got a reaction from Zeus in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    As you know what I think of Wagakki Band (which I'll get back to you on your review about, thank you, sorry, ehehe ^^; ) I won't go on too much on this one but it's a VERY enjoyable single. I encourage others to give it/them a listen if they somehow haven't already. And that Lycaon track; magnificant. I totally agree with what you've said as you know on this one too!
    For You is a hell of an amazing song! I had previously downloaded most of their stuff but this track takes the cake on what I've heard by them already! That Wakeshima track was the one I was going to do at first aha. Just perfect all round. I gotta listen to that NEGOTO album today. You sold it to me with that blurb and track sample. And that UNiTE. song is really great. As expected, woot woot.

    Totes agree on that OOR track. I've become even fonder of it over time thanks to you. The biggest thanks I want to give on this is to you for the theCharmPark one. I had no idea he was tied to Hemenway! I adore that band, dayum!! Awesome inclusion and find, (not exactly a find because it's all your doing!) I'm so happy to be listening to them. I realised you played these tracks in plug but I am obviously a lame plum at times. XD That Pentagon album is so much fun, brilliant choice on that one too. And finally, that Sayuu choice in which I've never seen before. Thank you once again for this one! I downloaded that album and am really looking forward to hearing it! Awesome writing and selections overall, a really great month for you it appears! ^o^
    Anoice sounds really nice. I downloaded that album as soon as I saw it pop up because I knew you were looking forward to it so I was intrigued. Thanking you for reminding me about Jin-Machine and 疋田哲也+NIL in which I have also downloaded. sukekiyo and Sel'm were a great listen too, and a few I don't recognise like CARD sounds like a must listen! Also, thumbs up to what you did with the links in Jin-Machine. ;3
    I didn't expect the Wakeshima album to be all round perfect to be quite honest. Since I wasn't enjoying her new approach as much as her debut style.
    As for DIV, have you got to hear the album fully now? It's pretty awesome thoughout, to me. @CAT5 said Chisa sounded like UVERworld's vocalist at times, would it be them you were thinking of too? 
    If you didn't dig her first stuff, I really do encourage this sound instead then. I hope you can enjoy some of her works, I can't say anything bad about her really, aha. I think there's something anyone can like in her discography because of the various sounds she's done over time.
    I think only two or three sound really kawaii in that CICADA album but the girl's voice is just so adorable all the time so I hope they've done it for you this month!
    I am SO HAPPY to see a positive response to them! I played them in plug but I don't think many were impressed. ^^;; So yay~ I hope they release more music like this, it's so Kpop like, it's thrilling and such a nice change/approach. x'D
    Thank you very much for putting up your own picks! Great little read, highly appreciated.
    marionette, hella yes, of course! And that CAPSULE album, don't get me started. xD I liked a couple tracks and I think Dreamin' Boy was one of them but I do regret not including them in this to be honest, even if I disliked the album overall.
    That DIV song too, hell to the yes~ Sucha  great album, I disliked none of the tracks but obviously a few stood out most. 
    I can't believe she's releasing another album and so quickly after that other one already! Thank you for the fun fact, I do adore these very much! I am so excited to hear the rest of her upcoming works. <3
    Glad you enjoyed Kage, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did but yes, a band others better keep an eye on. 
    I like how we like the opposite of Wakeshima's sound/style. But I do hope you liked this release or any of her upcoming works. She is such a star and angel.
    I think I was the only one in her shoutbox to shout anything good about that single, LOL. Even if it's not her best, it's still a well done and listenable single so I don't understand fans being hateful about it aha.
    ;3 I feel you indeed. The album packs way too much heaviness in it but that's not a bad thing. It's just much nicer to hear slower songs more often to me. Lycaon really did a perfect job on that one track! CICADA and daoko need more lovin'. u-u Even though is doing a great job on the latter lol.
    So, how'd you like the selections? : 3 I hope you enjoyed a few!
    Also, on Ringo too, her last album was perfect to me apart from that ONE electro track. xD That was so... so bad it's good, really aha. And this single just made my month, looking back. I listen to that the most out of everything and I can't see or hear why anyone would dislike it as much as users on Last.fm has expressed so much aha. Just stop comparing old with new and enjoy it, you know? xD
    Too eager? That's great to see, go ahead! I have (you guessed it xD) downloaded it and am looking foward to trying it just because it's Morrie. I bet I'll like tracks so much and get depressed I'm too late to include them. (This has already happened ;-; )
  11. Like
    beni got a reaction from CaRaN in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Happy birthday @CaRaN : 3
  12. Like
    beni got a reaction from Pretsy in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    As you know what I think of Wagakki Band (which I'll get back to you on your review about, thank you, sorry, ehehe ^^; ) I won't go on too much on this one but it's a VERY enjoyable single. I encourage others to give it/them a listen if they somehow haven't already. And that Lycaon track; magnificant. I totally agree with what you've said as you know on this one too!
    For You is a hell of an amazing song! I had previously downloaded most of their stuff but this track takes the cake on what I've heard by them already! That Wakeshima track was the one I was going to do at first aha. Just perfect all round. I gotta listen to that NEGOTO album today. You sold it to me with that blurb and track sample. And that UNiTE. song is really great. As expected, woot woot.

    Totes agree on that OOR track. I've become even fonder of it over time thanks to you. The biggest thanks I want to give on this is to you for the theCharmPark one. I had no idea he was tied to Hemenway! I adore that band, dayum!! Awesome inclusion and find, (not exactly a find because it's all your doing!) I'm so happy to be listening to them. I realised you played these tracks in plug but I am obviously a lame plum at times. XD That Pentagon album is so much fun, brilliant choice on that one too. And finally, that Sayuu choice in which I've never seen before. Thank you once again for this one! I downloaded that album and am really looking forward to hearing it! Awesome writing and selections overall, a really great month for you it appears! ^o^
    Anoice sounds really nice. I downloaded that album as soon as I saw it pop up because I knew you were looking forward to it so I was intrigued. Thanking you for reminding me about Jin-Machine and 疋田哲也+NIL in which I have also downloaded. sukekiyo and Sel'm were a great listen too, and a few I don't recognise like CARD sounds like a must listen! Also, thumbs up to what you did with the links in Jin-Machine. ;3
    I didn't expect the Wakeshima album to be all round perfect to be quite honest. Since I wasn't enjoying her new approach as much as her debut style.
    As for DIV, have you got to hear the album fully now? It's pretty awesome thoughout, to me. @CAT5 said Chisa sounded like UVERworld's vocalist at times, would it be them you were thinking of too? 
    If you didn't dig her first stuff, I really do encourage this sound instead then. I hope you can enjoy some of her works, I can't say anything bad about her really, aha. I think there's something anyone can like in her discography because of the various sounds she's done over time.
    I think only two or three sound really kawaii in that CICADA album but the girl's voice is just so adorable all the time so I hope they've done it for you this month!
    I am SO HAPPY to see a positive response to them! I played them in plug but I don't think many were impressed. ^^;; So yay~ I hope they release more music like this, it's so Kpop like, it's thrilling and such a nice change/approach. x'D
    Thank you very much for putting up your own picks! Great little read, highly appreciated.
    marionette, hella yes, of course! And that CAPSULE album, don't get me started. xD I liked a couple tracks and I think Dreamin' Boy was one of them but I do regret not including them in this to be honest, even if I disliked the album overall.
    That DIV song too, hell to the yes~ Sucha  great album, I disliked none of the tracks but obviously a few stood out most. 
    I can't believe she's releasing another album and so quickly after that other one already! Thank you for the fun fact, I do adore these very much! I am so excited to hear the rest of her upcoming works. <3
    Glad you enjoyed Kage, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did but yes, a band others better keep an eye on. 
    I like how we like the opposite of Wakeshima's sound/style. But I do hope you liked this release or any of her upcoming works. She is such a star and angel.
    I think I was the only one in her shoutbox to shout anything good about that single, LOL. Even if it's not her best, it's still a well done and listenable single so I don't understand fans being hateful about it aha.
    ;3 I feel you indeed. The album packs way too much heaviness in it but that's not a bad thing. It's just much nicer to hear slower songs more often to me. Lycaon really did a perfect job on that one track! CICADA and daoko need more lovin'. u-u Even though is doing a great job on the latter lol.
    So, how'd you like the selections? : 3 I hope you enjoyed a few!
    Also, on Ringo too, her last album was perfect to me apart from that ONE electro track. xD That was so... so bad it's good, really aha. And this single just made my month, looking back. I listen to that the most out of everything and I can't see or hear why anyone would dislike it as much as users on Last.fm has expressed so much aha. Just stop comparing old with new and enjoy it, you know? xD
    Too eager? That's great to see, go ahead! I have (you guessed it xD) downloaded it and am looking foward to trying it just because it's Morrie. I bet I'll like tracks so much and get depressed I'm too late to include them. (This has already happened ;-; )
  13. Like
    beni reacted to Ikna in Ikna's †Art Castle†   
    Haven’t updated this thread since forever, hups.
    Well, new stuff (you can find them on my DA page too. I plan to upload some more sketches soon)

    Karma from AvelCain

    Chiaki from DEZERT (inspired by the Satsui PV)
  14. Like
    beni got a reaction from unburial_rice in Hi everybody!   
    Hello and welcome to MH!
    Awesome of you to decide to join us lot, yay! Been a Japanese music fan for ages, wow. I love how you said 'like the one in my avatar' and it's a doll, not a band. X'D I get whatcha mean though, haha. Interesting likes! Got any favourite bands at the moment? I'm guessing the mighty DeG is up there! Awesomeness. I've added you on Last.fm by the way, we've got SUPER compatibility. ;3 Nice favourites of this year too, very enjoyable releases. Your English is brilliant so no worries about that, thank you for coming out and making an introduction. Also, you're moving to Tokyo in the future!? Oh my gosh, amazing. Do enjoy yourself and take care.
    See you around and have fun!
  15. Like
    beni reacted to unburial_rice in Hi everybody!   
    I've visited this fantastic forum a lot in the past years as an invisible guest.
    Today I woke up and decided I wanted to interact with this community. So here I am, I love japanese music since I was 18 (I'm now 27) and my tastes are on the heavier side. I love oldschool VK, Nagoya Kei, but I also enjoy a bunch of new metal-ish and dark VK bands like the one in my avatar. (ok fine that's a doll not a band...)
    The first japanese album I've owned is 'Gauze' by Dir en Grey and you will find that artwork in my Last.fm avatar http://www.lastfm.it/user/unburial_rice (which is a new account and since I listen to a ton of new releases will not represent much my actual music taste right now but hey I'd love to have you there!!) 
    My favourite album from 2015 so far is '皮肉な種の卑屈な芽。' by 黒百合と影 followed by 'into the shadows' by Anoice. (I also enjoy many non-VK japanese acts)
    I'm from Italy (sorry for my English) but I'm going to live in Tokyo starting this April.

    See you!
  16. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    Lovely ender-chan had typed up the theme above on the updated list as:
    So I think any other Asian tracks are accepted. ^^
  17. Like
    beni got a reaction from indigo in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    Lovely ender-chan had typed up the theme above on the updated list as:
    So I think any other Asian tracks are accepted. ^^
  18. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    UPDATED LIST 2015.02.28!
    Upcoming theme:
    Cover songs
    Completed themes: Winter/Christmas Male & Female Vocalists  Female Vocalists Soundtrack music Alphabetical Chill   Themes still under consideration: 80s music 90s music Visual Kei only International/Non-Japanese only Kpop only Female Vocalist p.2 Comedy Dedications     Also this is a 1200th post party.      
  19. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    Haha. I'm cool with either, so I guess let's see if either get anymore votes.
    I'm not sure... I think Des is saying they want Comedy really badly. XD
  20. Like
    beni reacted to emmny in hello :)   
    i've known about this for a while and i probably should have joined a year or so ago but meh here i am. im rei, i swear im not a weeaboo and i (primarily) love nagoya/nagoyaesque bands.
    my current favs are deadman (my #1 tbh), the studs, sugar, lamiel, amber gris, 9goats, moran, kagerou, the god and death stars, cocklobin, plastic tree, lynch. and emmuree. my all time favs include RES, DEG and d'espa. i love to chat about music, visual or not and if we have any bands in common please feel free to pm me!
    i also troll last.fm a lot so please add me if you'd like http://last.fm/user/strangingand recommend me anything you think i might enjoy. nice to meet you all~
  21. Like
    beni got a reaction from fitear1590 in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    As you know what I think of Wagakki Band (which I'll get back to you on your review about, thank you, sorry, ehehe ^^; ) I won't go on too much on this one but it's a VERY enjoyable single. I encourage others to give it/them a listen if they somehow haven't already. And that Lycaon track; magnificant. I totally agree with what you've said as you know on this one too!
    For You is a hell of an amazing song! I had previously downloaded most of their stuff but this track takes the cake on what I've heard by them already! That Wakeshima track was the one I was going to do at first aha. Just perfect all round. I gotta listen to that NEGOTO album today. You sold it to me with that blurb and track sample. And that UNiTE. song is really great. As expected, woot woot.

    Totes agree on that OOR track. I've become even fonder of it over time thanks to you. The biggest thanks I want to give on this is to you for the theCharmPark one. I had no idea he was tied to Hemenway! I adore that band, dayum!! Awesome inclusion and find, (not exactly a find because it's all your doing!) I'm so happy to be listening to them. I realised you played these tracks in plug but I am obviously a lame plum at times. XD That Pentagon album is so much fun, brilliant choice on that one too. And finally, that Sayuu choice in which I've never seen before. Thank you once again for this one! I downloaded that album and am really looking forward to hearing it! Awesome writing and selections overall, a really great month for you it appears! ^o^
    Anoice sounds really nice. I downloaded that album as soon as I saw it pop up because I knew you were looking forward to it so I was intrigued. Thanking you for reminding me about Jin-Machine and 疋田哲也+NIL in which I have also downloaded. sukekiyo and Sel'm were a great listen too, and a few I don't recognise like CARD sounds like a must listen! Also, thumbs up to what you did with the links in Jin-Machine. ;3
    I didn't expect the Wakeshima album to be all round perfect to be quite honest. Since I wasn't enjoying her new approach as much as her debut style.
    As for DIV, have you got to hear the album fully now? It's pretty awesome thoughout, to me. @CAT5 said Chisa sounded like UVERworld's vocalist at times, would it be them you were thinking of too? 
    If you didn't dig her first stuff, I really do encourage this sound instead then. I hope you can enjoy some of her works, I can't say anything bad about her really, aha. I think there's something anyone can like in her discography because of the various sounds she's done over time.
    I think only two or three sound really kawaii in that CICADA album but the girl's voice is just so adorable all the time so I hope they've done it for you this month!
    I am SO HAPPY to see a positive response to them! I played them in plug but I don't think many were impressed. ^^;; So yay~ I hope they release more music like this, it's so Kpop like, it's thrilling and such a nice change/approach. x'D
    Thank you very much for putting up your own picks! Great little read, highly appreciated.
    marionette, hella yes, of course! And that CAPSULE album, don't get me started. xD I liked a couple tracks and I think Dreamin' Boy was one of them but I do regret not including them in this to be honest, even if I disliked the album overall.
    That DIV song too, hell to the yes~ Sucha  great album, I disliked none of the tracks but obviously a few stood out most. 
    I can't believe she's releasing another album and so quickly after that other one already! Thank you for the fun fact, I do adore these very much! I am so excited to hear the rest of her upcoming works. <3
    Glad you enjoyed Kage, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did but yes, a band others better keep an eye on. 
    I like how we like the opposite of Wakeshima's sound/style. But I do hope you liked this release or any of her upcoming works. She is such a star and angel.
    I think I was the only one in her shoutbox to shout anything good about that single, LOL. Even if it's not her best, it's still a well done and listenable single so I don't understand fans being hateful about it aha.
    ;3 I feel you indeed. The album packs way too much heaviness in it but that's not a bad thing. It's just much nicer to hear slower songs more often to me. Lycaon really did a perfect job on that one track! CICADA and daoko need more lovin'. u-u Even though is doing a great job on the latter lol.
    So, how'd you like the selections? : 3 I hope you enjoyed a few!
    Also, on Ringo too, her last album was perfect to me apart from that ONE electro track. xD That was so... so bad it's good, really aha. And this single just made my month, looking back. I listen to that the most out of everything and I can't see or hear why anyone would dislike it as much as users on Last.fm has expressed so much aha. Just stop comparing old with new and enjoy it, you know? xD
    Too eager? That's great to see, go ahead! I have (you guessed it xD) downloaded it and am looking foward to trying it just because it's Morrie. I bet I'll like tracks so much and get depressed I'm too late to include them. (This has already happened ;-; )
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from Luca in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    Same. I'm surprised by how much it's upset me honestly. I just really hope they'll continue, even if not together, but still going strong with seperate bands. But definitely Yuuki. He better go on to more activities. That precious voice cannot be gone so soon. I am so serious right now, I'm not even using a GIF. x'D
  23. Like
    beni got a reaction from yakihiko in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    As you know what I think of Wagakki Band (which I'll get back to you on your review about, thank you, sorry, ehehe ^^; ) I won't go on too much on this one but it's a VERY enjoyable single. I encourage others to give it/them a listen if they somehow haven't already. And that Lycaon track; magnificant. I totally agree with what you've said as you know on this one too!
    For You is a hell of an amazing song! I had previously downloaded most of their stuff but this track takes the cake on what I've heard by them already! That Wakeshima track was the one I was going to do at first aha. Just perfect all round. I gotta listen to that NEGOTO album today. You sold it to me with that blurb and track sample. And that UNiTE. song is really great. As expected, woot woot.

    Totes agree on that OOR track. I've become even fonder of it over time thanks to you. The biggest thanks I want to give on this is to you for the theCharmPark one. I had no idea he was tied to Hemenway! I adore that band, dayum!! Awesome inclusion and find, (not exactly a find because it's all your doing!) I'm so happy to be listening to them. I realised you played these tracks in plug but I am obviously a lame plum at times. XD That Pentagon album is so much fun, brilliant choice on that one too. And finally, that Sayuu choice in which I've never seen before. Thank you once again for this one! I downloaded that album and am really looking forward to hearing it! Awesome writing and selections overall, a really great month for you it appears! ^o^
    Anoice sounds really nice. I downloaded that album as soon as I saw it pop up because I knew you were looking forward to it so I was intrigued. Thanking you for reminding me about Jin-Machine and 疋田哲也+NIL in which I have also downloaded. sukekiyo and Sel'm were a great listen too, and a few I don't recognise like CARD sounds like a must listen! Also, thumbs up to what you did with the links in Jin-Machine. ;3
    I didn't expect the Wakeshima album to be all round perfect to be quite honest. Since I wasn't enjoying her new approach as much as her debut style.
    As for DIV, have you got to hear the album fully now? It's pretty awesome thoughout, to me. @CAT5 said Chisa sounded like UVERworld's vocalist at times, would it be them you were thinking of too? 
    If you didn't dig her first stuff, I really do encourage this sound instead then. I hope you can enjoy some of her works, I can't say anything bad about her really, aha. I think there's something anyone can like in her discography because of the various sounds she's done over time.
    I think only two or three sound really kawaii in that CICADA album but the girl's voice is just so adorable all the time so I hope they've done it for you this month!
    I am SO HAPPY to see a positive response to them! I played them in plug but I don't think many were impressed. ^^;; So yay~ I hope they release more music like this, it's so Kpop like, it's thrilling and such a nice change/approach. x'D
    Thank you very much for putting up your own picks! Great little read, highly appreciated.
    marionette, hella yes, of course! And that CAPSULE album, don't get me started. xD I liked a couple tracks and I think Dreamin' Boy was one of them but I do regret not including them in this to be honest, even if I disliked the album overall.
    That DIV song too, hell to the yes~ Sucha  great album, I disliked none of the tracks but obviously a few stood out most. 
    I can't believe she's releasing another album and so quickly after that other one already! Thank you for the fun fact, I do adore these very much! I am so excited to hear the rest of her upcoming works. <3
    Glad you enjoyed Kage, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did but yes, a band others better keep an eye on. 
    I like how we like the opposite of Wakeshima's sound/style. But I do hope you liked this release or any of her upcoming works. She is such a star and angel.
    I think I was the only one in her shoutbox to shout anything good about that single, LOL. Even if it's not her best, it's still a well done and listenable single so I don't understand fans being hateful about it aha.
    ;3 I feel you indeed. The album packs way too much heaviness in it but that's not a bad thing. It's just much nicer to hear slower songs more often to me. Lycaon really did a perfect job on that one track! CICADA and daoko need more lovin'. u-u Even though is doing a great job on the latter lol.
    So, how'd you like the selections? : 3 I hope you enjoyed a few!
    Also, on Ringo too, her last album was perfect to me apart from that ONE electro track. xD That was so... so bad it's good, really aha. And this single just made my month, looking back. I listen to that the most out of everything and I can't see or hear why anyone would dislike it as much as users on Last.fm has expressed so much aha. Just stop comparing old with new and enjoy it, you know? xD
    Too eager? That's great to see, go ahead! I have (you guessed it xD) downloaded it and am looking foward to trying it just because it's Morrie. I bet I'll like tracks so much and get depressed I'm too late to include them. (This has already happened ;-; )
  24. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    As you know what I think of Wagakki Band (which I'll get back to you on your review about, thank you, sorry, ehehe ^^; ) I won't go on too much on this one but it's a VERY enjoyable single. I encourage others to give it/them a listen if they somehow haven't already. And that Lycaon track; magnificant. I totally agree with what you've said as you know on this one too!
    For You is a hell of an amazing song! I had previously downloaded most of their stuff but this track takes the cake on what I've heard by them already! That Wakeshima track was the one I was going to do at first aha. Just perfect all round. I gotta listen to that NEGOTO album today. You sold it to me with that blurb and track sample. And that UNiTE. song is really great. As expected, woot woot.

    Totes agree on that OOR track. I've become even fonder of it over time thanks to you. The biggest thanks I want to give on this is to you for the theCharmPark one. I had no idea he was tied to Hemenway! I adore that band, dayum!! Awesome inclusion and find, (not exactly a find because it's all your doing!) I'm so happy to be listening to them. I realised you played these tracks in plug but I am obviously a lame plum at times. XD That Pentagon album is so much fun, brilliant choice on that one too. And finally, that Sayuu choice in which I've never seen before. Thank you once again for this one! I downloaded that album and am really looking forward to hearing it! Awesome writing and selections overall, a really great month for you it appears! ^o^
    Anoice sounds really nice. I downloaded that album as soon as I saw it pop up because I knew you were looking forward to it so I was intrigued. Thanking you for reminding me about Jin-Machine and 疋田哲也+NIL in which I have also downloaded. sukekiyo and Sel'm were a great listen too, and a few I don't recognise like CARD sounds like a must listen! Also, thumbs up to what you did with the links in Jin-Machine. ;3
    I didn't expect the Wakeshima album to be all round perfect to be quite honest. Since I wasn't enjoying her new approach as much as her debut style.
    As for DIV, have you got to hear the album fully now? It's pretty awesome thoughout, to me. @CAT5 said Chisa sounded like UVERworld's vocalist at times, would it be them you were thinking of too? 
    If you didn't dig her first stuff, I really do encourage this sound instead then. I hope you can enjoy some of her works, I can't say anything bad about her really, aha. I think there's something anyone can like in her discography because of the various sounds she's done over time.
    I think only two or three sound really kawaii in that CICADA album but the girl's voice is just so adorable all the time so I hope they've done it for you this month!
    I am SO HAPPY to see a positive response to them! I played them in plug but I don't think many were impressed. ^^;; So yay~ I hope they release more music like this, it's so Kpop like, it's thrilling and such a nice change/approach. x'D
    Thank you very much for putting up your own picks! Great little read, highly appreciated.
    marionette, hella yes, of course! And that CAPSULE album, don't get me started. xD I liked a couple tracks and I think Dreamin' Boy was one of them but I do regret not including them in this to be honest, even if I disliked the album overall.
    That DIV song too, hell to the yes~ Sucha  great album, I disliked none of the tracks but obviously a few stood out most. 
    I can't believe she's releasing another album and so quickly after that other one already! Thank you for the fun fact, I do adore these very much! I am so excited to hear the rest of her upcoming works. <3
    Glad you enjoyed Kage, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did but yes, a band others better keep an eye on. 
    I like how we like the opposite of Wakeshima's sound/style. But I do hope you liked this release or any of her upcoming works. She is such a star and angel.
    I think I was the only one in her shoutbox to shout anything good about that single, LOL. Even if it's not her best, it's still a well done and listenable single so I don't understand fans being hateful about it aha.
    ;3 I feel you indeed. The album packs way too much heaviness in it but that's not a bad thing. It's just much nicer to hear slower songs more often to me. Lycaon really did a perfect job on that one track! CICADA and daoko need more lovin'. u-u Even though is doing a great job on the latter lol.
    So, how'd you like the selections? : 3 I hope you enjoyed a few!
    Also, on Ringo too, her last album was perfect to me apart from that ONE electro track. xD That was so... so bad it's good, really aha. And this single just made my month, looking back. I listen to that the most out of everything and I can't see or hear why anyone would dislike it as much as users on Last.fm has expressed so much aha. Just stop comparing old with new and enjoy it, you know? xD
    Too eager? That's great to see, go ahead! I have (you guessed it xD) downloaded it and am looking foward to trying it just because it's Morrie. I bet I'll like tracks so much and get depressed I'm too late to include them. (This has already happened ;-; )
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    beni reacted to Zeus in Recommended Tracks: February 2015   
    Damn Lycaon, way to make it awkward. I'm glad the last thing I said about your activities was somewhat positive.
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